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Posts posted by vberkesch

  1. Quick question,

    I always freeze my goats milk into cubes makes measuring easy. Just got more milk from my milk lady, one of the quarts is a little curdly and smells a bit like butter.

    I did go ahead and make soap with this goat milk - is this going to be ok?? Will it have a greater chance of making the soap go bad??

    Thanks much, Vanessa

  2. from my 4630 parafin candle wax, container candles to soy candles.....wow this is very hard and discouraging.

    My paraffin candles blew you out of the house - strong, wonderful. But I have been having ppl at craft sales ask for soy... and NOT buy from me if they are not:sad2:!!

    Have been testing the new ecosoy excell with several diff wicks - lx & cd's

    Have also been testing ecosoya 135 - with lx's.

    So far - my gut feeling is that soy will not give me the same scent throw as paraffin!!:sad2:

    Have been using fo's that are suppose to throw in soy, and they are the same ones I used in my 4630.

    Flames look good - get a good mp and fairly good HT for the first burn, but the next burn not so great.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Vanessa

  3. I second this. I was taught years ago not to have scented candles at food events, which is why you will rarely find them used in restaurants. And at wedding receptions you normally also have to contend with the fragrance of fresh flowers. What smells yummy to the bride when she picks out a candle fragrance can be nauseating mixed with the aromas of food and flowers.

    Don't do a scent at a wedding reception.....too many people, and some of them may be bothered by a candle scent!!

    Just my 2 scents....I have my daughter's wedding coming up and am not going to do scents for the candles that will be lit on the tables........TABLE FAVORS...now that's a whole differents story. Scent the table favors, make them in wedding cake, and seal them. They can light them up at home!!


  4. Just got wasabi as a free sample in my recent BB order. I love it OOB and can't wait to try it. Since I'm a new soaper, I just wondered if anyone knew what to expect as far as acceleration, discoloration, or suggested amount ppo.

    Also, I don't see a volume on the bottle but its smaller than the other 1 oz FOs I bought so I'm afraid its only 0.5 oz. Does anyone know?




    The free samples are .5 oz. I soap Wasabi all the time. No acceleration and NO discoloration at all. I always soap 1 oz pp. Wasabi is strong, you could go lighter, but I love it at 1oz. Wonderful and clean smelling!


  5. Is the lye water going into the whole batch and then you are separating it? Or are you just guessing how much to put into the two batches separated? Does that make sense?


    Thanks for responding Barbara...the lye water goes in the whole batch. I scent the bottom layer batch, sb more so it is firmer, put in mold. Go on to top layer - color top layer & put in mold.

    Maybe I just need to mix top layer more bf putting in mold - but you do that and then it just gets too thick.

    What do you think? Vanessa

  6. OK - this is the 2nd time this happened to me. I attempt to layer my soap without having to make 2 batches. I just use 1 batch -fragrance & pour the first layer in, it will be a brown layer. Color and do not scent the top layer - pour it on and what happened. The top layer is crumbly and zaps, but the bottom layer is fine!!!!!

    What did I do wrong???

    Isn't there a way to layer without having to make 2 seperate batches?? I'm afraid if I make 2 batches, that by the time I get the 2nd layer poured my soap seperaters will not be able to cut into the hardened bottom layer?

    Thannks for any advise, Vanessa

  7. I also use shrink wrap, and actually do not use the bands - I shrink wrap the soap entirely, but heat blow a smell hole on the top of each bar.

    I have bars that have been wrapped for a year or more also - have never had a problem with dos. All I have to do is reshrink them with the heat gun for the next upcoming show and am good to go.


  8. I have a wedding candle order for Pink Sugar. Have been having a lot of difficulty wicking this FO. I see a lot of others have also - Is this just impossible to wick, do I need to ask the customer to pick a different FO.?

    I use 4630. Have tried Zinc 51 dround out. tried 60 drowned.

    Also tried CD's 14, 16 - both drowned out. 18 too big a flame with too large of a melt pool and too hot a jar.

    Any suggestions?


  9. Greetings all,

    Do any of you use coffee grounds at your shows to have people sniff to clear their nose??

    If so, what type of a container do you use to keep your grounds in for sniffing. Just trying to think of something that will not look strange.

    Thanks, Vanessa

  10. For CP all that you mentioned are great, but I have not had luck with some of their soap FO's for wax. Sensuous Sandalwood does not throw well, for example.

    The one that smells awesome and you have to use ONLY 1/2 oz pp is the previously mentioned Snickerdoodle. STRONG HT.


  11. I did really well at one show that was "flea market" themed by selling a "build your own" basket.

    I put all the product out, put a green, red, blue, or white sticker.. and they got to pick items based on the color code..

    like 2 blue, 2 green, 1 red, and 1 white for $35.00

    It worked really well, and people seemed to like it. It was too frantic of a set up for my normal shows/markets... but I am considering doing "build a basket" this year too and simplifying it like "pick a lotion, scrub, or butter, two soaps, one fragrance, and one candle for....xx.xx"

    Thank you Luminous!!

    Really love this idea.......I can see how people, especially crafty ladies would love to pick and choose, and make up their own basket!

    Kinda like build-a-bear, but build-a-basket instead!


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