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Posts posted by Wessex

  1. I am so sick of people trying to ban every little thing because it may offend someone or because someone doesn't like something. I can understand not smoking in public places, that is most likely a health issue (I am a smoker and never smoked in a restaurant anyway, just common courtesy). If you don't like the way a place smells or are sensative to it, just DON"T GO. PERIOD!!! You have no absolute right to be catered to everywhere. If you want to smell a country with no air fresheners, try Iraq, smelliest place in the world. No lie. Frickin' whinny people, so damn entitled... Wow, I feel better, LOL.



  2. Well, some posters can be a little harsh sometimes, but it is a bit entertaining. I have found that there are many times I want to say something not so nice, but try to hold off for a day to see if I actually want to post. Most times I do not, LOL.

    And lots of people do not wish to share info they have spent lots of time and money figuring out for themselves. I have actually decided to share a little less. There are too many people asking for too much info that they need to figure out for themselves. I also find it a bit irritating that there appear to be many members of this forum that have been members for years with only a few posts, always asking for help, never contributing any. Not knocking anyone, just sharing my thoughts.



  3. Meow! Kitty got claws, LOL.

    Anyway, not selling soy candles here, have tested different soy waxes but way too much on my plate with my Palm wax line. But all the soy waxes I test poured looked WAY better when poured hot (165-180), with very little or no frosting and no wet spots. Most had good tops, but some had to be hit with the heat gun. Also had really good luck with all the HT. Tested 464, 444, 415 and C-3.



  4. I am assuming this is soy wax? If so, it is a common issue called frosting. It can be caused by certain FO's and colors, as well as pour temperatures and many other factors. Use the search feature and search for frosting and you will find tons of info on it.



  5. I think you will get a few different opinions here. I work with palm wax, which behaves a bit differently than soy and paraffin waxes. Some people like to wick a palm pillar to leave a thin shell, so the flame will show through and show off the pattern of the palm wax. I wick them so the entire pillar will be consumed. With paraffin (and I assume soy, never tried), if a shell is being left, you can "hug" the sides so all the wax will be consumed. But I would say in that case the candle is not wicked correctly. Of course, if someone burns a pillar incorrectly (e.g. in a draft without rotating) even correct wicking will not let the candle burn correctly. My opinion is that there should never be any wax running down the sides. But, sometimes, it happens.



  6. 4630 is Harmony. Comfort is 4627.

    You are right, LOL. I really need to take 30 seconds to check my facts before I spout off :smiley2:. Non-paraffin user here. I did use the 4630, though.



  7. When I was testing blends for tarts, I blended Ecosoya PB with 4630 (Comfort) at 75/25% and they looked great and came out of clamshells great. Decided I wanted to stick with an all soy blend, so never tried them for HT, but CT was good. I just mention this because you were trying the Harmony wax and the Comfort is close to that. Of course, you might not have the 4630 at hand. But just wanted t mention it.



  8. This is getting too funny, just called Bank of America to check on that business card and guess who answered...fraud protection, LOL. Seems like they have declined multiple charges over the last few days from many of the same places you all are getting hits from. In the last month, used this card at NG, CS, Candle and Supplies. So someone has a serious breach and I am going to get a pint of Ben & Jerry's and forget about it, LOL. So lets sum this up...3 cards hit that I use to buy candle supplies. No cards hit that I do not use to buy candle supplies.

    I see a pattern here.



  9. Hey guess what? Yep Discover card has bogus charges now. This is the new card I received a couple months ago because of the same issue. In the last month I have used this card at Jarstore, OBI, NG, Fillmore and Peak. Charges are for all kinds of things all over the country, so not just one person using it. Also tracked down a ship to address in Drexel Hill, PA. May have to check it out next time I am in PA...

    Well, have to go clean my baseball bat...

    Discover was very helpful in immediately getting rid of the charges. Think I will start making art out of all my "closed due to fraud" credit cards.



  10. I'm thinking I am just not the prim type chandler. My latest line is the more upscale look and I do the hex/jelly/classic jars. My pillars have always been simple one color "boring" pillars. Since I work with Palm, decided I want the scent and patterning to be the selling point. I do kinda like these pillars, think I will test burn a few and then see how they sell. But as far as making a prim type for my customer...take these or nothing, LOL. Thanks all.


  11. The following is for informational and entertainment purposes only.

    About 15 years ago one of my card numbers was stolen. They made various charges for merchandise to be delivered to them, as well as some local purchases at a Chinese restaurant (without the card?). Anyway, I notified the police in the city, as well as the card company. The police said that since the card company had refunded the money, it was not a crime against me, so I could not have them arrested. The card company said they were not going to go after anyone since the total amount was only about $800. So I visited the person (was only an hour away) and confirmed they had indeed stolen my number (they did not know who I was or why I was there). I wonder how much it cost to replace their Jeep...



    I do not endorse or even suggest any type of visit to anyone involved in credit card fraud, let the authorities do their job.

  12. Hey All,

    I have a wholesale account asking for "prim" type palm pillars, whatever the heck that is, LOL. Here is the first try, not really my cup of tea. Also, the candles labeled "1" and "2" were made using different techniques. Which looks better to you? They are wrapped and labeled to show to the customer, not to sell (not tested yet). Thanks for your input.





  13. My take is go unscented. A big part of wine tasting is using the sense of smell. If you are smelling a scented candle, it could get in the way of the wine. My brother owns a wine shop that does tastings on a regular basis. On those days, he does not burn any candles. Nor does he have any scented pillars near the tasting area.



  14. Mine don't smudge. Use the glossy clear, white and others, with an inkjet and have no problems with smudging. Only use on candles, so they don't get handled like B&B would, but never had a smudged label on a candle in a retail store. They are not waterproof, though.



  15. I have made some testers with the 8 oz Status, and pouring 1/2 inch below top gave me a weight of 6.05 ozs. If I made them for sale, I would fill a little higher and it would probably be closer to 6.2 ounces. I do not sell the 8 oz, but the 12 oz Status sells pretty well for me. I use a glass top for the 12 ounce. I only sell locally at the moment, so shipping is not an issue.




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