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Posts posted by bravo5

  1. Yeah, I've run into the same thing with the show I'm organizing. I have a "waiting list" too and it's all jewelry vendors. Interesting that I did the same ratio as you for how many to allow- for 40 vendors, I allowed 4 jewelry vendors. I have one woman that is JUST jewelry (I know her and she was first), and the other 3 are 1/2 jewelry and 1/2 "something else".

    And YES- I had the same thing- 2 different vendors at 2 different times kept telling me that their jewelry was better than any others out there. And one of them was a direct sales vendor for a company that IMHO sells crappy costume jewelry. And in the application, I specify that I MAY allowing non-handmade craft vendors on an individual basis, as long as I don't already have any handmade crafters in the same category.

    p.s. My show is FINALLY next weekend! :yay: I'm curious also- what is your application cut-off date for your shows? I left it open until a week before the show (this Saturday), as I didn't know how full we'd be initially, but I didn't think I'd really get any new vendors this close to the date. I'm surprised that I AM still getting new applications!

  2. I have purchased from StoreSupply several times. I have been very happy with them overall! :yay: I have both the floor standing and the counter spinner racks from them.

    I have been very happy with the counter spinner rack- built very well, very sturdy, and I can adjust the height placement of the rack tiers and have added an additional tier. Definitely recommed this one and the price is right!!!

    The floor standing rack is a different story. I have had some issues with the it falling over at shows :shocked2: , and it seems very wobbily overall. I have been taping the base of the rack to the floor, and that helps keep it from falling over, but it's still pretty wobbily. There are pre-drilled holes for the height placement of the rack tiers, and I don't like where they are. (I have since figured out a way to adjust this if needed.) But all this being said - my thought on this is you get what you pay for! It was really cheap, so I have definitely gotten my money's worth out of it. :yes:

    I also very highly recommed their hang tabs! I used to just punch holes in my hang tags for air fresheners, and it was getting to be a pain. The holes would sometimes tear and I'd have to put on a whole new hang tag. If someone wanted to take a product from behind the ones in front of it, they'd have to remove all products on the peg, and they would sometimes just then leave them on the table. I now use the hook hang tabs and the problems are gone! They are also MUCH easier and quicker to initially stock on the pegs. They are really cheap and super easy to put on the hang tags- and quicker than hole punching, too!

    I've also gotten the tshirt bags from them when I was running low and didn't need to order from my regular supplier, but was ordering racks from them. I was pleasantly surprised with the quality- and I got them in a blue color to match my company colors, which my regular supplier didn't have. :D

    One other thing- especially for the spinner racks and displays, the shipping calculator on the website is screwey. It's always quoted me much more than the actual shipping is- I have called them and gotten a real shipping quote, and it's always been really reasonable.

  3. We're asking local businesses to donate to the raffle. Maybe I can get them to donate something for the vendors too- even something like a coupon? I dunno. Ooh, maybe I'll send something out to the vendors too asking if they want to donate to vendor goodie bags- even something like a coupon for purchases on the day of the event. Get some vendor-to-vendor sales going!!

    It's a local organization that trains service dogs for assisting disabled persons- the Morris Service Dog Program. They're a great program- they obtain the dogs, raise and do basic training with them, then custom-train them to the specific person they'll be placed with. And they're placed at no charge to the recepient- all through fundraisers and donations. Great organization.

  4. Ooh yeah, we're having a raffle- that's a good one to give each vendor a free ticket. And I like the bottles of water, too- although we're buying water/soda to sell, I may just give them a ticket for a free "drink". Hmm...

    They get a copy of the contract emailed or mailed to them prior to the show, and they are supposed to read and return a signed copy to me when they check in. But for my last 2 shows that I sent this ahead of time, y'know how many brought a signed copy with them? One. Total- out of both shows. :rolleyes2 So I always have a copy for everyone to sign in their packet, and a copy for them to keep.

    I'll hit the dollar store too- good idea. ;) I'm just trying to keep costs down as this is a fundraiser show, and I am donating all funds from table fees to the organization. So any "freebies" are coming out of my pocket.

  5. Personally, I love it when there is help to carry in and carry out all those heavy boxes of candles.

    Nice to have a coffee cart brought around before the first morning, when we're adding those last minute touches to our booths.

    Also, one of the promoters I use always does a small "goodie" bag for the vendors - a small notepad, pen, 2 or 3 miniature candy bars, tax chart, application for the next show, etc.

    I am organizing a show in June also.

    Great idea with the goodie bag! :grin2: I think I'll use that one. I already have some handouts, etc., and a contract to sign. Contract just states basics like if they do damage to the room, start a fire, etc., that they are responsible. Also a questionaire for them to fill out and turn into me at the end of the show- what they liked/didn't like about the show, could be done next time to improve, etc. I can put goodie bag and paperwork together.

