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Posts posted by EccoLights

  1. I have one that I"m playing with that seems to be a great one if you give me your email address I'll send it to you ;)

    Only one thing I'm confused about on this though is the units. I assume I could make it pounds per case & the cost/units I believe would figure to be the ounces???? Nope that didn't work lol sorry thinking out loud kind of and also hoping someone can give some input.

    I'd like to see it too (the spreadsheet that is) =) info@eccolights.com


  2. After hearing about not filling up the neck on these jars I couldn't wait to get some more and start pouring =) So did my runs today and got all our supplies and have been pouring since around noon and got around 7 cases poured right now and now a single sink hole! YIPPIE! I know this topic went another direction but thought I would fill everyone in =)

  3. For the past 2 years when we had candles that needed touched up (on top) we have been using a hair dryer thinking "There's not a big difference then a heat gun." How freaking wrong I was!

    Just bought one at Harbor Freight and what used to take me 2 - 3 minutes just took me utterly 5 seconds! YIPPIE!!!

    So if your debating on this or use a hair dryer now, ditch it and go spend the $15 for the real deal =)

    *Put this in Vegetable because we use soy, but could fit into the General area if the mod's so choose* =)

  4. In the past month I'd say we have had about 6 or 7 of them like that. Each time they sent a replacement out the very next day (sometimes the same day) and I had it within 1 day as well, so A+ on their customer service. The one today that came back was one of the poly resin ones and they didn't have a replacement so got a credit, so that was cool as well =) Even had a few drop ship ones that they sent a entire new unit to our customers so again A+++

  5. So the question is, What do you do with your little bits of left over wax from doing your batches?

    For us, we do scent shots with the portion cups and will fill them (even part of the way) and pass them as small samples to our lookie-lous. We do also have a few old ice cream buckets (cookies and cream of course) and will pour the little leftovers in there until we get enough to do a batch and name it Frogs Breath or Mississippi Mud or WTF IDK or some other creative name =) Some really turn out quite nice depending on what we have been making but it really sells to those looking for the different or unique scents. Bad side is we can never recreate it so BOO on that part..

  6. I would rather have some extra wax left over than deal with all this!!!!! *faint* KISS

    Can we get an AMEN to this???? This brings up another good topic now tho, what does everyone do with the little extras and bits from our batches? But that will be discussed in a new topic =)

    Off to numb my brain now, I think I smell smoke tho...

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