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Posts posted by gloworm

  1. Suprisingly enough you could possibly get your money back from UPS. I had a box of jars I bought on classifieds arrive with 6 broken. Filed with UPS and they said they needed proof of worth. Well I couldn't supply this-these jars are difficult to find. They said the shipper would need to file proof of worth. I never contacted her except to tell her of breakage. Months later when I forgot all about this incident I received a check from UPS for much more than I thought my claim was worth (more then I filed for originally).


  2. I'm covered for $1 million each episode thru State Farm.

    Does this vary by state or what? We have all of our insurance through State Farm and called our agent Friday and they said they don't do product liability. Offered me insurance if I have a home based store front where people may fall and get hurt but not on the products.:undecided

  3. Hi,

    We're in SW Pa. About 60 Miles N of Pittsburgh. Do you find your bars softer than CP? I even used Sodium Lactate. Had a bit of Fo leakage in the Nantucket Briar. Hope it soaks back in. Must not have gotten that one mixed good enough. The S. Potato is going to smell good I think.

    I tried to post pics before and I guess my camera files are too big or something. Another nice poster reduced them for me(I don't know how).

  4. Did my first four batches CPHP this week end. Not too unhappy with them. A little soft, hoping they will harden with cure time. I poured in individual bar molds and they unmolded pretty nicely but the backs af the bars are quite rough. I cleaned them up some. Anyone who does this kind of soap-do you leave the backs rough or shave them off smooth? Do customers really prefer one or the other? Will really be a lot of scraps and smaller bars to smooth the backs. Made Fisherman's soap(really like that one),Lavendar Rose, Maple Sugared Sweet Potato(with Sweet Potato Juice), and Nantucket Briar(smells so good).


  5. I can't comment on the votive because it is now removed but I will tell you this:

    You need to do some serious spell checking. I am not telling you this to offend you. I am telling you this to help you. I would not order from your website for one reason, that being the way you represent yourself here. You appear to lack intelligence. I would overlook your speeling errors if they were in just one of your posts, but the errors are in most of them.

    Speeling errors?? Intentional I hope.;)

  6. Ok guys sorry for the delay. Just tried the christmas candy ornaments. The 12 pk of plastics work like a dream and are just about exactly double the size of the large meatballer I use. Much easier then the meatballer to unmold. My recipe says use two to a bath (I only use one and have been happy with the results) so one of these big ones would be just fine for a bath. Only get 10 from a batch. How much do you all sell bombs for? I haven't even priced them out yet-only doing for family & friends- but I think they are kinda expensive due to my ingredients.

    The metal ornaments don't work-have a "lip" inside that I didn't notice and make them impossible to unmold.

  7. I really haven't had any problems on here but I did on ebay. You can't always get your money back through paypal. Only if the person has money in their account can paypal reimburse you. The scammer I bought from did it to many people and her account was emptied so paypal cannot do anything. I will give her credit in the end though-(she has done this more than once on ebay). Almost a year later she sent my money back.

  8. These bars set up fast and HARD. Keep an eye on them and cut as soon as you can. Don't leave overnight or you will never cut them. They are like a rock. I saw some that the person kinda had to smash up with a hammer or something. I actually think they were called some kind of rock (soap rock,salt rock,spa rock or something). I hurried and put mine in a half round mold to avoid trying to cut.


  9. I have them. Wasn't sure how to incorporate in the soap & did it wrong once(added dry to the traced soap) hadn't got up my nerve to try again yet. Didn't ruin the batch just didnt color it good. Small lumps of color.


  10. Ok,

    I don't know if they are gonna work but I found round ornaments with candy in them at K-Mart. Two diff kinds-one pk of 12 plastic with willie wonka candy in them, 2.49 a pk. Larger then the big meat baller I have. Then ones even larger- metal with nerds and stuff in them-49 cents each. Trying them for bath bomb molds. We'll see.


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