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Posts posted by doglvr

  1. I've ordered tarts from probably fifty different vendors over the past fifteen years and I've never purchased one that's gone "days" no matter what type burner I used. Soy, Paraffin, Parasoy... never had one go that long. The average "might" be twelve hours before the scent is so light I toss it out. These are all great companies with good followings. Most were very good, but depending on the scent some could blow the doors off and others were naturally lighter. My love of tarts is what sent me on the quest to make my own and I can't get them go any longer, either.


  2. Do you use liquid or solid color blocks? When I used the solid color blocks this happened all the time to me even in different colors. Some wouldn't dissolve and I couldn't see that in the darker ones like red, so being heavy they end up at the bottom and then melt and not blend in. I'm sure it's not mold, just the little tiny chunks that didn't dissolve. In some liquid I've had it happen also, but not as much. Maybe stir your color a lot longer.


  3. This is my second reply, can't find the first one so if it duplicates, I apologize. I was working with J-223 this morning (it's called something else now) and I would almost bet it's the same wax. When I didn't cut all the way through it and pulled it apart, it was rubbery and instantly reminded me of what they use. If they add a harder wax, it isn't much or maybe it's just stearic acid? J-223 isn't a greasy wax, either.

    I agree I love the box idea. No cello bags to pull apart, no smearing, no ties, no waiting to pour into clamshells until cool enough. It would be nice! I'm not sure though I would duplicate their exact mold because of copyright infringement if it was made specifically for them. I'm sure you could come up with something similar though. Like maybe a mini bundt cake mold that isn't sliced all the way through?

    Good luck and let us know if you have any luck!


  4. After going to the site to see what the mold looks like, I actually bought a few of them. They have such a huge Facebook following, I thought they must be fantastic with their specialty scents like Kentucky Bourbon, etc.

    To use this mold, it needs to be a soft wax because they aren't cut through and through. The slices are still connected at the bottom and this wax (still can't figure it out) is so rubbery almost, you have to pull the slices apart but it's easy to do. I've never worked with wax like this. It's not soft enough to be moldable in your fingers, but you can manipulate it. There is no greasy feel to it, though. The cold throw is fantastic, but I was really disappointed in the scents I've melted so far. For about two hours they are very strong, but then there is almost an immediate noticeable decline in the scent to where at four hour mark if not even less than that, I was pouring it out.

    I do have to give them credit for the labeling and packaging. It's beautiful. If you're interested in this particular mold though, you need to use a fairly soft wax.


  5. I never thought about this until you brought it up! Thinking back though, and I've been a tart and candle purchaser for over thirty years (sniffle) I don't think I have ever purchased either without color. I always go for ones that have a color. When I test, I don't use color, but my finished product always has it. Thinking of my mom and friends who buy candles, they always buy colored ones as well.

    What a great questions!


  6. Angie, I found your site and like it, but as a customer I like to see "scent descriptions." I found the scents on the home page, but no descriptions of what they smell like. When I order from other places, I get a few I know will be good like cinnamon buns and anything pumpkin, but other scents I want to know what it smells like because if it has certain scents I don't care for, I don't want to waste my money ordering it. Just a thought unless I missed it somehow. I like the shape of your individual cubes!


  7. Since the forum came back up, we seem to have lost the sticky note that has always been there of Supplier by Abbreviation. That was so helpful and I accessed it at least a hundred times to learn who someone was talking about without having to post the question. Anyway we can get it back?

    And thanks so much for getting the forum up and running again.!


    Or at least I don't see it :)

  8. Well, Thank Goodness, not too impressive. The Cashmere Woods stopped at about 2 1/2 hours. I can still smell the Apple Cinnamon, but it's faint enough that I would call it done. So about three hours? BH&G go a little longer than that and I do think they are stronger, too. But, people will buy them just because they are there and they don't have to wait. Not everyone knows there's a whole world of excellent tart makers out there, so they think this is as good as it gets. It was only two scents I tried and there are more, but I would guess they're all going to be about the same. I wouldn't buy them again, but was curious and just had to!


  9. The Apple Cinnamon is really good and strong in my bedroom. Totally filling the room at 1.5 hours. The Cashmere Woods is in the living room with the air conditioner blowing it all over the place, but I can still smell it. I'll post again when I see how long they go. For 3.00 bucks to get 8 tarts (if they go that long) is a pretty good deal, but limited scents. They did something cool with the lavender/peach. There are 4 lavender and then 4 peach so you can mix them or melt them individually for each scent. I also got their vanilla. I can never hardly smell vanillas - just me, I know. So if I can smell this I will be amazed. But, so far so good.


  10. I am putting one Cashmere Woods in one burner now and Apple Cinnamon in another, so I will let you know in half an hour! There are 8 to the clamshell, but they were 2.98 at my Walmart. They're also not poured like we do ours. They are individual little squares that fall right out. Wax kind of looks mottled, like Yankee tarts do. So I will be back shortly!


