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Everything posted by pixie

  1. Can someone recommend a good snickerdoodle scent that throws well in soy?
  2. Anyone know of a true, strong honey scent? I see alot of honey blends and the few straight honey scents I've tried didnt smell like honey at all to me . I'd like to mix it with a cornbread FO for a cornbread and honey scent.
  3. Thanks guys, ill try adding some soft container paraffin to the pb wax.
  4. My own experience has been that the ez soy (415) and the c3 have comparable HT. The cb 135 is way behind.
  5. The candle tops are not bad compared to the cb 135 (which always looked really ugly..almost looked like cooked oatmeal or something). The key to the 415 is pouring at the slushy stage. I really like the ht throw, but of course its soy so you have to go through alot of fo's to find the ones that will play nice.
  6. Does anyone here use the El Soy Container wax from Enchanted Lites? Are you happy with the HT? Is it easy to work with? I have tried the cb 135, gb 415 and C-3. How does the El Soy compare to those? Thanks so much. Stacey
  7. Im just wondering, for those of you who have personally tried both the ecosoya pb tart wax and the ky tart wax, is the HT that different? I can get the pb tart wax locally but would have to pay shipping on the ky wax. I'd be happy to pay shipping if the throw was noticeably different. What do you guys think? Thanks
  8. Anyone know where to get these boxes: www.thespottedhogcandle.com/soaps.html Thanks all
  9. When using a jar like this: /www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com/ProductDetail.aspx?CatalogID=3&GroupID=764&CategoryID=1928&ProductID=3878&ProductName=16+oz+Metered+Square+Mason+Jar+-+70%2f450 and its down to last quarter, how do you light it? The opening on this particular jar is smaller than the body and its almost impossible to get your hand down in the jar. Do customers find this a turn off or do you sell something with the candle to help them light it when they can no longer reach the wick?
  10. Some people here have great luck with the cb 135 and some mix it with a little paraffin. Personally, I've was never able to get it throw the way I wanted it to. I've had much better luck with the EZ soy.
  11. Thanks Stella, I tried DPS in New Lenox and spoke with Gayle. She said they would no longer be carrying any palm wax, they do have some at there sister site but when that supply runs out they wont be ordering anymore. She said there just wasnt enough demand for palm
  12. I do have some misc. RRD wicks around, can you suggest a starting size? I also have some csn 14 and 22's. I'll try the 14 and see what happens. Thanks!
  13. Does anyone know of a place I can pick up Palm wax (container)? I am in Illinois about half hour from Chicago. I was getting it from NuScents but they are out and they have no idea when they will be getting more. Thanks
  14. I'd like to try a 16oz wide mouth mason jar with palm wax. I have cd's. Can someone give me a starting point to wicking this? Im wondering if I should single wick this or double wick it.
  15. I made this before but it didnt turn out so "super" for me. It was just.....meh.
  16. I have been using cd 22's lately in my jars and I would like to try an Eco wick to see how differently it would burn. What size Eco wick would be the equivalent to cd 22's?
  17. Anyone use htp wicks with c-3 on a regular basis? What do you like and what dont you like about them? Ive been using cd's but am wondering what differences I can expect if I switch to htp's.
  18. I just tried Lonestar's "Sweet Snow". It is a vanilla peppermint. I love it! Just wish it was stronger as its a little subtle. I really dont like mixing my own FO's (they never come out right) so what is your favorite vanilla peppermint? Im also looking for a good vanilla cinnamon. Stacey
  19. For this candle, I am using C-3 btw. In the picture below you can see both candles. Number one does not hit a fmp until the three hour mark and has a mp of a little more than 1/4inch. Number two on the other hand reaches a fmp at the end of the first hour with a mp of half a inch. Im thinking of wicking up number one and wicking down number two. Does that sound right? Also, when you say ..the jar shouldnt be "too hot"...well how hot is too hot? At the end of a three hour burn, I could pick both these candles up and move them if I had to but I dont think I could just stand there holding them for 20 min or anything like that. They are both HOT but I could touch them if I needed to.
  20. Thank you so much for sharing your results. This thread has been very interesting indeed! I know what you mean about the paraffin and palm. When I burn those, it really does fill my entire house. When I burn soy, it usually doesn't throw further than the room the candle is in. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Its all about preference and what your looking for. Thanks again Eric. This was a very enjoyable read.
  21. Thank you for the replies. If I find out anything different from my doctor, I'll post an update.
  22. I have read that you are supposed to aim for a melt pool of one inch every hour. So for example, a container that is 3 inches across would take 3 hours to reach a FMP. Does this generally change as the candle burns down? For instance, if I have a candle that is 2/3 of the way already gone, should I still aim for a FMP of one inch an hour or does it speed up because of heat building up in the 2/3 empty jar?
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