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Posts posted by Trappeur

  1. I have 2 stores that I'm bringing in orders of melts in the tins for them to sell.   I want to make suggestions to the shop tha they need to carry the melters too so what style do you recommend and where can they buy them wholesale?





  2. I did a blend of Tomato, lemon parsley, and lemon verbena and olive blossom and am just loving it.   Now I need a name.


    Now I need a name.

    Tuscan Valley (By Candybee)

    Things I came up with:

    Tuscany Valley

    Heirloom Tomato and Herb Garden

    Tomato vine and Herb Garden

    Would love to get more ideas????





  3. Candles:

    Description:  Very clean, very invigorating, beautiful smell.  

    wax used: 464

    fragrance load (%) 6.5%

    average cure time: 2 weeks

    Wax additives?  None

    container: 16oz Golden Harvest canning jar

    wick:  CD

    Cold throw: Average  #10

    Hot Throw: #10

    Notes:    Been using for over  10 plus years  with Flaming.   Is a consistant #1 seller with all my wholesale accounts


    • Like 1
  4. Since that subforum is closed you need to have an area where you can add more suppliers like I have some you need to put up.   I know more will come along too.

    Community Candle


    Candle Soylutions

    Bulk Apothecary



    Great add on....they need to be organized like this....Good job!




  5. I did a real nice blend of Heirloom tomato, lemon parsley, olive leaf and a touch of lemon verbena and need a name


    Candybee came up with Tuscany Valley which I like.

    I'd like to get more suggestions.

    I came up with Heirloom Tomato and Herb Garden which I really like.

    Another one was Lemon Parsley and Heirloom Tomato or leave off the Heirloom.


    Can I get more suggestions?



  6. I think she might have been talking about shipping from the suppliers.   But she should already have that included in her cost of supplies is what I'm thinking.   But yes, definitely, if she has to ship to her accounts, that certainly has to be applied at the end.   



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  7. On 1/28/2019 at 2:51 PM, soshiegirl said:

    Trapp, say it isn't so!

    It's probably my wax Soshiegirl but you know even sniffing from bottle I found there was something off in the scent and didn't care for it, but I still put in wax thinking it might change, but nope.



  8. On 10/31/2018 at 9:28 PM, ScentedPleasurez said:

    I have not had any issues with any that i purchased from china. Shipping takes awhile but sometimes it only takes 2 weeks

    And who is going to complain on a 2.00 item anyway...Not worth it.   Only 1 time did one of the candy molds get here warped.   But I wasn't going to waste my time or even ask for a credit.  I use it anyway.



  9. I believe your pricing is fair and like you said considering what your market area will sell for, so I think your pricing is fair.  Now I wouldn't reduce your price down to 9.00 a case just because they are ordering 2 or more cases because if you are selling wholesale that store is going to mark up your candles 2 times the wholesale cost.   Why should they reap the benefits and make their markup and you make less?   Business is business.   It's always been hard for me too to figure out if my prices are fair and if the store is capable of selling that product at what I know they are going to. o  I calculate my wholesale costs as you do.   And don't forget that where is the labor on your cost sheet?   I do the same thing.   Isn't our time worth money?   I just figure that part comes out of the profit I make on each candle as your dealing in volume.  But bottom line is I think your costing out your goods right but definitely (well I wouldn't) cut your price down even further just because they are ordering more.    Your pricing is more than fair now. 



    • Like 3
  10. Yes Goldie, candy molds is what I use...Oh boy and so easy they just pop out.   And especially the new 4625 wax I'm using that wax solidifies instantly and I'm popping them out of the molds in 15 minutes!   Oh what a nice wax!   I'm adding a little 464 wax to it though (don't know what for, but I am!)   I always found the silicone a real pain in the butt trying to get out of mold even when put in freezer for a bit.   Too hard a job to work with those molds for me.   And the candy molds you get tons of embeds out of just 1 tray!



  11. I just made up a blend that is oh so nice!

    I did Tomato Leaf,Tuscan Olive Leaf, and Lemon Parsley with a touch of Lemon Verbena for a little punch.

    Now I need a name for it.

    I was thinking of adding a touch of garlic oil which I see Save On Scents has but I don't know how people would react to it.



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