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Everything posted by lsg

  1. I have 2 lb molds that look just like these. I got them on ebay. I find that if I grease them up really good with petroleum jelly, the soap comes out much better.
  2. My aloe cream soap may not be moisturizing but is a favorite with users.
  3. I buy my sodium hydroxide at Essential Depot. http://www.essentialdepot.com/servlet/the-Sodium-dsh-Hydroxide-dsh-Lye-dsh-Tech-dsh-Grade/Categories
  4. Could be the glycerine content. Sometimes that makes a sweaty soap.
  5. We render tallow in the crockpot. We do not add water, but render it on low. This has worked well for us.
  6. The only source I found on melting the whole pail said to set it in direct sunlight or to set it in hot water to melt. If your palm oil is food grade, you can use it in cooking. http://www.camdengrey.com/essential-oils/palm-bulk.html
  7. Here is a site that describes both: http://www.americanpalmoil.com/foodproducts.html I would check the qualities of both on SoapCalc. I use palm kernel oil because it comes in shreds so it is easy to use. If I want palm oil in a recipe, I use the new Crisco and run it through SoapCalc.
  8. The Chemistry Store has Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate. http://www.chemistrystore.com/cart.cgi?group=88696&child=88743
  9. The lids on mine stay on well but come off with a little twist. Why don't you contact the company and ask for a sample tin to see if you like them?
  10. Well the 2 ounce cans have a diameter of 2.452" http://www.containerandpackaging.com/item.asp?item=M517
  11. Mine look like the ones at this link, but I can't remember where I purchased them. The tops are pretty easy to remove. I use round silicone muffin pans to mold my lotion bars. They fit in these tins nicely. http://www.containerandpackaging.com/item.asp?item=M518
  12. Check local restaurants that serve wine. Many times they will save you a whole box full of empty wine bottles.
  13. I just save my soap scraps and rebatch in an old crockpot.
  14. I rebatch my soap in the crockpot. After pouring it into the mold, I lay plastic wrap or waxed paper over the top of the soap and smooth it out with my hand. This seems to give me a fairly smooth top.
  15. I just accessed SoapCalc. Maybe their server was down when you tried. Why not bookmark the address below? http://www.soapcalc.net/calc/soapcalcWP.asp
  16. I just saw this post, sorry I haven't answered before. The first recipe is poured into a deodorant tube and glides on just like commercial deodorants. Yes, the waxes can leave dingy spots on your bra, just use spray and wash or put detergent on that area before washing your clothes. DH has never complained about it staining his shirts, but he wears colored T-shirts.
  17. I finally received my tube mold from Upland, it certainly wasn't what I expected.
  18. I ordered my mold in November and still haven't got it. I sent them an e-mail yesterday and I am waiting for their reply.
  19. I would heat the liquid oils in the crockpot, add the grated soap and melt together. At the end of the cook, add 1/4-1/2 cup instant powdered milk to smooth out the mixture and make pouring easier.
  20. Check out Essential Depot for lye. Ten pounds of lye ships free. http://www.essentialdepot.com/servlet/the-75/10-lbs-Technical-Grade/Detail
  21. No need to buy a heat gun. I use my hair dryer on the high setting to melt the tops of the candles.
  22. I used my hair dryer on high, to smooth out the tops of my container candles.
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