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Posts posted by pleasureridgecandles

  1. I'm one of the few as well it seems that's had luck with the CBA. I've got some Excel also but really haven't had a chance to play around with it much. The cure time varies for me. Some FO's are great in a week and some take longer. I NEVER burn them until it's been atleast a full week. I've found that if I pour cooler say 125 I tend to get some of those holes by the wick. If I pour at 135 I don't get them. HTH

  2. I have not been hit by any of this and from your list I have used or not used the following...

    Indiana Candle Supply NO

    Kentucky Candle Supply NO



    Just Scent YES

    Natures Garden YES

    Bitter Creek North YES

    Candles & Supplies NO

    Online Labels NO

    Candle Wic NO

    Fillmore NO

    Amazon NO

    I'm getting ready to place an order from KY so we'll see if anything happens from that. I've also used CS, The Jar Store and Vistaprint. I have my account set up to give me daily updates and have it set up to email if any transactions are tried to go through for more than $1.00 and also if any foreign charges are attempted. I know that we all spend more than $1.00 when we buy supplies but I did it anyway in an attempt to try to catch it early as many of these hackers try to auth cc charges in small amts at first to see if it goes through. Sorry to hear these jackwads are still hitting you guys.

  3. Alabaster has a forum, such as it is. Perhaps you would get an answer if you asked there.


    You won't find much there if you're looking for answers to what's going on over there. Some have spoken to Todd and told him he needed to come on the board and let people know what's going on, but, he never did. You'd think with it being their forum that they'd see people asking questions and jump in and explain but nothing. Poor CS in my opinion.

  4. There's been a few discussions about them. If you do a search you'll find some info, but, to answer your question. This has been going on for some time with them. Used to be my main supplier, but, now the only thing I get from them is liquid dyes. I have not tested any other suppliers liquid dyes but everything else I used to get from them has been replaced by others suppliers. They used to have a store here in KY and they closed that one maybe 2 years ago or so. Ever since they have gone downhill. CS at the Alabama location has been downright annoying at times, whether you get attitude or never get any response at all. Never once had an issue with the KY location, but, damn near everytime I had a problem of some sort with the AL location. Whether it was broken jars they said well x amt broken out of x amt isn't bad (and never did anything about it). Now I know things can get broken in transit but when they packed a big box with 300 jars and no packing other than the individual cases you're asking for trouble. I got 300 wrong lids (they never replaced them) got sent wrong FO's (those they did send me the correct ones) and a few bottles of FO I seriously question. These 2 scents I had used very often from them and the last time had purchased 32 oz bottles. These bottles I could do nothing with as they were extremely weak in smell oob and they looked liked a lightly colored water. I had a little bit left of each and compared to the new bottles they sent and when I did that's exactly what it looked like (lightly tinted water). Waste of money. Nothing was ever done about that. Their aroma beads were OOS forever then just disappeared. They were constantly out of so many things, whether it was jars, wax, fo's and so on at the busiest time of year so many people had no choice but to find replacements. I did receive an email from them about a month or so ago stating they were going to have their stock at record levels soon, but, apparently that has not happened yet. HTH. :)

  5. Island Girl, glad it's not just me. I thought it had a bubblegum kinda smell to it also and some people told me I was nuts. They didn't think it smelled like that at all. Just goes to show how different peoples sniffers are. I like the smell of it and it's not one of those sweet sickening bubblegum smells. I actually just sold my last 2 of these and need to make some more. Glad I bought a 16 oz bottle last time I ordered. :)

  6. Glad you posted about the citronella. I have some that I need to test and wondered about CS and NG's. I love CS odor eliminator. It surely works and smells good too. The only other odor elim I've tried is Alabasters Smoke Out and it was god awful. I couldn't even stand the smell of it pouring it let alone burning it. Not to hijack here, but, have any of you tried NG's citronella? If you have which was better CS or NG. This is for soy btw.


