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Posts posted by lovemylabs

  1. Sounds like a wonderful idea. We just had a baby shower for our daughter last week and I made batches of Baby Powder Scented Hp Soap. We used small mini loaf molds and cut each one in 2"x1 1/2" soaps, wrapped in baby wrapping paper. We then poured tealights in baby powder scent. We used white organza bags, put the soap in the bottom of the bag and sat the tealight on top. We put a hang tag on the bags that said "Thank you for coming to my baby shower" and then on the other side we listed what was inside. Everybody loved the idea they were handmade and so much work was put into showing our appreciation for their being there. No matter what you do, your guests will love it! Oh...for the game winners, we poured a variety of candle scents in jelly jars and put these in small gifts bags that fit the jars perfectly!

  2. We've been so busy making candles this week, that we haven't had time to work on soap until yesterday and today. So, we took your suggestion and it worked!! Both loaves turned out beautifully! Thank you soooo much. I really appreciate your input!! Hugs :)

  3. Wanted to update...this has been drying out since June 1st and is still soft. The outside almost feels slightly brittle/crusty (if that makes sense), but when you press on it, it's very soft inside. I can actually take a bar and bend it. After researching, I've come to the conclusion that the temp was too high and then when we tried to recover, too much water was added. We soaped several batches that week and the two loaves from this crock pot turned out the same. All the other batches turned out perfect. So, it has to be the extra water we added. Now on to research if these two loaves are a "lost cause" or if they can somehow be salvaged. Disappointed, but learned from our mistake :)

  4. We soaped CS Rain Water a few weeks ago and absolutely love it (HP). It performed well and we sent off a bar for a tester to give us feedback. We now only have two bars left and decided we better add that scent to our "to do" list. However, I only need this one scent from CS and several from Peaks. Has anyone soaped Peaks Spring Rain (HP) and how did it perform? Also...for any that have tried both CS Rain Water and Peaks Spring Rain...do they compare at all in fragrance/strength?

  5. We soaped last night and had two crock pots going (which is what we always do). In each crock pot is a double batch, each making a 3 lb loaf. We space the two crock pots about 30 minutes apart, giving us time in between to clean the mixing bowls and utensils so they can be used for the next crock pot batch. (hope you're following this...sorry). Anyway, the first crock pot was ready...we divided into two large measuring cups, and began mixing our fo and our colors. All was good and beautiful. Then my husband said, "this next one is ready". It had only been like five minutes...not the thirty or so we normally have. I was freaking out because I still had to clean the large measuring cups, utensils and make a blend that I failed to do prior to beginning. (big no no) Anyway, he added water to the batch so we could work with it once it was divided. It was getting very thick. I was hurrying like crazy to get all the stuff done...he added more water. We finally were able to get the batches divided, fo added and dyes in and put in the molds...but what a mess. I demolded the first two loaves and they are perfect. The last two from the "problem batch" are still soft. Can I put these in the oven? Should I just let them sit for a while longer? We've never had this issue before and I know it had to do with temperature on the second crock pot. Will these two loaves be OK? Sorry for the "windy question"

  6. You could check with your local waste management and ask them. Our waste management company just had a special day where things like chemicals, paint, batteries, etc. could be taken and dropped off. Yours may have something like this as well.

  7. Bumping this to see if anyone has soaped White Lily & Amber. We're getting ready to HP this in a little while, but wanted to check the board to see any posts relating to it. Has anyone soaped it yet, and if so how'd it turn out for you? Thanks for any feedback. I LOVE this scent! Beautiful!

  8. We are getting ready to experiment with a few more recipes and I was wondering how many different recipes do you guys have? Or, do you just have one basic recipe that you use for all your scents. We have one that is awesome, and this is our main one. But we want to experiment with other oils and also carry a goat milk soap. Was just wondering how many y'all have

  9. Hey Lorelei...this is the description from Peaks site: "This citrus scent presents an energizing balance of zesty, tart, and sweet notes that are true to its name".

    I have a couple of Key Lime Pie fragrances, but they have that bakery/crust notes. Luci...our batch did not discolor. Everything is "so far so good". If you guys order this, can you post your reviews too? :) I'd love to see what you think.

  10. It usually take alot to get me "overly impressed"...but Peaks Key Lime did it. Can't wait to see how this scent does as well as their Rose Bouquet. While putting the new soaps out, we did inventory and found the Black Canyon is doing very well also :) ... only three bars of that left. It's always hard to figure out what people want...some like subtle and others like really strong. But I sure do love this addiction and trying new scents.

  11. We soaped (HP) Peaks Key Lime Pie the other day and Holy Cow...it is kickin! We poured Peaks Rose Bouquet and it too is very strong. Very nice! I tried to post a pic, but phone is jacked up. But we used Green Apple Pop from Peaks and did a swirl in the Key Lime...and used the Raspberry Pop in the Rose. Purdy!

  12. Gonna give it a go tonight. (Got busy over the weekend working under the house (on stilts) and was in the "can't stop working" zone. I decided while hubby was home, we're cleanin' up and clearing out.) So, tonight is our soaping night. We're still mulling over the watermelon/cherry combo. But I know we're gonna give the Almond and Mint a try for sure. We'll do a little mixing and maybe do a very small batch of the W/C combo to see what we come up with. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks Scented.

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