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Posts posted by WillowBoo

  1. I was thinking of doing a secret garden line...these suggestions have really helped me. Going to move my office out of my home (been there for 10 years) and open up a small spot in the new place (it is very small)

    for the candles and soaps. thanks for your help!

  2. My wick almost always falls over near the bottom when testing with just a wick "plug" (making a hole and sticking in the wick.) It won't fall over (in my experience) if you have a wick tab secured to the bottom. I sometimes wait till it gets close and when wax is real soft, then I'll shove a wick with a tab in and let it cool -then finish out the testing.

  3. I think sometimes when you do come up with a combo that works and is acceptable at least for starters, you have a tendency to try to make it even better because you got this far. Yes, that is good, however when you are fairly new at making candles, this approach can really mess you up, stress out you and everyone else around you. You end up with 555 different useless wicks, pounds of wasted wax and FO's, etc. Your best bet is to stick with what first worked and then back down a bit and make some wickless as suggested. Then go back and try another approach to better improve your candle that first worked. I learned the hard way and I've only been doing this for around a year.

  4. Just curious - As of last week, I've sold 47 container candles (large mason type) in 2 small shops (not real busy shops) since maybe the second week of September. The profits are just my casino money (lol), but is that a decent turn-around so far?

    Holiday shopping is starting around here this weekend.

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