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Posts posted by jackbenimble

  1. I've tried just about every one and the closest I came to that true earthy patch scent was the patch/cedar blend from AH. I never did test it in product though.

    I have not tried Lonestar's

    Nancy- Was the Patchouli Blend that RE carries or was the name Patchouli Cedar? I've tried the Patchouli Blend before and its a good one.

  2. This year one of my goals is to work on a separate upscale line of candles and hopefully have them ready with labels and packaging for the holiday buying season. I'd also like to get at least one wholesale account and continue growing my online sales. I want to add a couple of more craft shows this year too.

    I need to get a brochure together about my candles as well as being more organized too.

    We should all come back next year and see how we all did with our resolutions. :-)

  3. Indonesian Teakwood is an old fragrance. It is a beautiful fragrance. I first used it from the old Green Leaf company and then from Just By Nature and so on. It is a floral with a woody undertone and it is stout. A little goes a long way in most applications. It is skin safe and I have customers who only buy this fragrance. It's very perfumery but not overwhelming; unless you use too much. HTH


    Thank you Steve. That info was very helpful. I'm looking forward to smell these both.

  4. Well I broke down and purchased both the mahogany teakwood and Indonesian Teakwood from WSP. Had to because of their $40 min on orders. Hopefully one will work for the blend I want and I'll use the other by itself. I've used a couple of FO from WSP before in 464 soy and they have worked well. Hope these do too. To fingers crossed!

  5. I am particularly excited to try the fig tree---in hope that it smells like my absolute favorite candle in the world. The Diptyque Figuer without the 65.00 price tag LOL.

    JACKBENIMBLE, I think I saw your scent reviews on YouTube?

    You might have saw it. It was awhile back. I need to do some more of those scent reviews soon. I keep saying that but I end up not doing them. I Hope they were helpful. I tested Fig Tree again yesterday. It is a great scent! Best way to describe it is a clean but earthy scent. I'm hoping to take it to my shows this year.

  6. I was going to suggest Carribbean Teakwood from Candle Science. I really love that one. How much are you using? It has a pretty strong throw to me.

    I am using 1/2oz for 8oz of wax. I wonder if I can or should go up because this is such a lovely scent. There are several reviews on the CS site that some testers said it was very light.

  7. I'm looking for a good Teakwood FO for soy and saw that WSP has two.

    Indonesian teakwood & mahogany teakwood

    How do they compare and have can you give me a review if you have used them?

    Also is there another supplier that carries and teakwood scent?

    Btw- I have tried Caribbean teakwood from CS and its a wonderful FO but so light I can't smell it in my soy wax and it was curing a month.

    I also saw that CW has a teakwood as well.

    Thanks for any suggestions or advice.

  8. Wanted to let everyone know there is a sale over at PFO on all of their FO. No code to enter. Discount is already on the item. Ends 10/26/14

    A few of the MW FO are available and I am going to get those.

    Also has anyone used their Frank & Myrrh? Looks like it has good reviews for wax.

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