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Posts posted by elfcat

  1. By the way, Aztec is also discontinuing it. Here is the reply I received in regards to it:

    "So here is the deal with the 6036. It was originally a lot cheaper,

    lower grade version of the 6006. With the recent price increase it is now

    the same price and may actually end up a little higher than the better grade

    6006 so for all exstensive purposes we will be getting rid of it too. Please

    let me know if you have any questions about this.

    Sales Associate"

  2. It's a great idea, but copyright law was my 1st thought, too. I have a friend that owns a huge liquor store & I'm always drawn to the beautiful & clever labels ... especially in the Wine room. It takes a little practice to get the hang of cutting glass, but you can get a good bottle cutter for under $40. -- so maybe you can REALLY combine your fav things & make a few of these on your own for Christmas.


    LOL. Not that I needed another reason to drink, but it's a good one!

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