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Posts posted by doglvr

  1. I use two stainless steel pots with lips for pouring and long handles to grab, like you'd use on a stove. I wipe and clean immediately after each batch, but I have a fondue plate I keep on warm so when one is done I grab the other that's been on the hot plate and then put the just used and wiped one on the hot plate. That way it melts any residue I didn't get and I give it a quick wipe again before pouring the next batch. Keeps the wax temp from dropping drastically as well when it's poured into the pot. I like these pots better because they're shorter and wider than regular pour pots and I'm not constantly getting wax on my arm during cleaning.

  2. For the past year just about every vendor I've ordered tarts from are coming with a dusting of sprinkles or glitter and some even have a small embed in the corner of one of the cubes in the clamshell. They're very pretty! Even portion cups are coming dusted on the top with some kind of glitter or fine sparkles.

    Is this the new norm? Seems like another added expense, but is everyone doing that now? If so, is there a place to go check out prices? I would imagine buying in bulk versus little containers at Walmart would be more cost effective. Does anyone have a supplier they would like to share?

    Just wondering about thoughts on this and how many are jumping on the bandwagon with this and if it adds much extra expense.



  3. I'm must be the dummie of the year because I can't figure out how to use Etsy at all. I went to The Bathing Garden link and all I could see was "sold" by each item and no way to see prices. When I go back to the homepage all I get is a search bar where entering wax, wax tarts, wax melts brings up nothing. Is there a trick to this?? Her clams are beautiful with the sprinkles and sparkles and little add ons like the rose. I'd like to know what they sell for, but how do you get there? Can anyone explain this to me? I went through their tutorial but it didn't help :(



  4. A couple of months ago on Facebook, I think it was NG that asked people to please not copy their pictures or their wording because they've spent a huge amount of money to graphic artists and designers to accomplish what they have. I see their little thumbnail pictures and exact wording on many sites, so it is done all of the time. I guess for some reason it seems "ok" to do it to a large company than a single mom and pop site. I was guilty of that myself! I'm not online yet, but I did go back and rework my descriptions because I realized they had a point.

    You're not scum and don't give up. Lesson learned. Takes a lot of character to admit and take responsibility - something sorely lacking in today's society. So get busy on your "own" design and bring it back to show all of us (or me anyway, not sure how anyone else feels.) Good Luck!


  5. What you did was wrong and perhaps illegal if someone wanted to fight you in a court of law, but I do have to give you Kudos for coming on this forum and owning up to it. It would be so much easier to just slink away to never be heard of again. You will find someday - I hope - that some of the greatest joys in life come from your own creations no matter how long they take or how hard you work. Then you don't have to listen to that little whisper in your head (and yes, we all have that little whisper) telling you, "but this isn't right.... " It's always easier to take the quick route, but not always right. Have confidence in yourself that YOU have the talent and inspiration to do it on your own. This place is full of creative minds more than willing to help and answer any question that pops up to help along the way. I'm continually amazed at the willingness of everyone here - so much more experienced than I am - to offer advice, their own secrets, etc.

    Suzy you are exactly right that it takes hours upon hours of thought and work to make things your "own." The finished product is like our babies and no one steals babies!! Both of you handled this situation with such grace, but especially you.


  6. I've never ordered from Elements, but want to. I was wondering if anyone knows - is their 1.00 sample vial enough to do anything with? Like make one tart maybe or is it just for OOB sniffing?

    My list is soooooooooo long after reading all of their scents. I read past posts and I know the Flicker fragrances are very popular.

    Thanks if anyone can help!


  7. Maybe Cupid? Or Today's Woman? This fragrance reflects the woman of today - strong, open-minded, vibrant and full of optimistic energy! Her flirty and floral side combines with radiant woods and sensual musks to create a breezy feeling. Swirl in blood orange, apple, tender violet leaf, cashmere musk and you have an alluring, captivating scent that's irresistible.

    You might want to mention it's the Ed Hardy type though in any description you use for people who would be looking for that. I often can't decide on renaming some scents. I want people to be able to find what they want without reading a hundred descriptions and giving up, but on the other hand the scent list can look boring to some people who think, same-old, same-old.


  8. I got the orange buttercream cupcake too and have to agree with everything you said. I only got about four hours of it though. However, at only two dollars for six cubes (and one cube is very strong) it's a heck of a buy and no shipping. Big time competition for people who don't like to wait. Their wax definitely looks like a very hard paraffin, yet they aren't hard to get out of the clamshell like 4794 is by itself. Yep, wish I knew as well what the throw secret is.


  9. Right now I'm messing with many waxes to find that "perfect" blend. I used to use 6006 but found they didn't go more than six hours for me, same with 4794. Since this doesn't happen in all FO's and does happen with different waxes, I have to conclude it's the FO unless it's happening to you with all of them. It's not just one burner of mine - thought it might be that - it's happened with all of them one time or another. It's also happened with tarts I've purchased from other people, too. No clue what is going on!

  10. After reading about Pumpkin Pecan Waffles, I went to look at Fragrance Buddy as I've never heard of them. Doing a search on the forum here, most posts are quite old. Does anyone order regularly from them and are their frangrances good and strong? Or most of them? Every place has some duds, that's to be expected. People don't mention them on here though like some of the other suppliers, so I was just curious (before placing an order) what people think.

    Thanks so much!


  11. I wish someone would answer this because I've had the same thing happen. Not with all scents, but some. Very odd. Like you said, it is going strong when turned off so it seems like it should just pick up where it left off, but some simply don't and I don't get it, either.


  12. Years and years ago, Baskin Robbins had a flavor called Mandarin Chocolate. I've tried mixing orange and chocolate and just can't get the combination right. I loved that flavor and I know it would be wonderful is a wax melt. I will have to try your recipe. Thanks for posting!

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