  7. I checked out your site as well. You have alot of great pretty products. Around here we don't have much of the grubby prim type items. Do you have much competition in your area as far as the style you do? I would think if you were unique (meaning you were the only one in your area doing this style) that you would do very well. Honestly though only you knows whats best for you and your situation. Sit down and make a list of pros and cons and really think about each one. That may help you in your decision to actually see on paper and have it all out in front of you. Good luck with whatever you decide.

  8. You're right Eric, they were at one time called gelluminations, brighter scents and I'm thinking there was another name as well. I have ordered a few times from them (when they were Gelluminations) and had no issues, but, if you search these other names as well as Midwest you'll find many compliants. There are also a few that have had good transactions, but, they don't seem to compare with the complaints.

  9. Thx Sue, that's where I first found them. Just wondered if anyone had found a better price, although their price was pretty cheap. I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but, I asked the hubby and he said Staples would probably have them. Sure enough they do and I won't have to pay shipping and the price was cheaper with not having to pay shipping. Thanks for your replies!!

  10. Anyone know where I can find some of these at decent prices? I'm looking for ones that would have the string attached. I did a search here but didn't find anything and did a quick google search and store supply warehouse was about the only one that came up. Their prices seemed pretty good but thought I'd see if anyone has any other suppliers to check.


  11. I knew I saw it somewhere on a supplier site, and WSP was it. It was sometime ago and I really didn't pay much attention to it since it wasn't something I use. This has nothing to do with the paper, but, recently was getting some of those wooden roses that NG has (for freebies with online orders) and the shipping was around 8.50 for 4 bunches. So needless to say I ordered some FO's to justify the shipping. I added 6 bottles of FO (1 8 oz and 5 16 oz) and shipping was less than 10.00. I guess that's how the suppliers enable us to buy more FO's... lol

  12. Caramel Fudge Cake and Baby Powder I have used. I have only used the CFC in tarts so far, but, have had great results with both FO's. Haven't tried any of the others you mentioned. The Caramel Cinn Latte is awesome if you're looking for a coffee scent and the Pomegranate is yum!

  13. I feel your frustration. I'm assuming they have not provided you with a contact number (since you didn't mention any other contact info other than email)? Imo, if they are that worried about it then they should give you a call to follow up. What more can you do if they are not getting your emails and aren't providing any other contact info? Try doing what the previous poster suggested and see if forwarding the email to them will work. If it does they will see that you have in fact tried to contact them with no success. And yes some people are braindead.. lmao.

  14. I created nothing this weekend. It was nice!! Went to a Derby BBQ that doubled as my nephews b-day party yesterday and today was Mother's Day so spent the day with my family and did some landscaping work in my front yard. Back to work tomorrow I guess. I have alot of things to do, tarts, air fresheners, body butter etc. and maybe I can get around to playing around with the pillars I am wanting to do (for myself).

    Mmmm pumpkin crunch cake.... sounds yummy!!

  15. My first thought is this is a newer way for someone to get free stuff. Whose to say that they are going to really do any reviews, and whether or not they'd give you good reviews. You could have some of the best stuff out there and they could possibly give you false bad reviews in attempts for you to keep giving them free stuff to change their opinion. Anyone who has a youtube account can post stuff on there, so if you're really looking for honest reviews why not ask a friend, family member, co worker or whoever that actually uses your products to do a review. You could make your own youtube post for reviews and have actual customers give their honest reviews if you're really interested in having youtube reviews. Honestly when I'm on youtube I'm not looking for things like that so whose to say if it would make any difference for you as far as new sales.

    Was this person from a legit company that provides honest, unbiased reviews or just someone whose looking to get some freebies? My opinion (if it were me) would be they're just out for freebies. Also are they going to expect some kind of payment for doing this service for you? Why would a complete stranger want to review products they've not used and post about them without there being some kind of motive or incentive? Seems rather fishy to me. Just my 2 cents worth.

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