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Posts posted by SuzyK

  1. The old style galleries all say that "you cannot start a new topic"     



    Also, a question.  When clicking on the add image button, it was a URL.  The old way we were just able to upload from our computers.  Is there a way to change it to being able to upload without having to upload it to another place first?

  2. This thread is old!  lol.   I don't think I've made bath bombs since this post. I have been thinking about making more lately though since the holiday season is coming.  It's been too hot in my apartment to do a whole lot.


    I think I ended up just using liquid colors after this.   Yes, I just searched through my pictures. The last ones I made were after this post and I did use liquid colorants.  I hope they work for you!  I also hope you're able to find a recipe that works.


    Here's a pic of the last batch that I made.  It's making me want to try again. Ok, nevermind on  the pic. The new forum doesn't allow an easy upload. lol

  3. I have been experimenting with body butters the last few months.  I don't use an emulsifier in mine and I haven't had problems with them separating.   I have butters and oils in mine and that's it. 

    I do use e-wax in my sugar scrubs and it would be cool to have something more natural.  I should experiment.

  4. Yup! I sell lots of things along with my wax melts. :)  Lip balm, perfume, soap, body powder, solid lotion, room sprays. I've made some things that I just didn't want to add to my shop yet like bath bombs and such.   I have a few more products I'm working on as well that I'll be adding in the next couple of months.   I also have a mineral makeup business.

  5. I have success with most of the scents I use from NG. I use all the ones you mention except the hyacinth.   I test them to last at least 14 hours.  I use different waxes though.    Definitely play with the percentages.

  6. I have a feeling most people on this board have a serious problem with buying "too many" fragrances.  Usually when I order, I already have more fragrances in my shopping cart for next time before that order even arrives.  lol.   How lucky we are to have so many great companies to offer us crazies so many options.  Buy all the fragrances!!

  7. I've never had a problem with the fragrances turning brown. I don't use vanilla stabilizer in mine.  I've been making the perfume for a little over a year and have some sample sizes that have been sitting around since then and they are still the same color as the first day I made them.

  8. I'm no help because I have about 100 and still growing.  I plan to eventually have some of them only available during their peak season.  It kind of naturally happens anyway.  Though I just had an order for a bunch of fall type scents so I'd probably have them available if someone really wants it.   I like having a bunch of different ones to choose from.  People are pretty finicky about their scent choices so it's nice to have a lot.  My next goal is to do some mixes. :)   

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  9. I haven't tried them but I have friends who have.  They like them but they don't last as long as mine.  They said they're strong at first but fizzle out after a few hours. I've been tempted to try them but I just haven't been able to bring myself to spend the money, even if it's only $2.

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