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Posts posted by Wessex

  1. I love the Oakmoss & Amber, throws great in GG palm. I made soy tarts with the Jamaica Me Crazy and it smells like Sex on the Beach with coconut added. The HT with the Jamaica did not last long in the tart (8 hours) before it started to fade with a 4 day cure. Letting it cure longer and will test again.



  2. They look pretty dang good for first batches. I kinda like the burnt cookie and meadow muffin soap. Maybe take them to a hockey game :smiley2:. I dread the day I make the foray into CP. Like I need another addiction.



  3. I gave in to curiosity and checked out Etsy (usually don't visit it as I find myself overly critical of everyones stuff, LOL). I think your smellies look pretty good. I still think you should undercut them on the price, though (meow, LOL). As far as the clear labels, I usually use labelsbythesheet.com for my labels, unless they don't have a particular size, then go to Online Labels. Labels by the sheet has better prices on small quantities, and the labels work better, IMO. And for whoever asked, glossy labels look better on jars, IMO, the matte labels don't "disappear" on the glass, but stick out.

    Again, nice smellies, keep up the good work :smiley2:.



  4. I make enough to use up a 1 oz. sample. Since I am using about an 8% FO load, I end up with 2 clamshells and 6 tarts (clams are over 3 ozs and tarts are 1.2 ozs). I have a small group of people I use for testing, so that pretty much takes care of most of the tarts/clamshells. It is more of an expense than is really needed, but I am paranoid about having a really good product. I do not want any customers to feel bad about spending money on something that is a luxury, especially during these tough times.

  5. The honeysuckle tart I was testing definately morphed into a "hair product" type scent. Lost all the sweetness by about the 12 hour mark. Didn't smell bad, but definately different. Ended the testing at 30 hours. Still was throwing, but only about a third of the strength from the 8 hour mark. Maybe it just doesn't like the heat of a hot plate warmer. The candles have gone through 4 test burns (4 hours each) and have not morphed at all. Tarts are soy, candles are GG palm. May not be a true honeysuckle, but I like it. Maybe name it New Zealand Mountain Honeysuckle or some such nonsense, LOL.



  6. The honeysuckle soy tart has been going for 12 hours and is still throwing pretty good, but the scent has changed to a little "soapy". Don't know how to describe it, it still smells like honeysuckle, but almost like a haircare product or something. Still like it, but it has morphed a bit. The GG palm honeysuckle container candle is on it's second 4 hour test burn and still doing well, no morphing of scent. The tart is on an OBI 2-in-1 warmer and maybe it is getting a bit hot for this FO.



  7. Just a heads up...just started test burning the CS Honeysuckle in GG palm and it is throwing like crazy after only 20 minutes with a small melt pool. The honeysuckle soy tarts I have had curing for about 3 days are going in the back of the house and seem to be throwing pretty well. Hopefully the tarts will last 2-3 days.



  8. You might want to call them or wait and order again tomorrow. Last week I went to order some jars and the shipping showed as $36. Thought that was high so didn't order. Went back today to check and the same order had shipping at $23!!! Don't know what is going on, but sometimes the shopping carts just don't work right. But kept me from calling and raising a stink, LOL.



  9. I've got both Peak's and CS honeysuckle. Have never poured the Peak's, OOB it has a sort of "off" scent, hard to describe, but just kinda "spicy" instead of floral. The CS honeysuckle is definately very floral, almost "sweetly" so. I have put it in soy tarts and GG Palm containers. Very strong in the palm and true to the OOB smell. In soy it is a tiny bit more muted, but still fairly strong. This is all from CT, I have not tested the tarts or candles yet. IMO, the CS Honeysuckle is a keeper. Hope the customer think so!



  10. Some business sectors readily will show you they are insured and bonded (e.g. construction contractors, home cleaning companies, etc.), which is the proper thing to do. Also I would want to check these kind of companies if they did work in my house. As far as candle/B&B manufacturers, the insurance is not a matter of public record. You can always ask, and they should tell you. But would you ask Yankee or VS or other large companies for their insurance? So why would you do it for smaller companies? So in answer to your question...No, you can't find out if a company is insured unless they tell you.



  11. Don't get me started on this puritanical bullshit!!! No studies have been done to back up any kind of ban, it is simply "if it makes you feel good it must be bad". I'm sure there are side effects, but to ban anything without any serious studies is something that would float in Nazi Germany, the old USSR or the middle east, should NOT happen in the US. I love my country and it's people, but I despise my government. This crap just gets my blood boiling. Don't even want to know what I think about our involvment in Libya. If I could resign from the military in protest, I would. Rant over...



  12. "I will not get more FO's...I will not get more FO's..."

    That was what I was saying as I met the UPS lady at the door. She had a package that said Candle Science on it...what the heck, LOL. Anyway, here are a few reviews OOB on some of the new ones, and some that are new to me.

    Honeysuckle - very "sweet" floral. I like it, going to put it in soy soon and try it in GG Palm and see how it does.

    Caribbean Teakwood - to me it has a "sweet woodsy" type scent. I like!

    Jamaica Me Crazy - get lots of coconut out of this one, with the citrus notes. OK, but will have to see how it is in wax.

    Sex on the Beach - smells like ambrosia salad to me. Not too bad.

    Lavender Vanilla - lavender hits me first, quickly followed up with the vanilla. Smells just like the name, think it could be a winner.

    Apple and Clover - wanted to try for a customer who likes every apple scent! Get lots of macApple out of it with a little clover, hope it picks up in wax. Good OOB if you want an apple scent.

    Lemon Chiffon - Very nice, lemon pound cake is a hit for me, I think this will be too. Just like lemon icing.

    OK, that's about all I have time for now. BTW, I have been pouring the Oakmoss & Amber for a while now, and it is a decent seller. Definately a masculine scent. Goes well with my Green Amber and Asian Amber candles.



    And just to totally change the subject...finally decided to get a smartphone (had my current phone for 5 years) so just got the HTC Thunderbolt. Had no idea it was a new phone! For some reason, even with the unlimited data plan it is cheaper than my old plan (gotta love the military discounts!). What a brick! Screen is almost as big as my computer, LOL. Now to take a few months to learn how to use it...

  13. I use CSN's from CS, never tried the CDN's. I have tested many types of wicks, but the CSN's seem to be much more consistant. I do have one FO that I use an RRD with. I've also stopped using boxes, etc. to cool them, doesn't really make much of a difference in appearance.



  14. It's official...I hate you all! Dang enablers. I have been doing so well keeping my addiction in check. But I needed one FO from CS, so I had to "maximize my shipping dollar". That is my new excuse for overordering, LOL. And of course I need a few from Peaks.... Oh, and I don't use their FO's, but Candlewic also has some FO's on sale!



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