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How much does it cost you to make an 8oz jj candle?

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Just figured my current cost and I'm pretty sure I need to get it down so I was wondering what the average cost was on here. I have everything shipped except jars and I only buy a case of wax at a time and FO in 4oz/8oz bottles right now to see what sells. I'm embarrassed to put it out there, but right now I'm at $2.30 to make one 8oz jj candle. How far do I have to go?:embarasse

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I wouldn't be embarrassed with that bottom line. Sounds like you're doing just fine for that size of business. The only way you could reduce costs would be to buy in bulk amounts that offer free shipping or co-op with other chandlers in the area. One step at a time is my best advice. HTH


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I do not have my figures in front of me but that sounds about right. I am in the same boat as you that I cannot afford to buy huge amounts to get the cheaper prices. I do try to buy FOs in at least 16 oz bottles for the price break.

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I just updated my Excel file with the wax price I'm picking up today and I think I've got mine as low as I can go with the available storage space and it's still $2.20/jar.

I buy 16 cases of wax at a time and pick it up locally; buy 150 cases of jars and pick them up--I order my lids from BCN and have to pay shipping because I don't like the lids my jar supplier carries, but that's still much cheaper than paying shipping on the jars. Since I only pay shipping on the lighter weight items, I figure this is about as good as I can get my price since I'm storing my wax in the house and jars in the utility room! If I had warehouse space and could get larger quantities, the prices should decrease a little, but I don't think it would be a great difference in price.

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That's not bad, imo. It costs me $3.07 per candle, mainly because I'm not in a position to buy in bulk. Once I actually start selling, I think I can get my costs down to $2.54 per candle. I don't think I'd be able to get it any lower until I started making a TON of sales.

Edited by laurenscandlebakery
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If I had warehouse space and could get larger quantities, the prices should decrease a little, but I don't think it would be a great difference in price.

If you had an unused building on your property it would be great ... but monthly rent and possible added building insurance and utilities would actually drive the cost up if it exceeded the savings on buying bulk. Just wondering if things like electric, water (for those of you who wash your jars) and gasoline (for those of you who pick up) have been figured into your costs.

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Oh wow, I feel much better, thank you all. I've been a hobbyist for about 5 years and just figured out my cost last week since I've recently agreed to two small wholesale accounts. We don't know what will sell in our area yet so I've never ever bought a pound of fragrance LOL. I don't mind staying small though. :)

I only figured in the cost of supplies, including the shipping to me, to make the candle. Alajane, I didn't really pay myself either, but I did put in my most expensive FO, wicks, jars, and the shipping included wax and other items (FOs, wicks, etc), not just wax. The problem is my area is not very well off and we are lucky to get $6 per candle retail so I can't really wholesale these at $5 or more. I gave them a deal of 5 candles for $20 and they are even printing their own private labels so I don't have that cost either. We'll see how it goes and if it flops, I will just go back to selling to family and friends. They are great customers. ;)

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angellie5, it sounds like you're in the same type area I am. I can only retail 8-oz jelly jars for $6 also. And we used the same logic in figuring costs--I figured my costs based on my most expensive fragrance and included shipping or gas costs in my prices also.

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