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Posts posted by RetroMetroChic

  1. Hmm

    Well there is DayStar she has some good dupes but kinda pricy.

    Then SweetCakes.. (Some of these dupes are dead on)If you want the best Angel dupe bar none it is the pricey version here. The Pink Sugar at Sweet Cakes is also a dead on dupe but it isn't that strong so I prefer ScentWorks!

    ScentWorks also has some good dupes!:smiley2:

    or you could try Save on Scents I have ordered from them before and the Bobbie Brown Beach and Mccarthy where dead on. I here it is hit or miss with save on scents, I guess I got lucky with my order that time..

    I hope this helps

  2. I'm wanting to try the moonglow its very good I hear..

    I agree with the others, I would whip it alot getting alot of air into it then you can say its double whipped etc.

    Since it is different than your used to make it a new product..

    aka the new Double Whipped Soy !!

    You never know your customers make like it better:cheesy2:

    I personally like it thicker!!

  3. I installed shelves on the wall and then got those spice holders that go up in steps..(This way I can see all of the bottles) Then I put them in scent types .. like vanilla's.. and foody, then straight fruits, foody fruits, designer dupes, and Exotic - Exotic being all ambers, dragonsblood, patchouli etc..

    Oh and then I have the Citrus section.

    Works really good for me... I always know what shelf to go to..

  4. Hi Supar Star :cheesy2:

    Those look really good. I'm trying to get a background like that behind mine.. If you don't mind I ask where did you find the templates... I've tried and tried to get good looking labels I swear if someone designed some nice looking bath and body templates with nice backgrounds etc I bet they could make a fortune..

    I know I would pay for something that looks professional and all I need to do is type my business name and product details.

    I am going to look into the printmaster and the label factory deluxe3 Thanks for the advice Ladies!!:)

    :angry2: I want my labels to look good, I was considering trying to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator so I could put nice flowers in the background etc.. (but Wow I downloaded the trial version and I think it may take me a year to figure out how to use it)

  5. I never had trouble with the bath bombs turning brown, sometimes they will but it will tend to take some time for them to turn brown and when they do Its not that bad in mine they just spot a little..

    Maybe it depends on the recipe too not sure:confused:

    I use

    Baking Soda

    Citric Acid

    Shea Butter/ cocoa butter

    Corn Starch

    Sometimes Salt

    and witch hazel to help bind them together

    A vanilla stabilizer would help I'm sure though!

    but bubble bars go brown fast and look really bad, I'd recommend using scents with no vanilla in the bubble bars!

    Juniper Breeze, or Lemon, Lime etc.

  6. Thanks for your concern but I am not new to this business I've had my online store for 8 years. I have made tarts in the past and decided to start doing it again since many of my B&B customers wanted them! Then I decided to let them pick the scent (however I am limiting that to scents that work in tarts as I carry over 263 scents atm) Since I carry so many scents this is what my customers want choice (and that is why I am giving it to them!)

    Since I never made one at a time before I wasn't sure how to figure the math on it!!

    I've been a member of the scentreview board for years and a lurker here for a while and decided to join...

    Now I feel afraid to even ask questions :confused:

    And I do use the search option very frequently!!

    I joined this board in hopes of getting help with things I may question as well as to help others who have questions !

  7. Yes I tried the vanilla stabilizer in the bubble bars it didn't work at all!! For some reason the bubble bars tend to brown far worse than bath bombs do.. The stabilizer may work in bombs since I find they tend to brown slowly....

  8. I just started making tarts, I do B&B and have many scents from

    Daystar, Sweetcakes, Oregon Trails, WSP, Peaks, a few from scentworks,

    Just Scent,

    I just ordered from Millcreek, etc

    Well what I am wondering is am I going to test every scent in order to know which will work in Ecosoya??

    Or could I safely assume certain company's scents were more suited ??

  9. Thank you:)

    That helps alot... now I know who to order from

    What didn't you like?

    I had a soy whip from another company that I didn't like either

    it just was not right

    I highly recommend the Goatmilk, Honey Shea lotion from WSP

    This is really good IMO

    And I know others who are using the MoonGlow and really like it, but its kinda high.. sometimes it is worth the extra cost though!!

    Thanks again for your help:cheesy2:

  10. I purchased some pre-made cold process soap from a seller

    that I wanted to scent and I guess its called milling

    Well I tried following the directions in a book but my soap turned out really ugly looking..

    I'm wondering if anyone knows what the correct steps are to do this?

  11. I too had the same problem every one turns brown.. unless there is absolutely no vanilla...

    I wonder to how others do it, sometimes I wonder if they really don't have vanilla perhaps.. you could make lemon pie... just by adding lemon and the mind would think it smells pie..:P

    But I know some of those lush bars smell like vanilla like the creamy candy if there is no vanilla then what is it?

    I have the creamy candy dupe from daystar and it turned the bubble bar brown :sad2:

    I wish someone knew the answer to this one I've been wondering for around 5 years....:rolleyes2

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