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Posts posted by RetroMetroChic

  1. I'm wondering what size others are using for roll-ons and 5 ml misters, I currently use the really small Avery address size waterproof but they don't wrap around at all. And don't look very professional.

    What size is working for you for roll-ons, I need to make an online labels order and wondered what size is correct?

    I do have the Primera label printer but I don't think they make labels this small ... I thought about hand cutting small labels, thats not fun though..Does anyone use the Primera for small roll-on labels?

    I searched but couldn't find any good info...

  2. Do you want it to have the almond note of Angel food cake or not? The one from chermark is the best one at aroma haven to me. But I just got one from The candle source that is more of a buttery sweet angel food cake I actually like it. I've never used Angel Food Cake in Wax though so not sure. For I am so in love with KY Birthday Cake.. it really throws..

  3. You can use Plastic Pipettes they are like dropers makes it easier they have them at wholesale supplies plus or many other places. Or you can get plastic dropper lids for some plastic bottles, I get some oils like this and I like those. But I still pour and have messes sometimes..

  4. I just noticed the post about the plastic bottles, My order came today and I must not have noticed they no longer come in glass :angry2:

    I would have paid extra had I known, now I have to transfer all of these bottles to glass, what a pain..

    But I must say I love my new oils everyone of them is wonderful

  5. Thanks Debra now your giving me a reason to order from Starvilles I've been dying to try that Creme Brullee forever now I want this.

    I just recieved Mysore Sandalwood from OT and I must say this is really nice, My favorite pure Sandalwood so far. I think it would blend great with vanilla

  6. I just got in the CandleScience strawberry, Wow this is really nice

    I had peaks and its good but I didn't like to smell it personally,

    I had SweetCakes Strawberry just not right to me but not bad either.

    I thought I liked SoapSilly Strawberry and OT Strawberry the best, but

    Candlescience strawberry Is a strawberry that I like to sniff and keep on sniffing. Something different about it I can't describe.

    Thanks ladies for this recommendation. I'm in love with this one:rolleyes2

  7. I know I am eyeing that powdered sugar, but its not body safe, but it would be great for my tarts.

    I've been playing this evening trying to dupe it with cakes etc, the closest I've gotton is waffle cone, its close but not quite the same.

    I'm kicking myself for not ordering more before it ran out :tiptoe:

  8. I just got a sample of this it was one of my extra freebies from sos, and I don't want it ... Men fragrances don't sell for me.

    Its only a 1/2 and ounce but if you want it you can have it for free, I can mail it to you.

    If you do just pm me..

  9. I've tried so many Body Wash Bases and don't really like them, They turn to thin with fragrance oils added. I've had the best luck with TC Labs body wash concentrate this way I control how liquid it gets, they were bought out by boutique labs.

  10. I just found this thread wish I had seen prior, this just happened to me, I ordered a lb of the funnel cakes which I really like, but its out of stock, I got the slip and they don't answer emails, I asked for a refund, no such luck. Now I don't know if I will ever get this oil after reading this.

    Has anyone had luck calling them, I guess I will try..

    This is so bad, how can you run a business with this kind of customer service no wonder the great sales right now.

    And its sad because this funnel cake had no cherry note like the one from ICS, and I hear the one I just ordered from Connies candles has cinnamon in it.. So I guess I will have to discontinue this scent.

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