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Posts posted by Faerywren

  1. Great pictures. I do like the black background better. Shows off the soap better with the contrast of light and dark.

    What do you use to make your honey soap imprint on the top?

    I use bubble wrap to get a pattern on my Oatmeal Milk and Honey soap.

  2. yeah i added a second set of the puffs and shipping went from 15.01 to 29 something so i took the second set back out lol i wasent paying that much.

    That's ridiculous. You know the poufs don't weigh hardly anything! No way the shipping should have jumped like that!

  3. Are you reading Norma Coney's book perhaps? That was my first soap book. I recommend putting it away and getting The Everything Soapmaking Book by Alicia Grosso. She covers cold process, melt and pour, hot process the whole deal. I've been soaping for years and still pull Alicia's book out every now and then.

  4. Ditto what ChrisR said. We live in a litigious society. Who cares what the other crafter's at the mall do? It's your responsibility to protect yourself. Unfortunately, my insurance company only covers me for my soap/bath and body stuff and tarts. They don't want to have anything to do with anything that catches fire. :cheesy2: So, while I make candles, I don't sell them.

  5. I had RLI and they told me I couldn't use pre-made bases, either. I wasn't told I could add stuff to it though. Just NO bases. I might call them back and double check about that. I don't use many bases, but love the ones I do. :cheesy2:

    You would be shocked at the number of sellers with not one cent of insurance coverage and bad production practices!

  6. Great tips! Thanks.

    1. don't pour into a plastic container

    2. wipe the outside and lid of the lye bottle with a fabric softener sheet before you open it. then give it a good sharp rap on the counter top (while still tightly closed).

    3. wipe inside the lye bottle with the fabric softener sheet

    4. I work on a terry towel when messing about with lye. I set my balance on top of a small board and put that on the towel. any escaping lye gets trapped in the loops, so I can then bundle it up and toss it into the washing machine.

  7. I started out using the Roebic lye and would occasionally find blue specks of something in the lye. Thought it was kind of sketchy so quit using it after that. It never gave me any bad batches, just looked, for lack of a better word, impure.

    Yep, and Red Devil lye before that. I guess this Rooto problem is just plain bad luck. :(
  8. This is something that just floors me. Another thing that makes me mad is people stealing product photos off Etsy. Grrr! If you can't make a decent looking product or take a decent picture why don't you work on that FIRST instead of stealing others hard work?

    While I can look and admire the talent of other crafters, I am proud of what I've come up with for my own products. Half the fun to me is packaging and labeling. I'm small time and make products primarily for the fun of it (making $ is a bonus). As much as it would burn my rear to find out someone was copying me, I wouldn't worry about them being around long. Someone who can't come up with their own ideas, or bother to do their own research/learning/testing won't last. They are in this for the wrong reasons and will burn out (no pun intended) soon enough.

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