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Posts posted by Louise

  1. Thank you Freezin, Vio, and MzChoize and soapbuddy!

    Freezin, I love your pic of the Yukon river in July, it's simply beautiful. I take it you're in the Yukon? (I try never to assume, lol)

    Vio, yep, had to sneak one in.... shhhhh, don't tell my hubby or doctor, they'll probably both shoot me. But the one gal who comes and stays with me just loves all my soaps, so with her help, we got everything measured out and mixed up to cool down and then made the batch. I told her the next time, that she is going to measure everything out, including the lye and get it mixed. She's hooked, I can tell already :laugh2:

    MzChoize... hey, you're right, it does look a little artsy there doesn't it... like an abstract.

    soapbuddy, I love those pop colors and am so glad I got them!

  2. Bethany, they look wonderful! So you use one of those acrylic/plastic ball ornaments eh? I wonder if Michael's carries those year round, I'll have to check. I need to find something to make round bath bombs and not particularly sure I want a meat baller.

    What is a snow baller? Who was it that mentioned that? Was it candlespa....or someone like that?

    Scented, your BB's look wonderful there all packaged up, you go girl!

  3. Hummingbird FO with lemon drop, apple green and purple pops.



    I wasn't sure if this batch was going to turn out as the green and purple were really thin, and the base had gotten really thick, but everything turned out just fine and I'm pleased with them. Let me know what you think.

    As always, comments/criticism/suggestions welcomed.



  4. Gran, love your pvc soaps and the crinkle cut you put on them. And thank you for posting your pink sugar soaps with the VS. I was just thinking the other day how some of the batches that got made a bit ago with the VS were holding up, you must have read my mind (it can be scarey in there lol).

  5. I know it's not what you had pictured in your head, but I'm liking the colors here :D

    I made a batch last night and not only did I not use enough of the pop purple (for the base) but I just uncovered it and poured water off it....blech. And I'm thinking it's lye water...(bangs head on desk). I've never ever had that happen before in all these years. So yep, it's not only ugly, but I don't even know if I have soap. :cheesy2:

  6. Sorry to hear this is happening to you. Did you take a picture of all the items? A picture of them outside and then inside the box? If not, then you'll have a hard time proving they were put in there. It sucks, I know. I would offer to refund the price of the items that were missing, that's about all you can do, and then move on. You'll never know if the person was lying or not and may even get to a point where you start questioning yourself whether you put them in there or not...ugh. It's a vicious circle. Good luck to you!

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