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Posts posted by gloworm

  1. We live a couple of hours away but when we visit our son we are about an hour away so we have picked up a huge order from them. Last time the lady at WSP said wow you saved 70.00 in shipping charges. DUH- that's why we picked up. Even with gas the way it was in July it was a savings to pick up. Son makes a trip now & then and we combine orders. Just a FYI, if you pick up make sure you have your tax ID stuff in order. They charge state tax on pick ups if you don't have one-there goes your savings. It took me threee emails and phone calls to get them to straighten our account out and refund my tax money. They kept saying it was taken care of but it wasn't. Also I have to say I was surprised at how small the operation was too. We drove right by looking for a large warehouse and it is a small brick building-looks like an office. No big signs or anything.


  2. If you sell your bombs naked I would think transporting could be a problem?? How do you keep them from crumbling. I was thinking of wrapping in breathable paper at least so they would have a little help staying together. I haven't transported any yet and they do seem really hard but I thought they could be fragile. Or even susceptible to humidity and I thought a wrapping could be a protective feature for this????


  3. Went to Mennonite bulk store today and found two interesting items. Very finely groung unsweetened coconut and coarsely ground cracked wheat. Wondering how either might do in CP. The coconut seems like it might be quite yummy. The wheat I wondered if it might work in kitchen or MAN soap kinda like a pumicey :cheesy2: (did I invent a word)?? type ingredient. Figured if oatmeal works this might too. Both were pretty inexpensive and no shipping!!Yippee

  4. We had a similar experience on a smaller bubble scale. DD played in the dish soap and it was on dishes before I loaded. DON'T EVER SUB DISH SOAP FOR DISH WASHER SOAP. LOL Should have seen DD'S face. Had her "clean" it up:yay: That's about 2 years ago and she still gets mad if I hold up the bottle of dish soap with a sly smile on my face. AHH yhat's how memories are made:cheesy2:

  5. Be careful which ultramarines you use, when blue ultramarine hits citric acid, it produces a horrid sulpher smell. Ask me how I know. :rolleyes2 I dont know if any other colours react this way yet , but im off to get some cake decorator gel this morning.


    Do you mean when you mix it or when it goes in the tub??

  6. Thanks. I wish my powdered colors had come with at least a little label info. Got from WSP and they are not marked or labeled in any way. I added them dry to my CP and that didn't work. Now I think you have to add them to a liquid or oil first. But with the bombs I suppose that might make them start to fizz.

  7. I tried a few things. I love the bubbling milk bath. I have made that myself but I love your vanilla mint scent. Mary Ann I really like the wintergreen lip balm. Use it every night before bed. Used the bath tea, it was nice but as I've said before, we are bubble people. I really couldn't smell it in the bath-maybe I'm expecting something other than what a bath tea is used for?? Used my bath bomb also-very nice but it was crumbling when I opened it. Not a biggie,after all he had a very long trip!!:yay:

  8. What do you all use as coloring for bath bombs? I tried a few drops of liquid and it really didn't do anything. Then I tried a tiny bit of ultramarine and got a very pale color which is nice. For darker color would you recommend just more ultramarine? Didn't want to over do (mine came with no instructions on usage at all). Maybe I should have added it to the Fo?? Any tips??


  9. I'm a newbie bomb maker also. Just did first two batches today but they seemed to come out fine. Drying them now. My recipe said to do just what you are suggesting. Mixed salts,baking soda,corn starch together well then FO and any oil called for(a hand whisk worked great). Then slsa & then citric real quick. I had no fizzing at all but we have a wood burner in my soap room so that keeps it nice & dry down there. Used a meatballer which was a little tricky at first but after a few I figured it out. Now if they dry hard and don't crumble I'll be in business.



  10. Over on the Whisk forum about 6-8 weeks ago a lady was trying to do a WSP coop on quite a few select fragrances. The post died out.I guess she didn't get enough interest. The prices she had offered were stupendous and I was quite disappointed:cry2: when it all fell through. Some of them were around half price. Couldn't understand the lack of interest frankly the scents she had chosen would have been wonderful. Maybe after the holidays someone would be interested in trying that route.


  11. I've soaped Peaks Spiced Cranberry and added Orange Eo also. It did seize on me. Had to move at the speed of light to pour it ( it was the cranberry). I tried to put some in individual soap molds and it didn't work. Hence Orange Cranberry confetti soap. Which we really liked by the way. Just a FYI-not sure if other brands seize up or not.


  12. Sockmonkey makes many very valid points. In addition to a contract to "protect" the school I would say you need to protect yourself. When delivering I would not leave the school until you did a hands on inventory with someone in charge and had a signed invoice that all was delivered. The numbers of candles sold seems phenomonal. She's also right that most kids do not sell. My son did a girl scout fundraiser and each child did average 10-12 candles but only a handful actually sold. It would be interesting to hear the candlemakers side of the story. When dealing with children or teens as the salesmen I would think that "mistakes" could very well happen. Hope all goes well for you.

  13. I can't believe show charge booth fees and then 5-8 dollar admissions.. If that was in our area no customers would show up. I did a high school last month and I think they did charge $1.00 admission but it was for Relay for Life so I think people didn't mind since it was for charity. When the promoters get greedy everyone loses. JMHO

  14. Package arrived. Lovely things!! Figured out Melly's, Dani's, Slatzoo and Macy's. The other neato items I can't place to a name on the list(some are marked with business, I just don't know which of you owns the business). Won't post anymore questions or comments right now so I don't spoil anyones surprise. Nice packaging too ladies- hope you all will forgive me-I don't sell B&B yet and haven't attempted labels & packaging (have to get DS to help me on that and he is hard to pin down). Enjoy all !!


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