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Posts posted by Faerywren

  1. I know it's got to be hard to fathom right now, but at least you have a craft/skill that can be profitable.

    You have a line of products, so I think you should try your hand at selling them. :cheesy2: If it doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world. But you'll never know until you try.

    Good Luck!


  2. Goats milk and honey are ingredients that are best saved for when you have a little bit more experience.

    Are you sure you had a true trace before you molded your soap? Sometimes molding at false trace (caused by temps or FO's) will lead to separation down the road.

    There is always the option of rebatching...I know some people despise it, but I don't really mind. I despise losing a batch of soap. :cheesy2:

    Good luck,


  3. Welcome Jenny! I am in my last semester of nursing school, getting ready to get my BSN. I've been a soapmaker for many years and was happy with running my little hobby business doing that. Now, for whatever reason, I've decided I want/need to venture into candles, as well.

    I am married to a wonderful police officer husband and have 4 kids (16, 14, 10 and just 1--yep, just 1---Surprise!). Between family and school and working part time I have zero time for anything, but I want to start making candles. How crazy is that?

    You've come to the right place. Noone will understand your addiction like the rest of us. :rolleyes2


  4. Unfortunately, the high vanilla content of Pink Sugar will discolor it a dark dark brown over time. Smells lovely, but it's hard to call a brown soap pink anything.

    I have seen some soapers layer the brown with unscented soap they have colored pink and that looks nice. Like chocolate cake with pink icing.


  5. Definately tell your friend to get insurance! In today's litigous society, you can't be too careful.

    How long has your friend been making products? It sounds as if she's sort of, for lack of a better word, clueless (and I don't mean that to sound ugly--just don't know another word to use). Has she done any craft shows or farmer's markets? Any other venue to get her products out to the public?

    I made soaps etc. for over a year before I started doing local markets and such. Getting out in the public is crucial in learning what works and what doesn't.

    Maybe your friend could start an Etsy or Artfire shop instead of a full blown website. I used to have a DIYeStore but gave it up to do Etsy/Artfire. I'm very busy with nursing school and being a mom to 4 kids and a decent wife (lol), so I love that I can only list 1 thing for sale if I want. Doing that on a website would look ridiculous. :cheesy2:


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