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Posts posted by cdesousa5

  1. I would tend to agree with a bedroom candle I would want the flicker of a flame. I was thinking of the cookie jars warmers would be in a kitchen or even the votive size in a family room or living room. I 'm gonna hold on these for now, seems like they are not appealing to many people.


  2. Thanks for your comments. I am petrified of making a candle, but I have decided to buy one case of jars and try a para/soy blend and see if I can get it wicked right with a lite color & not to spicy heavy scent. I know it takes a lot of testing which translates into lots of $$$. I guess I'll stick with tarts till I get this figured out.

    Thanks again

  3. I might consider doing a test market , but I am a bit discouraged as it seems these are not good sellers. I only bought a few of the bigger cookie jar warmers so it might just be for gifts at this point.

    I'm like everyone else, ya hate to invest a ton of money into something that sounds great but doesn't sell.

    I'll think about setting out one of the large and one of the votive size and see what people say, it'd be my luck that 50 people will want them!:laugh2:

  4. Geez really that stinks!! I really like the idea of no wick as that is what I have used with my candles when they get about 1/2 done. I wonder if I show them working it would make a difference?

    I wanted to sell these next to my soaps, but maybe not. I don't have a lot invested in this just in case so I could use them for gifts right now.

    Thanks Candlelady for sharing your experience.

  5. I am wanting to check the market in my area for wickless jar candles. I'm going to sell the burners as well. My question is what do you all charge for the larger containers and which jars do you think works best in the burners?

    Thanks in advance.

    Let me clarify the burners I'm wanting to sell are the cookie jar candle warmers. I've heard certain jars break, so if anyone has any experience with this type of burner, which containers work best.

  6. I just poured some 4794 tart and some were fine and other had terrible dimples. Can you tell me why? My friends thermometer was broke so we don't know what temp we poured the undimpled ones at. Is there a certain temp. to pour this to reduce dimples?

    KY's tart wax dimples too, just not as much.


  7. I think that is awful that the suppliers don't not find our business important enough to let us know of changes in a suppliers of their products!! I wonder how they would like it if one of their best selling items was changed on them & they were never told? Seems to me suppliers are not understanding where there bread money comes from when they do those sort of things.

  8. I know that the site reaches many buyers and my concern is if someone would read that it could hurt my business and there is no way of me posting that maybe it was her tart warmer.

    I don't know if I should contact the buyer because I did figure out who it was or let it go.

    It just upsets me because I have tried my best to put the a high quality product out there and she never contacted me but like I said she got it for free.

    I just feel the forum is a little one sided when you can't post anything as a business about the situation but other buyers can read their posts.

    Do you remember this signature?? Sometimes when one window is closed God will open another one that is even better!~

    We can never control every forum, person, or buyer. We can however do our best in making a quality product. Give the rest to the Man upstairs.

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