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Posts posted by pleasureridgecandles

  1. I got the free sniffie of the one from BCN.... OOB didn't like it at all. I guess I wanted something more along the smell of CS's and the one from BCN is totally different.

    It did not have that juicy fruit gum scent. Maybe this would be better once in wax, I just haven't had the time.

  2. Question for those of you that have done business with them before.... do they figure out the shipping after you place the order and then add on? I was looking around on their site and wanted to place a small order but nowhere does it give me even a shipping quote. I looked around the site and can't find anything that states how they do the shipping charges. I'd like to know or have a general idea of what my shipping is going to be so I can see if that will outprice them for me (as far as resale goes). I have a Meijer right down the road and if they can sell them for 12.00 I need to make sure I can compete with that. Thanks!!

  3. Has anyone contacted them to see if they have an estimate on when all the warmer combos that seem to have been "in production" forever will be in? I am extremely low and completely OOS on many of them and need more soon. Thought I'd check to see if anyone had any news before I contacted them. Thanks so much!!

  4. I agree with the previous poster... if you don't have it you can't sell it. You can always take more the 2nd day if need be. How many different scents will you have? It never fails as I always try to scale it down somewhat on the number of scents I take that one of the scents that I don't bring (due to slow sales on that particular scent) is the one everyone wants. You can never predict the type of people you will get (whether they are bakery lovers, floral lovers etc) so make sure you have a variety of different scents that surely everyone that wants to buy will have some that they like to pick from. Generally on the 2 day events Sunday is usually the slower of the two in my experience anyway. Make sure you have plenty of bags, business cards, a calculator, cash box or register and some coffee beans. They are great to clean the nose of all the sniffers when they smell so many scents they start to smell the same. Don't forget your positive attitude and your smile :) Good luck!!

  5. I recall seeing Fall Harvest at Backwoods when I did a search once for it. Haven't tried their version though. I ended up getting the one from Berts but going to have to find a replacement now. JS has one as well now, I did get some to try but haven't had a chance to try it out yet.

  6. Pretty much. Say you ship a package on Thursday unless it's going to say the next state it's not gonna make it to the customer until atleast Monday. Which means it's going to be sitting over the weekend on a truck. All UPS that comes in from Friday (after 9 am) - Sunday is not unloaded until after midnight (monday morning) and I'm assuming the same would be true with Fed Ex or USPS. Atleast that's how it is in KY. One thing you can do is to leave comments when you do the actual shipping for the driver to leave it in a specific place (that's not directly in the sun for extended periods of time) something like a back door or to have it signature required. They always leave my packages at my back door which is covered by a car port so I've never had any issues. When I'm going to ship something that can melt I always ask the customer if there's a place I can have the driver leave the package where it won't be in direct sunlight/heat if they will not be home when it arrives.

  7. Just an FYI I placed an order last week for a case of the 1524 from eclamshell and next day got an email stating they were OOS and lead time was about 2 1/2 weeks. I checked their site and I guess they don't update when things are OOS b/c nowhere does it state they are out and it takes you through the entire order process including getting an email confirmation of your order. It would be helpful if their site was updated so I don't try to place another order after the 2 1/2 weeks is up and they still be OOS.

    I've also not had any scent loss from any of them. I've got some that I've had put away for my own use that are about 2 years old and still smell great.

  8. Depends on the type of customer(s) you get that particular day. I always sell tons of them in Hot Apple, Love Spell, Sweet Pea, Mac Apple, Monkey Farts, Cinnamon Stick, some type of Vanilla, and Baby Powder. Never made a scent that didn't sell though so I'd try out multiple scents and see what works in your area. I never thought about making Caramel Cinn Latte air fresheners, but, had a request for them and sure enough alot of people buy those. I personally hate to make them b/c the smell of them is sooo strong when they are in the oven it makes me sick to my stomach.

  9. Looked into this a couple years ago and they do have a minimum. I can't remember off my head but it was a huge minimum. Something that a supplier would be able to do but not a small candle business or if you had alot and I mean alot of others that were in your area that would go in on it.

