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Posts posted by dnj

  1. I have tried palm wax and 6006 with this jar.

    csn5 with the palm and as Wessex said it's a bit overwicked.

    Using the 6006 wax I tried a cd5(too big) htp41(too big) and pretty much gave up after that. I had better luck with the cd but just didnt like how hot the jar got and the flame being too high.

    maybe a cd 4 or htp31 would do the trick but I'm not sure about the 4630.

    They are such cute little jars and make great samplers and are nice put in a gift basket.

  2. I seem to get those dreaded sinkholes around the wick no matter what type wick I use but mostly with the 8 oz j jars. I do have the best luck with the zincs and have not started on testing the lx wicks yet.

    I have also been thinking of switching over to candlewicks cbl130.

    I placed an order yesterday for some of the 1oz samplers on sale and told myself to get a 10lb slab to test but got so involved going through all the scents I wanted to try I totally forgot to get the wax..:rolleyes2

    I have been using 6006 for a few years now and also love playing with palm wax but I'm thinking it's time to try something else but I'm a parasoy lover and the cbl130 seems like the way to go...I hope it's an easier wax to deal with because I too am too lazy to heat the jars...heat gun...second pours etc....most of the time I do a second pour.

    I'll heat my jars and cool in the oven and cross fingers that works out better

  3. Bert sells CD7's maybe that would work?

    I use 6006 mixed with a small amount of 464 and in the summer I will use ecosoya pb(about 20%) mixed with it.

    In 8oz jj I have used cd 8, htp 73 or 83 depending on the fo, eco4 and 51 zinc and have had the best luck with the zincs.

    My next try is lx wicks....I just got a few sample packs of lx 14, 16 and 18

  4. Berries and Lilies is another awesome fo in palm and parasoy. It was very popular here last spring and summer.

    I have also used Red Sedona in wax and wow! The scent throw is super strong. Lemon Sorbet too.

    Her Pink Sugar is another strong one but tends to turn a brownish color as the candle burns down. I have colored it light pink.

    Wild Sage....really nice

    I have a sample of the crabapple that I have not tried yet...smells great oob

    Gloria has some great fos at a decent price....

    I sadly miss her carrot cake....I was so addicted to that one

  5. I have been searching for a Carrot Cake replacement to Glorias(sockmonkey) which I'm having no luck. What little I have left I am hoarding lol

    Iv'e tried a few from other suppliers and none comapre to how totally yummy Glorias is but she hasn't had that one back in stock for a while and I don't see it coming back.

    I haven't tried the ones mentioned so they are next on my wishlist.

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