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Posts posted by bravo5

  1. GoDaddy charges the same amount for linux or windows hosting, so it's not a matter of one being cheaper. (Unless they recently changed something I'm not aware of.)

    It really only makes a difference if you're using more advanced web features such as asp, asp.net, php, etc. Otherwise it shouldn't make a difference if it's just straight HTML. If you're not 100% sure, you can go ahead and pick one, then see if your web site works okay.

  2. I would tactfully inform her that somehow she missed last year's requirement of the percentage of fee and that only those vendors that met that are being allowed back. She may be upset but hold your ground after all you operated in good faith and expected the same. JMO

    Good luck


    All vendors signed a contract at check-in, and received a hard copy of the show "rules" (they'd already had one emailed as well). It was stated at the top that if you broke any of the rules, you would not be allowed in any future shows. It was very clear. But- I am expecting at least one of the women to try getting back in this year- and I will use your line above, I like it! :highfive:

  3. Haven't heard of it- but VERY interested!!! I have been going back and forth with adding lip balm because of the beeswax issue. I haven't been happy with no-beeswax recipes I've tried- too soft.

    I have seen macadamia nut oil, but not wax. Did you find a supplier that carries it?

  4. Good idea with doing a round of the tables before the end of the day!

    And yep, the "runners" are not allowed back this year. One of the women was a giant PITA from the time she signed up and at the show itself, so I was actually glad that she split- I was going to have to come up with a reason she wasn't allowed back next year.

  5. I have done a couple of charity benefit shows that are free or very low cost to get a spot, then require a commission % be donated to the charity.

    I also ran a benefit show last year this way- only $25 for a table to cover costs, and then 10% of sales be donated to the charity. A lot of people liked it since the up-front cost was lower, it seemed like less of a "risk" to be in the show. However, this year I am rethinking it as we had quite a few vendors packing up that said they would be right over to give us their donation, then skipped out. :mad: Bad karma IMO!!!

  6. I'm curious- what kind of laser printer did you compare it to? I have seen a huge range of quality with different laser printers. You also see a huge range of quality with different label media. We have a print shop and do professional label printing for retail stores at my daytime job, and they've tested lots of different laser printers. They work directly with the printer manufacturers, and have had custom software and hardware tweaks created for them by the manufacturers. They're printing thousands of pages of labels a day, though- so these one-at-a-time printers wouldn't be practical.

    I'd love to hear what you think of it, though, and I'd love to compare what the labels look like from this unit when you get it up and running! Not that I could afford to buy one at this point.... :embarasse

  7. I'm looking for ones like the ones at the bottom of the page- the metal ones with the bar that goes across the bottom! :highfive: I hang my pants on them, and the crochet keeps them from sliding off.

    I found one on ebay, but in a set of 3, and I only want ones like the one on the bottom. The ones I have are crocheted on the hanger part on the top too, but it would be okay if they're not. Mine have a different crochet style than these too, but as long as they work- I really don't mind what they look like! :laugh2:


    That would be awesome!

    Thanks SO MUCH DENISE72598 for starting this thread!!!!!!!! :yay:

  8. OMG- I would love some of these too! I have maybe 1/2 dozen that I have been hoarding since I was in high school- they are great for hanging pants on hangers! They are metal hangers though- so they have the part across the bottom too. I would LOVE to find someone who makes them too- as yarn and thread and anything sewing/fabric/yarn related and I do not like each other. :embarasse

  9. Anybody see soapdishes like this wholesale anywhere? I like the idea that it drains the water right back into your sink.


    I am using a suction-cup wire basket thingy in my kitchen sink that is meant for a dish scrubber sponge, and it works pretty well, but gets in the way IN the sink. I have a plastic soap dish with a grate in the bottom by my bathroom sink, but I have to remember to empty the drip tray underneath occasionally or it gets grungy.

  10. OMG- you're right, that is a ridiculously low price for the software. I would get it for PS and Illustrator alone- they are the gold standard for photo editing. Granted, I don't even know how to do a quarter of the stuff I could do with PS... but I learned enough from our graphic design guys at work to do what I have to do!

    I am lucky- I have PS and Acrobat licenses for work, so I didn't have to pay out of pocket.

    Oh and grumpy- I am a computer geek too! :highfive: The only original piece of my computer now is the actual case and the original hard drive is my backup drive. It's addicting!! Now I want a new notebook- but I'm thinking twice about it because I can't piece-meal it like I can a desktop. :undecided I have a notebook but it's SUPER old, and not good for much more that a paperweight at this time.

  11. Exactly!!

    Maybe I'll post a gauging interest post in the co-op section. I got their new catalog this week and some CUTE new stuff!!!!!!!!!!! What I can do is scan in catalog pictures, and post them somewhere, for those that don't have a catalog. :biggrin:

    They did discontinue a couple of my favorites, though. :cry2: I am so sad!!!

  12. They aren't using flat rate boxes. My order came in a big box and I know it cost more than their shipping fee.

    I did think it was too good to last, though- but their shipping rates to me aren't too bad compared to other places. When I've calculated product price plus shipping from multiple places, they're still often cheaper. I just do a lot of comparison shopping.

  13. I am thinking about doing a Douglas co-op, after my co-op now is done.

    They said the same thing to me the first time I talked to them. I know a lot of other people who use them for dipping. I think they don't want it to be a liability thing.

    I do use them for gift baskets and such, not just for dipping. Their stuff is so cute! I gave my neighbor's 18mos old boy a plush giraffe from them for his first Christmas - it's still his favorite stuffed animal after a year. :grin2:

  14. I swear I saw a post on here awhile ago, but can't find it, and can't find the link I got from it.

    It was a lotion applicator- could use for regular lotion, sun tan oil, etc- that had a handle to put lotion on your back. It was plastic and the applicator part was in the shape of a hand. You could buy wholesale directly from them.

    I have done google search, etc and can't find it either.


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