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Posts posted by gloworm

  1. Co- Workers from Hell are much too common. I've worked for more years than I want to admit to at several jobs and have only met and had one friend that I could completely trust not to stab me in the back. And women are the worst. DS and DH work in areas where there are a lot of women and they are always stabbing each other. (DH also worked in a factory with men for many years and problems were rare). I've often wished for 100 acres of land, one road in with only DH, D kids and a computer, and we are right in the middle of the 100 acres. The saying is kids are cruel, well so are adults. I distance myself from most people at work-I work through lunch and breaks to avoid all the gossiping and trouble making they conspire during those times. I know they think I'm different and at this stage in life I couldn't care less. I say tell those two to "Bite Me". Ignore them and their trouble making, keep giving the samples to your bosses whose offices are going to smell wonderful and those who matter will notice and the orders will come. Give the party lady a sample pack and ask her to judge for herself-if she still declines at least it is her decision not based on lies from two jealous troublemakers. I'm actually suprised that the two who took the Lovespell from you returned the samples. Why didn't they try them and decide for themselves? Chin Up!!


  2. I'm a country girl and I Love the smell of a horse barn. The hay and an earthy smell and there must be a horsey scent there as well because we lived next to a dairy farm and that smell wasn't pleasant. You might need to find out what "type" of farm they liked!!:cool2:

  3. I'm not sure if I can post this here or not or if this is the right place to post. If not, mods please remove. There is a WSP FO co op on The Whisk forum right now. Only certain Fo's. The prices on some are pretty good. Reduced by 10-12 dollars a pound. Good way to check out some pricey Fo's. Some sound heavenly too!!


  4. Try the heat gun or hair dryer trick. I have silicone molds that do that too, usually the heat takes the frosting away. As far as the bubbles I really think it has to do with the mold. I've tried everything and certain molds have so many bubbles on the finished candle it makes me nuts. Actually my worst one for frosting and bubbles was my most expensive one- and were talking and arm and a leg here.

  5. Ok I'm weird but I have never smelled pot-unfortunately can't say the same for DH in his younger days. Got some MJ from classifieds-wasn't even labled so I don't know where it came from but I made him a hemp leaf candle out of it. That stuff reeked-and natch it has a great cold throw and WILL NOT COME OFF OF YOUR HANDS!!! I hid the sample in my purse so he would not find it and I forgot it for a week-DD said mom you better hope you don't get pulled over-it made my purse stink and filled the car up when I went somewhere. When I made the candle I got DH and had him smell my leftover wax first-told him I thought I had been ripped of by Frag Company as it didn't smell like what I thought I bought. You should have seen his face:yay: . He said "Man that smells just like pot!!" What a hoot!

    How come the FO's I want to smell that strong never do??


  6. OMG Murray you slay me!! ASS TART. I've been feelin poorly this week and you made me laugh. For 10 years in a nursing home I worked the ass tart shift-wasn't funny then. A scented one would have been nice. Where were your ideas when I needed them!! Hey lets put a little class in this post-how about a butt bougie for our friends from France??


  7. Anyone ever order from Fine Art Molds? I placed an order and they were very quick to respond and ship. Only problem was they only shipped about 2/3 of my order. No invoice or packing slip to let me know why. This was four days ago. Now they do not answer emails. No phone number on site. Anyone have a number for them?


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