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Posts posted by debratant

  1. Like Candybee mentioned, it depends on what application you intend to use them for. 


    I have a few favorites that I use strictly for diffusing...or applying directly ...such as lavender or peppermint. I will often put peppermint on my temples or under my nose when I get stuffy...helps clear my sinus.


    I don't use mine in soap or candles at this time...I only have 1 oz bottles lol.  

    It just depends on how you intend to use them.

  2. What's your name?  Debbie

    How old are you?  Ugh....47 1/2

    Where do you live?  South Jersey....but a Michigan Native...grew up in the "thumb" of Michigan

    How long have you been making candles/soap/whatever?  Since 2008 I think?  Started with soap....then candles. Dabbled in some lotions, scrubs lipbalms.

    How did you get started making candles/soap/whatever?  Got hurt at work, used to be a mail carrier for 18 years, got stressed out after surgery to my hand....started using essential oils in diffusers to calm down,  wanted to shower with calming oils....thus the soap journey began lol. I still diffuse essential oils to this day...favorite is lavender, peppermint and my thieves oil.

    Are you married? Any kids?  Yep...16 years together for nearly 25 though.  No kids....fur dog....Primo. He's my baby boy

    If candle/Soap making isn't your primary job, what do you do?  I moved on to real estate 4 years ago.  I can no longer do any heavy lifting or repetitive mail work, so decided to get my real estate license and I kinda like it....but I'm certainly not selling New York or LA ....I wish!    LOL.

    Anything else we should know?  I'm married to a cop....so I naturally support those in blue or tan or black or whatever color they wear....and think that it's a bit unfair the way they have been portrayed  in the media the last year or so.  There are bad apples in every facet of society....but for the most part...they leave their families every shift to protect everyone else, with no guarantee they will come home afterwards...and get little thanks for it.  

    • Like 7
  3. Thanks Candybee!  I'm still so excited over it LOL.  I usually get disappointed when I cut and it's not at all the color I was going for, or the design

    turns out just blah....but this one....I'm just thrilled.  When I mixed up that fuscia color....I was so not sure how it would be.  It was rather dark...then I

    started adding some TD...then a tad of cherry then a tad of rose mica.  It still looked rather dark, but figured oh well.  It really came out perfect.  I am glad I wrote 

    the colors down as I went along lol.  I don't always.


    I have quite a few Backwoods oils.  I love pretty much all of them.  I have so many I've had for years, like this one....that I haven't had time to soap.  

    They all still smell excellent out of the bottle.  Her oils are awesome and I don't know why they are not discussed more.  

  4. I am SO thrilled with this one.  It came out EXACTLY as I pictured it color wise.  I also did a hanger swirl.

    The scent is Backwoods Pomegranate and Peaches...smells great so far 

    and no issues working with it.  I don't think Connie from Backwoods carries this anymore.





    • Like 4
  5. Guess that coconut macaroon didn't do much.  I'm not going to be hopeful on this one.  I am going to write down your suggestion for that Hawaiian Sandalwood from Soapalooza Candybee....all I smell right now is playdoh.  I have read that coconuts tend to smell like playdoh....but had never smelled it until now.  And it really does LOL.  I can still

    smell it in my nostrils at work right now LOL.  I was huffing the soap last night while it was setting up....then huffed it again this morning....and then I ended up cutting it real quick before I left for work....I couldn't wait.  I huffed it then too....playdoh!


    My husband wants a coconut scented soap so bad....and he just doesn't understand why the big guys can make a coconut scent but I can't.  I can't even give

    him an explanation.    I don't think I will be using that canned coconut milk again frozen....while it wasn't difficult....the texture was just nasty slimy snotty and I was worried

    whether my lye was fully dissolved.  It was hard to tell.  I also found an extra  sieve (after I made the soap)  that I didn't know I had, so I put it next door where I soap.


    So, here it is in the mold



    Here it is cut....I have some specks of TD in there....I didn't want a dark bar, but that's ok.  I also was in a hurry cutting it before work....so used the wrong

    knife and had some breakage, but who cares really 





    • Like 4
  6. That is a bummer about Peaks....I had read in a few threads when I searched that you mentioned it might fade...I'm wondering if I add some

    coconut macaroon to it if it will help?  I have coconut macaroon from candle cocoon 


    So I started this post before making the soap.


    Well, I did add some coconut macaroon to it.


    Chuck....do you mean Guar Gum?  Because I added my lye slowly a bit at a time to the frozen cubes of coconut.  By the time it was

    all melted.....it had the consistancy of thick snot.  It wasn't burnt....it was a cream color...but the consistency did not look like anyone else's 

    soap video's that I saw LOL

    The brand was  A Taste of Thai coconut milk.


    The soap gelled rather quickly and I have a 3 inch slight crack on the top.  I have yet to cut it.  Will do it after work tonight.


  7. Thanks to both of you.  I'm going to go ahead and use the frozen coconut milk this first batch....next batch I 

    will try the other way.  I do not have a sieve....well I do...but not a soaping one...just a cooking one....so I will

    be extra careful to make sure all is dissolved.  

  8. I'm going to attempt a coconut milk/ Peaks Coconut Milk FO soap tomorrow.  I hope this scent works out....and sticks


    I've already poured my coconut milk into ice cube trays to freeze it.  


    My question, having never soaped with any milk before....is this necessary?  I've seen that some do....some add it at trace.


    Does it really matter how you do it?  I know mixing the frozen coconut milk is going to take a bit to dissolve with the lye....and it can be stinky.

    But is it necessary to do this?  I want to use all coconut milk for my liquid.


    Which method do you do....and does it matter?

  9. I love the Tobacco Caramel from WSP....this one to me is VERY masculine and upscale.  I have 2 pounds of it hoarded for myself.

    I would go check out the reviews on their site and check it out.  It also comes in a Glass Amber bottle...smells awesome.

  10. Yay....can't wait!  I was going to volunteer for March but then got stretched for time on the homefront. I'm so glad you are doing! I actually made a batch yesterday and took pics along the way to prepare myself for my real sotm in November.  Am waiting to see your March soap of the month to see how you do yours (as far as your actual post layout here if that makes sense).


    My soap yesterday so did not turn out at all how I wanted so I'm glad I didn't volunteer for March LOL....and the soap got way too thick on me.  I got to use my new tall and skinny mold though. 

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