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Posts posted by EccoLights

  1. Base looks like it may be home made pottery (appears slip molded and hand cut). Of course it may be something re-purposed. The bowl looks like a small glass kitchen utensil or small serving bowl for dips or butter or some such. Just appears to be re purposed items.



    To to agree with Steve and Kris on this. Re-purposed dollar tree finds =) I know the "dish" comes in packs of either 3 or 6 for cheap ($1.00 or less) and the base is also found there but never looked at cost for them... I'm sure they are under $1.00 for them as well tho...

    A good idea and at least they are not selling OBI warmers and claiming "handmade" so kudos to them!

    On a side note...$8.00 for the set? I'd say someone isn't doing a 3x markup =)

  2. LOL, EccoLights. I was actually very tempted to do that, and I just may have to in the future. And, Steve, thanks for your reply as well. The more feedback I get, the better I feel - that all my work hasn't gone into making some terribly inferior product, but that there are just some dishonest candlers out there.

    *Looking for that "like" button*

  3. Being around on Etsy for over a year now I can honestly say that it's not the place it once was....and for you old timers on Etsy, I'm sure you would say that even louder then I did.

    Same as SuzyK there, we used to be very active in the forums and chat (even got some sales that way) but since the switchover to "Teams" in the forums, it's just pointless. Seems admin doesn't do a thing about anything unless its going to get them sued. As for the resellers over there, they are a dime a dozen anymore....I have seen admin shut shops down to only have that same person reopen under a new name...There is one shop I know of that resells OBI's warmers and packages them with their rock crystals and to Etsy admin, that's handmade...what a joke!

    We have over 300 items up over there and used to run up a bill over $100 a month...here lately tho I won't renew unless it sold and as for listing new... Well, still debating that one. Really have been focusing on our site and think we might just go that route... That $100 a month could get some decent advertising for our OWN site and not go into Etsy's fat pockets!

    Ok, Im done venting =)

    Good topic Wessex

  4. OK, don't shoot me...

    I love the warmers and the about-the-warmers text set up nicely...but...I looked at the clear warmers and read the descriptions and scrolled down the page to see which one you were talking about then scrolled back up to read the next description, then scrolled back down to see the example, then I gave up. Personally, I would like to see a group of V1 clear and painted and labeled - and a group of V2 clear and painted and labeled - and...you get the idea.

    But, I do love the creativity and they are beautiful warmers!

    Thank you so much for your feedback! I do agree with you totally too, we need to "streamline" this page a bit more and have a few ideas to get it going =) Overall we will be adding a feature to actually purchase a custom warmer right from the site here very soon... When we update to that we will also change things around a bit and have the examples "near" the clear version =)

    Again, thanks for the input, its always well received =)

  5. Envy, We have used OBI for shipping and on their drop ship site as well and haven't had any problems what so ever. The drop ship side does take a few extra days due to they only ship those orders our a few times a week, but on the wholesale side, we place an order on a Monday and got the box on Wednesday +) Oh, you know what, we did have an issue once with a few broken bulbs, they shipped replacements out right away at no cost to us =)

    Now Levine we had another vendor in the area use them before with much luck! They did say sometimes there was damage but again, they were right on top of the issue and fixed everything to our friends satisfaction =)

    Hope that helps you some and good luck =)

  6. You do realize, do you not, that your site design is your choice, not the hosts? If you don't like "country" or "kitchy", go with what you like. It really is your choice.

    Oh yes we do understand this point Silver. Just to design our own would take to much time tbh and we liked alot of the templates that were available from Pappashop compared to say DIY, Now I did see one from DIY that was MUCH more colorful then the plain old brown/tanish one's they have listed on their site... Going to have to put a call into them and talk a bit more. But between the 2 they both seem to have around the same functions. =)

  7. Some of you that know us and what we have went through on our site will get one heck of a laugh out of this =)

    So now the giggles are all over, what info does anyone have on this host? Were going to switch here soon and looking around for a "not so country / kitchy" host (no offense Designer???) I forgot the numbers =)

    Anywho so lets hear what you guys have to say about PappaShop.com =)


  8. I vote for a kiss, or melt a thin layer of chocolate colored wax in a small lipped metal pan, and when it cools, break off very small pieces and scatter them on top, pressed in alittle to look like chocolate pieces.

    OH this sounds so much better then just a kissie on top!

    But we both vote....BOTH! =)

  9. Your welcome to if you want to Ecco. I don't mind. I know someone will find this thread one day and use the name. But yes I do love Country Bumpkin. It throws great in soy too!

    OHH! Thanks btw! Have you ever tried the Christmas Cravings? It's soooo warm and inviting! =)

  10. Monkey Farts has been one of our best sellers since bringing it out around 9 months ago =) Of course from NG =) Also the Best Friends, SuzyK is so right! It's so nice and sweet smelling, everyone just loves it and the name is perfect for a candle. We have many that will gift it for birthdays, or "just because" gifts too =)

  11. Stay away from Citadel EFT. The guy(his name is Gary) is a complete scam. He'll be very friendly when you sign up, but after the process you will not be able to get hold of him. You have to call him from a different phone every time, he will never return your phone calls. Our company signup for a CC processing with him. The terms were: no contract, no early cancellation fees. After a few years the prices start going up and we had to cancel the service. We couldn't get hold of Gary anymore and we've been charged $250 early termination fee. We can't get hold of this guy to find out what happened to our contract. he will hot reply to email and will never pick up the phone.

    Stay Away!

    I seem to remember a spam post the other day from a brand new member as well.....Could this be???

    Were interested in this as well but along with Envy looking at google there is very minimal about them... Will await a few more replies to see what the deal-e-o is =)

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