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Jojo T.

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Posts posted by Jojo T.

  1. Jo.....you are certanily insane. Those must have taken hours to pour....but OMG....they are stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always love to see your new work. Way to go girl. Donita
    LOL, LOL, you hit the nail on the head - I am certainly insane - I just love making them. 10-12 minutes per larger layer and a bit less for the thinner one. Patience is my middle name. Thank you Donita.
  2. Hi everyone, These are all fragranced with a blend of clean cotton and fresh linen and took ages to pour - especially the octagonal 9 incher. I put some on in similar colours recently and had been asked to make more by one of my daughter's friends. I hope you enjoy having a look.


  3. These two are 9 inches tall and I'd been requested to do them burgundy rustic - fragranced Japanese Dragon from Auroma (that's a VERY popular fragrance with my daughter's friends). It was a bit of a challenge as the candle was so tall and all one colour. Usually I do layers for one this big. So I ended up doing layers of the same colour to get the effect I wanted - after two not very attractive tries of doing it all in one pour. Let me know what you think! Thanks for looking.



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