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Posts posted by elfcat

  1. I've never posted pics before but I was so proud of this one I just had to try. Usually when I picture something it does NOT come out the way I planned. This one came out very close. I wanted the layers to be a little more even but I poured too quickly! It still looks yummy! (Smells even better!) I used chocolate fudge brownie and butter cream for scent. Shea and goats milk M&P.



  2. If it were me, I'd cut back on the Coconut oil and see if that helps. I think the rest looks good.

    How does the Ivory work as far as moisturizing? When I used it alone long ago it dried my skin terribly. Does

    the glycerin balance it out?

    Sorry you posted 1 minute before I saw you did cut back on the CO!!!!

  3. I agree with ruina, I would buy a sample pack, usually 1 pound of all the different types. That's how I started out.

    I find the Shea, cocoa butter and goats milk to be very moisturizing. I also add things to them for extra bubbles or hardness etc.

  4. When I spoke to someone at the jar store regarding the discontinuation of the melting pot jars and others she cited price increases and issues with the manufacturer in china. So I guess it's starting to happen everywhere.

    I hope things start to even out soon. This has been a disgusting year. It makes me want to puke!!!! *faint*

  5. Hi,

    Thanks for the response. :) That is great that you were able to single wick it. I do want to double wick, so I am curious as to how this wax does with it. I don't want you to go out of your way to run a double wick test, but if you are curious too and do run a test, please let me know how it goes. Thank you!


    I am curious also. Things have been kinda slow right now so I've been itching to try something different. I hate being bored when I have so much wax sitting here begging to be made into a candle!

  6. I'm scenting at 6-7% and it seems to be enough. I heat it to 175-180 and add scent at around 170, stir for a minute and then pour. It's usually around 165 by the time I pour! Hope this helps.

    I usually use a CDN 8 or 10 with my 9 oz melting pots and I know they're close to the CD's. I've never wicked a tin though.

    I can't wait to hear how it goes, keep us posted.

  7. I'm also testing this wax and I am loving it! I'm getting an awesome hot and cold throw in 24 hours with every FO I've tried so far.

    It has a lot of the same properties as the Ecosoya Advanced .... great appearance, easy to wick and for me it contracts away from the glass which eliminates the dreaded wet spots.

    That's what I compare it too also. It is just like the CBA only with a far better HT.

  8. If you do not mind me asking are you using color chips or liquid dye?

    This 6036 sound like what I am looking for. I have been testing with 464 and I HATE the frosting. But the creamy smooth texture and CT/HT I love.

    I use the solid block dyes and liquid. It depends on the color. I prefer the liquid and as soon as I use up the last of the blocks I'm discontinuing them.

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