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Posts posted by pleasureridgecandles

  1. Typically I take 7 of each scent of candles that I plan on offering at a show. Sometimes I take more of certain scents that usually sell extremely well, sometimes I bring some of them back sometimes not. It's really hard to say from show to show what is going to be the big seller. We do a monthly flea market in addition to other shows and generally they are 3 days sometimes 4 (if it's a holiday weekend). One day I may sell tons of candles, the next it's melts and who knows what will happen on day 3. One good thing about it being a 2 day show is that if you sell out of something the first day you can bring more the next. We had a show today and I sold about the same amt of candles, melts and air fresheners. You just never know who the customer will be, how much money they can spend and what they will want to buy.

    How many scents do you make? Having a nice variety there's surely something for everyone. And make sure you take plenty of change. My experience alot of people pay with 20's for something that may be say 3.00 If you have many of those you'll be out of small bills quick. Have fun and good luck!!

  2. how do you get the wholesale pricing. I was browsing and saw the jack o lantern wax meltr was 14.99. Was that for one or for multiples?

    You have to sign up. Click on the login at the top of the page and create a new account. You have to have a valid tax ID to get the wholesale prices. The Illumination warmers are 7.50-8.50 and you have to order a minumum of 6 (that's a master case). There's no minimum dollar amt.

  3. Thanks pleasure! I'll check that out.

    Welcome Jack!! If you order $300 plus they cap the shipping at 15%. I recently ordered some of the jackolanterns and the snowman (along with some others). They are really cute!!

  4. Where can you find the seasonal tart warmers like Scentsy sells. Specifically Halloween and christmas. Thanks! :-)

    Candlewarmers.com has jackolantern, snowman, santa and snowflake illumination warmers.

  5. I have done it with the same thing as Lady Jo above but I also do air fresheners and they pretty much take up most of my space on the display. I recently started putting them in collapsable fabric bins that I got at Dollar Tree. They have various sizes and I can fit in the smaller ones 4 scents (7 of each scent) lined up. I make a sign for each one that lists the scents in each bin. It's worked pretty well so far and seems there's less mess from the customer when they know what's in each one instead of rooting through them. I line those up on the table(s) and the ones I have the colors match my fitted tablecloths so it looks pretty. Sorry I don't have any pics to show of them set up on the tables. The pics below are from Dollar Tree's site. With them being collapasble it takes no room at all in transporting them and when I'm done, fold them up and put them away.


  6. What is it that they don't do anymore? I ordered maybe two weeks or so ago and paid with Visa with no problems. I know I don't have any H&G from them and I maybe have an ounce maybe two of the Cranberry Marmalade, I'd have to check for sure. How much of the Odor Elim do you need?

  7. Just noticed that they have gone up on these. Went from $39 for 10 lbs to $47.50.

    Guess I'm gonna have to look around again for beads. There was another company that had some similiar but can't remember who it is off my head. Anyone found any that are similiar to BCN's. Thanks!

    Edited to add:

    I think it may have been Cajun Candle were I got the similiar beads from. Doing some searching and came across Aroma Beads Online. Has anyone used them before? They don't say the % of how much they will hold.

    Thanks for any help! :)

  8. If you order $300 plus they cap the shipping at 15%. So mine came out to be just a tad over a dollar more than their wholesale price. Depending on where you are and

    if there are similar prodcucts being sold in your area that will be a factor in what you can sell them for. Keep in mind people can go to the site and order for 14.99 (for the illumination warmers) then pay shipping. They sell similar ones from a different company at walmart for 15.00. Hobby Lobby also carries the candlewarmers.com product and they aren't less than 15.00. Meijer carries them as well and I think they sell for about 12-15.00. My feelings are if I can get the same product down the road for 15.00 or get it direct from the company I'm gonna do that rather than pay 25.00 somewhere else for the exact same product. Hopefully that helped somewhat.

  9. Yeah I don't know if Nana's and the OP supplier in question is the same, but, I know I've read posts before where the supplier was mentioned and some of the same incidents happened. If that's the case begins and ends with the same letter (state wise). I've not had any incidents or problems from that particular supplier if its the same in question.

  10. I'll have to check them out since we can use the craft store that we have a booth in as the brick and mortar address. I rec'd my other 6 warmers yesterday

    that I didn't get with my original order. When I contacted them about it b/c the site never showed they were OOS the lady told me they had temporarily went

    oos but got more in and would put my order on the top of the list. I must admit I was nervous about the shipping on those since it was only 6 but they gave me

    the 15% cap I guess since I would have gotten them with my original order. In any case I got all the warmers now and am happy.

  11. Received my order today and am soooo happy to have this FO back. My parents are going to NC next week for a football game and are picking up wax for me so hopefully they have some left and I can get a few more bottles just in case they go OOS again.

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