  10. I've only tried a few CMS fo's and they were all great. I got the Grade B except for the Coco Mademoiselle which didn't list an A or B. As for the other company I've ordered just a few times from them and I only got one scent from them. I've not had any problems in the very few times I ordered but there are so many that have had issues with them. I second that you do a search and read up on them before you decide to do any business with them. Search under Midwest, Brighter Scents, Gelluminations, Creative Illuminations. Those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head so there may be more. They've changed their name many times and constantly have sales which makes me think they are desperate for sales or something isn't up to par with the products.

  11. Aztec Candle Supply sells really good beads. I have used them for over a year with no problems.

    That's where I got the ones from that just didn't want to melt down good enough and I had to throw them away (melted beads in the molds) b/c I couldn't get them out. They also took forever to absorb the FO. I was not happy at all with the beads as far as using them for car fresheners. Just my experience though.

  12. I've never seen them there, but then I haven't looked. From previous discussions, all aroma beads are not created equal. I get mine from BCN but I know there are other suppliers.

    You can say that again!! I used to get mine from Alabaster but they stopped carrying them for whatever reason. They were OOS forever then just disappeared from the site. I hope the new Community place will start to carry the same ones again. They were the best I'd found. BCN is the next closest. I've tried many others and just didn't care for them (whether they took forever and a day to absorb, to not baking down enough to my liking). I had some that I had to bake a long time to get them melted down enough and then couldn't get them out of the molds. Had to throw them away and cut the heck outta my hand trying to get them out. I'd strongly recommend BCN if you want to try them out.

  13. Has anyone had one of these melt in a hot car? I noticed on the instructions from one of the suppliers that there was a caution about using them in a hot car. Just curious.

    I've had them in my truck during the summer when the heat index is well over 100 and never once had any issues. I've sold tons of these and personally use them myself and I've never had an issue or had a customer come back and tell me they had an issue with melting. IMO the hotter the vehicle the better the scent.

  14. They had a very nice color selection of dye, anybody used it and liked it?

    I use the liquid dye and have had nothing but great results. In fact that's the only thing I still was getting from them due to all the issues I'd moved elsewhere for all my other needs. I'd LOVE if he started carrying the aroma beads again. They were the BEST I'd found and were OOS forever then they just disappeared from the site altogether.

  15. I get mine from Panic Plastics... http://panicplastics.com/1500-series-clamshell-packaging.html. The 1524 is the normal size of the clamshells that many of the suppliers sell. I ordered some from Millcreek in the past not realizing they were larger. Anyway they come out to be 19 cents a piece after shipping. You do have to order a case (875 clamshells) but to me the price was well worth it not to mention not having to order again so soon. I know there's been discussions about this before and I remember some others mentioning eclamshells.com

  16. Curious as to why Todd sent out an email stating they were not going out of business and that they soon would return stock to record level highs if they were indeed going out of business?? I checked out the new supplier briefly and it looks exactly like the Alabaster site just with a diff name. So did this new company buy out Alabaster and take over what stock they had? Seems that's what happened since the new site is temp out of stock of the exact same things Alabaster was. If anyone orders from the new company please post your experience(s) so those of us that Alabaster lost might have a new supplier if things are ran differently under the new company.

  17. I have the Fierce from NG but so far the only thing I've done with it is lotion. My son wanted some lotion and he liked the smell of that. I've never smelled the real thing so I can't compare how accurate of a dupe it is.

  18. I don't understand why people do all the personal stuff on their business pages. It's completely unprofessional. I'm a pretty private person so I never understand

    people that want to air all their business. I can see maybe venting on a personal page that only your friends will see to a point but that should never be done on a business page. I'm not much of a facebook person anyway. I maybe will get on once or twice a day for a couple minutes and that's it. I do find it amusing though that some people seem to live on there. I wonder how they ever get anything done.

  19. BCN is the only one I've tried. I have not tried CS b/c I use soy and it states it is not recommended for soy. Don't know what type of wax you use but thought I'd mention that in case you used soy. Didn't want you to waste money trying it.

  20. Might be helpful to some that use Elements or that will in the future to know what products you used that you had good and bad results with. I agree though

    if a supplier is going to have reviews from actual customers they should allow the negative just as much as the positive. Could help someone not waste money on something and be a ticked off customer that moves elsewhere. They could also use the negative comment(s) to try to improve the product. I have seen on some

    sites where the supplier has gone back and replied to negative comments where they improved it.

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