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Jojo T.

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Posts posted by Jojo T.

  1. That is fabulous - it looks like a canvas just waiting for the artist to create a masterpiece. It is so very spic and span too. Like Jooniper, I like to say that my mess is creativity in the making, but if I'm honest, I could be a bit tidier as I do love a neat workspace. Have fun in YOUR new space.

  2. I think it's gorgeous! Love the strong rich colors :yay:

    I tried one today. Umm... didn't go well...LOL. Ok, it was a square pillar, but tan, not white. Like with Vicky, this was just sitting there and I couldn't seem to get a white one made.

    Now, my question... how did ya'll manage to get the colors to all the edges?? Each time I start melting, it starts to spread, but as soon as I remove the heat, the middle acts like a sponge dropped in water... all the colors just sucks into the middle :confused:

    Hi SD, my guess would be that if you use a little bit less flame and a quicker sweeping action when melting the dye, it will get to the edge better. It's a slow process and it's a good idea to let the melted dye set up a bit before licking it with the flame again. :)
  3. One question on the torch flame. From the photos it looks like yours is about 1" or is that too big. I got a micro torch. Don't know if it has that big a flame. With any luck I'll be able to post my picture tomorrow.

    Thanks for doing this class Jo. :highfive: You made it look like a piece of cake. Know it isn't but will be fun trying the technique.

    No worries, you are very welcome. It is a piece of cake as you will find out. I think the micro torch will work fine - I think the flame was about 3/4 of an inch or less. I'll be on the lookout for painted candles! ! ! !


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