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Posts posted by Vicky_CO

  1. Why you are getting them it is just your turn. Honestly they will just start happening and stop just as quickly when it is known you will not play their game.


    There are people out their that spend all their time emailing companies asking for freebies and it pays off for them amazingly enough. Companies need to stop catering to the freebie hunters.



  2. I simply say I do not offer free samples and leave it at that. Free samples are for paying customers.

    If you give out free samples to any one but a paying customer then you get put on that list that freebies seekers share that is all they are looking for is freebies. They have no intention of buy they just want stuff for free.


    One thing you can set up if you want to be able to offer people samples is a sample pack like where you give scent samples and they pay shipping.  I did that for $2 I would put 1 cubes of 6 different scents and mail it. People that are really interested will be willing to pay that. I did that and it was pretty well received I would have customers adding on that with an order so they could check out scents that interested them.

    • Like 1
  3. Actually Candy you did say they were $4 a bar when you normally offer the discount of 5 for $20 they are planning to order 100 so they would all ready qualify for the discount for $4 a bar.


    You are looking at if from the seller perspective they are looking at the buyer perspective. As a buyer I would see that because I am buying so many that I would be paying $4 a bar and hope for a little more of a discount because I am buying so many.

    • Like 1
  4. Here is the thing about glitter not all are create equal and not all glitter can be used on candles. You need glitter that is actually finely ground glass, metal or crystals. Most craft store glitter is not what you want for candles. They do have some that can be used but you have to read what the glitter is made of and if it does not say then stay away.


    Craft store glitter is made from a paper product not only do you risk fire but clogging the wick.


    Rustic essential sells some great glitter to use on candles I believe they call it shimmer dust.  I have and used them with no adverse burning effects but I did not over glitter either.

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  5. I have never been sued but it was always one of my big fears. The way the court systems is set up you could loose everything very easily and even future income.  Once you get sued insurance goes up, it is easier to be sued again. Your business most of the time doesn't survive unless you are a big boy with lots of lawyers.


    Here is the positive side it is really hard to prove a candle was the cause of a fire and the candle maker being at fault. Then they have to prove you were negligent. That is not an easy thing to prove.


    You are more likely to get sue if someone falls in or in front of your booth. It like if you do not get the ice off your side walk and someone slips and falls you are liable for that.

  6. I will let you guys decide on the theme. I did not want to limit you guys to the weird things I come up with. I do not want to stem your creativity in any way. That being said I am always there if you need suggestions or someone to bounce ideas off of just let me know.


    I did come up with some themes and after I looked at them for a while I decided that they should never see the light of day. They were pretty cheesy. :embarassed2:





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