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Posts posted by doglvr

  1. Sorry about botching that last post! Anyway........ Ravens, I know in the past this has been your favorite wax from what I've read. Is it still? I ordered some after trying so many combos my head is swimming in search of a good tart that lasts longer than 10 hours. I'm hoping this will be it. I understand it's a complete paraffin and might require repours into cups and maybe molds (I'm not making candles) and that would be ok if necessary. I was just wondering if you still think it's really good with strong, long lasting throw?

    Thanks so much!


  2. Ravens, in my quest to find the perfect wax to make the perfect tart (is there such a thing????) I've tried just about every combo there is. I have not tried CBL 129 so I ordered some. I know you've raved about this wax in the past, but I was wondering do you still use it? I believe it is all paraffin and will need repours into the cups and possibly tarts? I'd be willing to do that if I could find a wax that makes a tart last longer then 8-10 hours. I know this is old thread, but I hope this question finds its way to you. Thanks so much!!


  3. I'll try pouring it cooler if I make it again - depends when testing starts. I know the pour temp matters when making candles, but when you are doing tarts, does that still apply? Does the pouring temp effect the strength of scent or the throw?


  4. I followed a lengthy thread on how good 4625 (75%) and 4630 (25%) is for making long lasting strong tarts. I made that this morning in several scents. I poured into soufflé cups instead of clams, but talk about sinkholes. I have perfect looking little "tornadoes" in there! This would most definitely require a repour, which I hate doing. No doubt it would be great in molds and maybe a clam, but the cups... not so good. Did I maybe pour too hot? Wax was probably 175 when I finished stirring. Would pouring cooler help this or is this combo just going to do that? Would adding more 4630 help eliminate a repour? Anyone know?



  5. Don't you love it when it happens that yours are better? Makes the day! I just placed my first order with Aztec for samples, so I'm going to wait to do anything with them until my 3022 comes. Can't wait now!

  6. Thanks! Isn't that the truth? I sit here reading what other people use - practically drooling (LOL) - thinking "I have to try that combo!" and I do and no.... didn't work for me like it did for them. This is a mysterious craft for sure!

  7. That's good to know. Now I'm really excited! I read that it's comparable to 6006 which I love, but I can't get a 6006 tart (whether mixed with something or not) to last more than five or six hours. I've ordered from people who use 6006 as their don't last long, either. Always trying to find something better :)

  8. I left an email and then was contacted by Connie's Candles. She said she is handling all sample requests for Clarus now. She does carry it on her site. I'm anxious to try it. Previous posts really raved about it and then it just sort of disappeared. I will have to mix it with a harder wax, maybe 4794 for melts. Do you get a good hot throw using it? Are you doing the standard 1 oz FO per pound?


  9. Yes, thanks to the experts. I got me two pyrex cups today and am going to make some tarts tonight. I'm using a fondue warming plate to set them on so while I'm using one, the other can be warming up. I think perhaps as I was waiting for the one pour pot to warm up again, I was maybe getting anxious and mixing my oil in too soon and it wasn't hot enough. Or at least I hope my problem is solved. Good luck!

  10. I've been reading archives this morning and at one time, Clarus 3022 wax seemed to get a lot of excitement with great HT. For tarts it would need to be mixed with something harder, but I was just wondering, does anyone use this wax anymore or did it kind of fizzle out? I don't see it being talked about anymore. They do offer a free sample on their site, but wondered if it was worth bothering with or not.



  11. Oh I agree the Presto Pot is a necessity for sure! Maybe I need two pour pots, one to replace on the heat source while I'm mixing the other, that way I don't have to wait for it to heat up. I waste a lot of time waiting for it to heat back up after wiping it clean. I am doing something wrong somewhere and driving myself crazy thinking it's waxes! Thanks !

  12. When I began testing tarts a couple of years ago (thinking I'd be selling by now.. another story) I started out with 60% 4794 and 40% 415. I used the double boiler method with the thermometer and they were amazing!! I mixed only small batches and put the FO right in the pan I was melting the wax in, so the temp stayed the same. When I realized how long this would take to make a larger amt. I got the Presto Pot and everything suddenly went south in a big way. At the time, I thought it was my wax combo and I've now tried probably every wax combo there is to try and I still can't get back to my starting point when they were so good. When I melt a big batch of wax, I was then ladling it into a pouring pot and realized the temp can suddenly drop as much as twenty degrees - too low to add FO. So, I started putting the pour pot on my fondue warming plate and using a thermometer, adding the FO when it rose to the desired temp once again. Still no good results.

    What am I doing wrong? Do you guys keep your pour pot on a warming plate while you stir in the FO? Does that one to two minutes of stirring make that much of a difference?

    I plan on getting out the double boiler again and see if I can recreate my previous results, but something happened when I went to using the Presto Pot. I've even put three thermometers in it at the same time to make sure the temp is the same on all of them and it is, so there's nothing wrong with it.

    I'm tired of beating my head on the wall!! LOL.... Any ideas or suggestions?



  13. I can't believe I've never run across this supplier. Wow, their oils are pricey! Have you tried any others there? I've never worked with an EO with FO in it. Do you still use the one ounce per pound rule? Thanks for the tip!


  14. Does anyone have a good sinus relief scent like Vick's? I used to get mine at ME and I've tried Nature Garden's, but I can't get it strong. RE has Avalanche, but it's been out of stock forever.

    Maybe there's a way to blend it?

    Thanks so much for any help!


  15. I ordered one 8 ounce Squirty Wax in the scent Caramel Vanilla Buttercream Cupcakes.

    I first put some on my fingers trying to figure out what is in there. It isn't very liquid, it comes out more in a roll, tube like shape sort of like you'd squeeze out toothpaste. It's thick. There is some kind of an oil in it because it left my fingers shiny when I rubbed it in, but there is no residue like you'd want to wash it off. I almost want to say it might even be glycerin because it reminds me of the stuff I use at work on my fingers to count money. In the plastic squeeze bottle, it separates and is kind of globby looking in there. You can't shake it and mix it up.

    As for the concept, thumbs up! I love the idea. It's so simple. You just squirt it in your warmer and you're done. No cello bags, no clamshells, just a bottle you recap.

    I put in what I thought to be about an ounce. It melts super fast so the scent is released fast, but this is where it got disappointing for me in this particular scent, anyway. The scent only lasted about two hours and then it began to smell burned to me. I had to turn it off. I wish now I had purchased two in different scents to see if the same thing happened with both of them.

    As a tart lover for more years than I want to admit to, I like the idea, but I still like the cute tart shapes, too. I can see younger people, new to melting tarts, really liking this idea as it's more contemporary.

    It's an average of about a dollar an ounce, but the scent needs to last much longer for me to consider this again.


  16. That is way too hot from what people do, but is that what makes theirs so strong and long lasting or were those directions misleading so people wouldn't have the same success? I tried their wax and could never get the same results as what they sell so I always wondered.


  17. I placed an order for one bottle. It was 9.75 for 8 ounces, so with their add on for free shipping, it would make a tart about 1.00 each at an ounce. I'm curious how long each 1 ounce squirt goes so I will let you know. Their first placement on their site sold out within five minutes. I sat online waiting for the time it would be listed again and got in but what they had ready for that listing is already gone. People are naturally curious about this (me included) but whether or not it's strong and lasts is what will determine future sales.


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