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Christy Doc Holley

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Everything posted by Christy Doc Holley

  1. I used to think the same thing until I smelled Tony's;)
  2. I just ordered liquid dyes from Cybilla http://www.celestialcolors.com/
  3. I love mango butter !!!!!!!! in my soaps most all of my soaps or recipes I use either has shea,mango or cocoa butter in them and lots of times all 3 just depends on my mood .so i would consider 99% of the soaps I make are luxury bars and I try my hardest to make them pretty which doesn't always happen :rolleyes2 lol
  4. Thank you ! Im too impatient to wait in be tween layers last nights batch was proof of that lol
  5. O my Gosh !!!!!!!!! O mY Gosh !!!!!!!!!!!! I got a bar of this and it smells freakin Awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Secret Buddy Ive been dying to try one of Brenda's bars !!!!!!! Im sorry but I cannot waittill the end of the month I told dh to keep his grubby paws off of it too !!! He said it smelled like a sugar cookie to him
  6. I think they look awesome!!!!! Love the green one and the blue and purple ! Thumbs up !
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