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Posts posted by bravo5

  1. No- I have the flat rate boxes and they are way smaller.

    FR Boxes:

    FRB1 - 11" X 8.5" X 5.5"

    FRB2 - 11-7/8" x 3-3/8" x 13-5/8"

    Other priority mail boxes I have:

    Box4: 7" x 7" x 6"

    Box7: 12" x 12" x 8"

    This "shoe box: 7.5 X 5.125 X 14.375

    I have some items that are JUST over the 12" Box7 max, and these are working great.

    Also, I don't use the FR boxes that often unless there's something pretty heavy. I find that the shipping is more for them than regular priority mail.

  2. Anybody know if these are fairly new? I don't remember seeing this size before. They're also self sealing like the FR boxes.

    Priority Mail Shoe Box - 7.5 X 5.125 X 14.375


    I went to order FR boxes for co-op, saw these and ordered a few. They're great! I had some items that were too tall and too wide for the largest priority mail box I had, and these boxes fit the items well. They're also going to be perfect to ship a wax-dipped bear or critter!

  3. can you reveal what FO it was?

    Sorry, I missed your question!

    It was White Tea & Ginger from Peaks. I was disappointed because I LOVE this scent! I ended up bringing the tester to work and using it for air freshener spray in my office, but I have to shake really good every time. :rolleyes2

  4. I know I've seen these somewhere before, and I can't find them.

    I'm looking for a cardboard display for pegs. It's like a big flat box that sits up on end, and has a stand underneath for raising it up. You'll see them in retail stores, etc for things like promotional items- freestanding in the aisles. They also have ones with shelves and such, but I specifically want one for pegs.

    Something like this, but for pegs.


    Thanks much!

  5. I get malibu bottles from WSP, and have gotten white and black caps from them in the past. A little while ago I found a site that had blue caps for them. I use cobalt blue for my other bottles, and thought the blue caps would look great! Now I'm ready to order and can't find the site. :angry2:

    I know I've seen these before, and I thought I had the site bookmarked, but can't find it! Anyone see blue caps?!? :confused:

  6. Ohio Arts and Crafts Guild has a policy available to guild members, but only for a few states- and Illinois is one of them. However, the guild is going through some changes due to the death of the woman that ran the office, so it may be hard to get in touch with someone there for awhile.



    Also, I did hear that you can join the Handmade Beauty Network if you only make candles- I can't verify this. They have a new insurance program as well.


  7. I have done a couple of these and gone in with another vendor (a friend) and organized a couple of these, and it really depends on how well it's promoted and advertised! I was pretty apprehensive at first about organizing one - my friend was direct sales (food products), and we ended up with about 1/2 DS and 1/2 crafters. I usually HATE doing shows like that, so I didn't really think much would come of it. For our table fee we just split the hotel charge and a small advertising budget by the number of vendors- we weren't out to make money organizing it. We ended up getting excited about it, ended up with a great group of vendors where we were all SUPER motivated, ended up printing up and distributing several thousand flyers- vendor mailing lists, every business in the area we could think of, all of our friends, coworkers, etc. Lots of word of mouth promotion, too. It was a very high traffic area, and we had lots of road signage as well.

    We ended up having a huge turnout, much better than we ever expected, and all of the vendors were really happy (except one woman selling cheap knock-off purses who turned out to be a total psycho- but there was no pleasing her! AND she claimed she made over $800 in sales, so I don't know what she was ranting and raving about).

    Anyway- my point is that they can turn out to be a lot of fun and a good success, if you get a group of vendors who are motivated about promoting it!! :D They're way too much work to organize and also be a vendor, though, so I decided to stick with just being a vendor.

  8. Another one for Creme Brulee... uck. Baby Powder is terrible too. But I will use both of these for special orders.

    (I love patchouli too, and like lovespell- and sell a lot of it!)

    But my all time most-hated make-me-gag awful one is warm vanilla sugar. Gross! Just the thought of it is making me grimace. I refuse to do ANYTHING with it as it is just nasty. And I know a ton of people LOVE it. Ewww ewww ewww!!!!

  9. I just spent my entire break during work looking at your site. It's absolutely FANTASTIC! I love it! Colors, pictures, layout, font, logo, verbiage... all work very well together. Love your packaging too!

    I laughed out loud several times- now the guy I share my office with thinks I'm even more crazy. :laugh2: Hmm, the crazy girl is laughing at soap.... :yes:

    Great job, you should be very proud!

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