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Posts posted by angied

  1. I have ordered some butters on here but a friend is wanting to start playing with some as well...she may be joining us soon:yay: anyways where is the cheapest and best place to order butters. She is wanting to try some of the different ones out there. I have been looking at Oils by Nature...is there anyplace else I should check out?


  2. Thanks Melly, maybe I am just alittle impatient:rolleyes2 ...fudge is a good description of what it looks like so maybe I am on the right track, As far as the mp goes...to me its all fun right now since I am just playing around. All thought my family and friends have loved my new hobby;)

    Thanks Again


  3. Hi folks,

    I have a few questions for you. First of all for those that remember on Monday, I made my first cp soap. I thougt that it turned out ok but, I unmolded it yesterday and cut it and it is really very soft and still soft this morning. The cpl of cphp that I made seemed to hardened up fairly fast, is that normal for CP? I am going to try it again because I have really like the look of CP (thanks for those sending my some;) ) much better than Hp.

    Ok 2 question for those of you that was in the recent mp soap swap...My little jelly roll soap...I posted before trying to figure out how to get the layers to stick together more, and as you can see I didnt do a very good job of it:sad2: I tried spraying alcohol between the layers but that really didnt seem to work for me. Maybe I wasnt spraying enough...maybe waiting to long to pour?? I dont know I am going to try that again as well.

    P.S. one more for those that make the bigger mp soaps kinda like the one grumpy girl did, what kind of stuff do you use for a mold? Hubby and I loved that soap!!!!

    Thanks again


  4. Sorry to but in but I have a question as far as goats milk goes....I got some powdered goats milk, is that just as good? And dont mean to sound dumb but how do I use it? Do I keep it as a powder or do I add water with it...and when do I put it in?

    Sorry again for butting in and all the questions, but thanks for the help.


  5. OHHHHHH I think I may have done it:yay: I came in here to post this question and went I went back into the kitchen it was looking alittle better. So I blended some more and it kinda looked like pudding....is that good? Well I tried to do some swirls and put it in my mold so we'll see. Keep your fingers crossed for me please;)


  6. Hi,

    OK I tried (and a big emphasis on tried!!!) to make cp soap. I have only done cphp soaps and havent had any problems with tracing up till this point. I think I just about wore my stick blender out!!! But it really didnt seem to trace even after 45-60 min. Ok my question is....did I do something wrong...maybe just didnt stir long enough or is the traces different with CP and cphp? Am I making any sense? If not sorry:rolleyes2


  7. Thanks for the answers

    Maryann this is just for our store. I hate it but...there is a Micheals and Hobby Lobby around me also. There are also a few candle supply places so it wont affect me too much. But they had this stuff on sale for 40% off so I thought what the heck and got what little they had left:yay: so I am glad I did now!!


  8. I dont mean to sound dumb but....:rolleyes2 is stearine and stearic acid the same thing? Joanne's where I live is going out of business and having a big sale(which is good and bad if ya know what I mean) anyways...they had some Stearing there, I got some but wasnt for sure if it was the same thing. I also got alittle beeswax (natural & white) for me to play around with.

    Thanks for your help


    Well I have done alittle research and to me it seems like they are the same thing. So if I am wrong will someone please correct me.

  9. Hi Jackie,

    I dont know alot about all of this and am really just playing around with it(not selling) but I have made some for my nail techs at work and I just made up 3 jars (have 3 girls) and took them in and let them choose the scent they liked. They just added the scent and mixed it up really good again. That worked for me but I am sure the more experienced on here have better ideas for you. Sorry I wasnt more help:sad2:


  10. Hi Bekka,

    I have a beauty salon, and I sell tarts and wickless candles in my shop. I agree that I didnt really want to get into wicking and all that. I do pretty good with them, I also sell a starter kit that comes with a warmer, tart tray, and 2 tarts. That did really well during christmas!!


  11. tlc,

    they sound about the same to me, hopefully someone else will come on here if there is a difference and let us know. One recipe I found just said use stuff like "Liquid oils, choice of butters" the other one actually told you what oils and butter....other than that they sounded the same to me.


  12. I found this and much more!!!

    I am going there and the wisk also...and even looking in the archives...I'll find it somewhere I am sure...plus I am already finding all kinds of other goodies;)

    lordy lordy I am going to have to get a bigger notebook;)


    Thank you for your help everyone...I have found this recipe and sooo much more!!! Cant wait to try some out and will post some pics after I do!!!!

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