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Everything posted by lvnmt

  1. I did this on my computer in word. You can write your text, add the image, and then draw a border around it all. It was really easy. I am going to try these in a label software program. Once you have the border around your image, you can double click it and change the color and fill if you want to. I tried these on glossy paper, but they look a lot better (to me at least) on the brown paper. I will post more pix once I get them on my jars. This doesn't fit my lid perfectly, but example of a tin. Whoa! Sorry a little big, oops.
  2. You guys were a big help last time I posted. I redesigned my labels using some of your suggestions. These are some prototypes that I came up with. Please give your input. Thanks!!
  3. I was going to try to get rid of all the background color, so just the flower and leaves are left. My computer colors look great, but are very different when printed out. So I am playing with it right now. Like I said, this is very initial, I just wanted to throw it out there to get some comments. THanks
  4. Thank you all for your help. I guess that I should have clarified more that this is going to be more of the logo, labels will be different. I will play with it more. The colors on my computer did not match what printed out at all. The leaves were supposed to be a dark green olive, not red and black!! I will send a new pic when I fix it. Thanks again for the input!!
  5. Hi all I would like some honest opinions/feedback on this label that I designed. It is going to be for my soy candles. Very initial stages, I just did this on my computer last night. Terra soy candles is the name. Is it too much?
  6. Get an embossing gun. They are the best! Also, what % of BW are you using. Try cutting back a little bit, if you can. I have found that 3% is good enough for me. Sometimes my tops look like that, but after you heat them a bit, it looks great. What does the wax look like without the BW? Might just be a bad combo. Good luck.
  7. HI I double wick in my tins, but I am thinking of switching to 6oz tin instead. So I may not havet to double wick them. I think that I could get by with a RD 37 or 40. I do double wick if the mouth of the jar is >3inches wide. Two RD 50's have worked well in the past for that. I am going to stick with the tins and a 11 oz frosted tumbler for now. I have some bail jars that I will give to family and friends those are the bigger mouthed jars and they hold around 20oz of wax. I use 3%BW. I do not preheat my jars as I have not had problems with frosting, yet. I do not color my candles and I like to use between 6 and 8% FO. Depending on what it is. Well, keep us posted on how your testing goes. And I will do the same. Thanks for the help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I also pour mine between 110-125 depending on the look of the wax. Different oils can make it set up faster than you would think. I also use 3% BW and usually have great smooth tops with the occassional sink hole.
  9. Thanks Holly, I knew that someone would have some ideas. I have not had any frosting problems yet with this wax, but I really do like the cold and hot throw of it with the BW. I have never tried the vegetable modifier, hmm... These are the scents that I had good results with. Peaks: Green tea Mediterranean Fig Pie Crust with Vanilla Moonglow: Rain Sweet pea White Ginger Green tea( I like the Peaks kind better) Sandalwood and Amber Freesia Honeysuckle Have you ever tried scents froms Swans candles. I do not dye my candles either. RD 47's worked great in the smooth sided jelly jars, they cleaned them really well. Some little "rain drops" on the sides, but that is it. I only burned them for two hours at a time, and the wicks did not mushroom/smoke/dance around at all. I also found that it is best to pour the tins a little bit hotter. They keep the heat and take a lot longer to cool, but they turn out nice and smooth. Thanks again for taking the time to write back. I have had a heck of a time finding the right kind of wax and was so happy to have this one. Try adding some BW if you get a chance, it might help with the frosting, as I said, I have not had any at all with this combo.
  10. ok..... so I guess that I am the only one who uses this wax. yea for me, I'll just keep testing.
  11. I have not used the 6oz tins, but 2 RD29's works well in the 8oz tins. If you dont mind double wicking that is. This is the only way I could get it to work. HTH
  12. Hello friends, Its been a while since I have posted. Sort of took the summer off, and am getting back into the candle thing! So far I have tried 7 different soy waxes, and decided that I like the Calwax CB3 the best. For various reasons, one being it is closer to me!! Love the shipping. Anyways, I have a question for those of you who use this wax. I want to use 8 or 6oz travel tins, and 11oz tumblers. I have all of these other jars that I love, but found it is best to keep it simple for now. No selling in my near future, still testing 11 months and counting. I really like the RD wicks with this wax and have only used peaks scents so far. So, I am wondering if you guys are mixing this stuff or using it straight. I like to use BW with soy. I know that it is not 100% soy. I have tried the CB3 with J223, straight, and BW. The J223 blend was waaaay too soft. And the BW combo is good, but looks virtually the same as the straight CB3. Throw seems to be the same as well. Have you found that the BW adds to the life of the candle at all? If you are using this combo, that is. Well, sorry for the blab. Just a little curious. I might just keep using the BW until it is gone. Also, what size RD wicks are you using for similar jars. I find that 2 RD29s work great in the tins, but if anyone has another idea, I would like to try it. Scents as well, I would like to keep it to 5-6 for now, but if you guys are using all the same supplier or multiples that would help me, too. As always, I understand if you don't want to give away your "secrets" just curious. If anyone is interested in my detailed testing of this wax, please pm me!! thanks
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