  11. My daughter went to Walmart in Iowa this morning and called to tell me that Glade now has an eight compartment clamshell and they are selling wax melts in all of their scents for 2.00 each. Wow. She's just putting them in her burners now, but said the cold throw is amazing. I wonder if they will go longer than the Better Homes and Gardens that are super strong, but don't last long. I might hit Walmart this afternoon and see if we have them here yet. My goodness, how can anyone compete with that price and then put shipping on top of it all? When she gives me a report or if I try them, I'll post again. :angry2:


  12. I could have written your first post. Like you, I couldn't get any combination to go more than 5 hours max and that's on any warmer, doesn't matter what kind except for a few scents. I've tried with just about every combination there is. I should quit trying to make a good tart to eventually sell and just sell all the unused wax I have left in my basement! I tried ky parasoy also and it was better than most of what I had blended on my own, but a 2 week or more cure time isn't practical if you want to sell tarts. When you don't know what people will order it's impossible to have it all on hand, ready-made. As a tart purchaser I wouldn't be happy if an order came with a note telling me to melt until another week.

    I am beginning to think it's not the wax or warmer at all, but the fragrance oil. I've ordered tarts from other people that I KNOW are 4794 and I KNOW are a certain blend and theirs go 12 hours or a little more on my hot plate warmers, so it is possible to do this. I have several fragrance oils that are great in just about any combo I've used and go 12 hours or more on the hot plate warmer. I'm beginning to think the key to this is use only those oils that really prove to do this (which means testing more scents for me.) I'm using oils from all reputable suppliers like Peak, CS, etc. I read in a past post where someone said if they don't get a strong hot throw immediately from an oil, out it goes and I kind of think that's the right attitude. When I do order some lighter scents from other vendors that I've had trouble with, I realize they do to because they are also weaker and don't go as long.

    Presently, my best combinations are 4794/415 at 60/40 and 6006/415 at 60/40. The 6006 is proving to be stronger but is soft so it needs a hardener. I am going to try adding some 4794 or 4725 at perhaps 20 percent and cut down the other measurements to fit and see what happens. This combo right now would smear all over bags and probably not come out of molds good. Adding in a harder wax might ruin it, too. I have warmers all over and tarts going all of the time, so it's contributed I'm sure to candle nose. I now am testing my tarts in an upstairs bedroom with the A/C off and door shut. I let it go two hours, walk in there, let it go another two, check again, then keep going until the scent is gone to test for longevity. I work so this means starting before bedtime on some and letting it go all night and see if I can walk in there ten or twelve hours later and smell anything. Using this testing method is proving better than say in my living room with the a/c on. With each of these two combos I'm trying, I'm curing for three days tops. I figure with the way people want things immediately after ordering (me included) that is shipping time and the longer the better, but at least I'll know at three days I've got a good tart.

    I'm waiting for my Clarus 3022 sample still - called yesterday to remind them I'm still waiting and they had forgotten to send it. I want to give that a try as well by adding a harder wax because I hear it's soft, too. I've also heard good things about it, so as usual I'm thinking "Yep, this will be the one!" LOL.... How many times have I thought that before???

    Most people I know have and prefer the hot plate warmer combo so I'm trying to work with that to succeed. Again, I'm finding (at least for me) that I think it's going to totally depend on the FO. I admire anyone who can put any FO in their wax and get a good long throw. I'm apparently not going to be one of them. But for now, I'm considering these good combinations because with the FO's that are working they are going 12-16 hours.

    Good luck. If you come up with anything that works, let us know. I'm fully acceptable to being enabled. LOL


  13. I've been testing like crazy for two weeks straight so maybe that's the problem. Also, I could be going about it wrong in the scents I choose. When I try a new wax, I normally try three scents I like and know well and then one of a new scent. Well, it could be the new scent just isn't good and possibly by using the same three all of the time I've grown too accustomed to them? Maybe I should try something else my nose won't recognize, but I know is a good scent. How do other people test new wax?

    Thanks for all the input,


  14. Thanks everyone. Life is tough for those of us mathematically challenged and I'm in accounting no less. That's what calculators are for!! LOL... Turns out I was using the correct amt. I do pour at the right temp for whatever wax, etc. so not sure what the problem is. Just seems that if I can smell a tart from somewhere else, I should be able to smell the ones I make. This is just lately. I read somewhere on here about sniffing coffee beans to help with candle nose. Maybe I need to get a bag and stick my head in it!


  15. Can someone tell me how much FO should go into one clamshell (just making one for testing of each fragrance) at the ratio of one ounce per pound and then one and half ounces per pound of wax?

    I'm using 2.55 (premelted) wax which when melted fills the clamshell to the brim nicely.

    I am not smelling anything I make in any wax I make it in and maybe I have really figured wrong on the amt. of FO for one clamshell. I know it's not candlenose because just to check, I bought some BH&G clams when I was at Wallyworld yesterday and I can certainly smell those!

    If anyone could help, I would so appreciate it.



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