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Posts posted by Louise

  1. Hey jo! I rebatch all the time! I think no matter what the recipe you won't need to add extra oils or ds if the soap is fresh. If its a few weeks old then add 1/4 cup of ds for every two pounds of soap. It may seem like a little but when the soap is curing the soaps will shrink if you add too much. I rebatch in the oven @200 degrees for one hour. My soaps come out like mushed potatoes and easy to work with. Hope that helps and good luck!

    What does 'ds' stand for? I can't for the life of me figure that one out.

  2. Oh no Ducky! But hey, at least you found out about only 1/2 of the lye before it was really too late, say, like the next day. Gotta look at the bright side. It looks good in the mold and I bet it's going to be just fine, as long as you got the last half of the lye mixed in really well.

  3. How pretty they turned out! They look so springy and I bet they smell great too. Good for you for squeezing another batch of soap out before the big day. They'll all be curing and doing their thing while you're busy doing baby things :)

    My pops just arrived today, so looks like I'll have to get busy!

  4. sherry, maybe what I was thinking as far as a tutorial goes was the tour they had available to take, which shows the kinds of records and such that you can keep. To really get to know a program you will need to click the Help button and start reading. I know, I know, reading through all of that is boring, but all the answers are there. That's how I just learned to use it and I'm loving this program/calculator for sure! After you read through it, if you need better clarification on some parts, just give a holler. :)

  5. I mix mine outside, making sure I'm upwind of the container. I leave it out there until I have all my oils/fats measured and melted and sometimes until they've cooled down also. It all depends on how I'm going to soap that day.

  6. I almost always use 1 oz fo ppo. From reading how much you added to your 3 lb batch (1.5 oz), I'd say you're not using enough. Also, I see you are in San Diego. Do you have air conditioning? Is it blowing on them? Or a fan? That will cause your scent to disappear faster. HTH

  7. "The second one is colored with a bit of red mica drops, but it looks a little more orange.. just like a batch I made yesterday"

    Brat, I'm so glad you specified that, as I was wondering yesterday if I had lost it or what. Of course, that was after the 3 days of hunting eggs! LOL

  8. SF, do you use cocoa butter in your recipe to aid in making a harder bar? I'm just wondering as Barbara or someone mentioned that the glycerin in regular toothpaste actually attracts and holds gunk on your teeth and I'm thinking maybe the cocoa butter may do the same thing?

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