    Any ideas of other little things for free or low cost that I could put in goodie bags?

  6. We don't have a caricature artist - that's a good idea. Especially since vendors and attendees may have dogs with them- it would be cute to have a caricature of the dog with their owner. :P

    Our event is inside and outside- we have a live DJ providing music outside, a moonbounce, carnival games, and playground for kids and possibly some little crafts they can do. Also a professional pet photographer is going to be there to take pics of the whole event, as well as individual sittings. I almost had a woman from the Red Cross there to do pet first aid demos, but they booked something else for her and now she can't make it. :sad2: I am working on getting a dog agility demo and a "dancing with dogs" demo- I saw them recently at the chicagoland pet expo and they were a hoot!!

    andrea- feel free to PM me if you want to brainstorm or anything!!!:highfive:

  7. Great idea for this thread!

    I am organizing a fundraiser show in June. I have organized a couple before, but just at hotels, not a fundraiser.

    I like the food idea- I was thinking of having free donuts and coffee for vendors in the morning, and there will be hotdogs, popcorn and drinks for sale during the show.

    I really like the idea of having a volunteer to give vendors a bathroom break! Our show is a fundraiser for a service dog organization, and there will be vendors with their dogs there- so having someone able to sit at their booth while they let the dogs have a bathroom break would be helpful, too! :grin2:

    I am working on a vendor directory for the event. I am having vendors give me a business card, and scanning it into the computer and including it in the directory. It will also say what booth at the show they are in. I am finding that the vendors really like this idea- it's basically free advertising, and people can hang onto it instead of a bunch of business cards.

    Keep the ideas coming!

  8. Yeah, I tend to "reseach" the heck out of something before I get brave enough to actually DO it! (aka- I am a big chicken!!) I saw a demo at the Chicago conference last year- so it's almost been a year of "research". :D

  9. After months of researching, reading everthing I can get my hands on, reading through lots of threads on here, and a very patient Carmen (ebcandles) letting me watch her and ask a gazillion questions- I finally did it! I made my first CP by myself this weekend. :D It was SOOO fun, and now I just want to make more!

    It wasn't so scary, either!!! I did just fine with the lye, and the worst complication I had to deal with was wearing safety glasses when mixing the lye, and having them completely fog up on me. :angry2: (OH NO!! I'm going blind from lye!! Oh wait, that's just the glasses....) LOL

    I used a really basic recipe- Olive, Coconut and Palm oils, and scented it with BCN's Cucumber Melon. No color yet- wanted to see it natural.

    So I now have a big block o' yummy smelling soap on my kitchen counter, and I couldn't be prouder! It's like I gave birth to it or something! :laugh2: I don't have a cutter yet but figured I'd cut a few bars with a regular knife- that was a disaster, so I'm off to the hardware store tonight to see what I can find.

    I did take pictures, but it's just a big ol' off-white block- not too exciting to show off. :grin2:

  10. Very interesting thread!!!

    I looked into it briefly before, and was told that I could PL by saying- "[Made/Manufacturered/etc] by [Your Company Name] For [PL Account Store Name]" - and then include their contact info.

    I have only had one real wholesale account so far, just for air fresheners, so this is what I did. I left my regular front label, including my regular logo (with my business name in it). All I did was change the manufacturer info to what's above.

    My biggest thing I learned from it- make a DETAILED wholesale contract, with what they can and cannot do. The one wholesale person bought a large quantity of them awhile ago, and is now selling them on their website of ADULT PRODUCTS. So my innocent little air fresheners are there amongst other adult products..... :embarasse She has pictures of them, including my LOGO, on there. :angry2: I won't sell to her again, so eventually they'll be gone!

  11. Anyone know if these the same dyes at Northstar?


    This is what I use - I LOVE these dyes! But his color selection is limited- if these are the same dyes elsewhere, I would be so happy. :D

    The ones from Northstar are pretty thick, I don't know if they would work this the dropper in the plastic bottles. He ships them out in glass bottles with a dropper.

  12. Reviving this thread- anyone try Hexylene Glycol with the reed diffusers yet? I am wondering the difference versus perfumer's alcohol.

    Also, I've been looking for perfumer's alcohol too - are there different kinds? I've seen a wide range of prices which made me wonder.

    I recently bought some sticks and am ready to start testing!! :grin2:

    Thanks much!!!

  13. Another vote for the Oki's!

    I have the Oki 5200N. (I got it on sale and after rebates for $400! :yay: )

    We have a print center at my day job, and they have testing a bunch of laser printers, and by far the Oki's do better than the others. The quality of the prints rivals most professional printers.

    And they've had big rebates lately, too! This is the 3200- I'm not sure of the differences with the 3200 and the 5000 series, other than speed and paper tray capabilities.


    Their fusers do get pretty hot, though, so you have to be careful with clear and other labels that have a low heat tolerance.

  14. I'm in Illinois, so I'm not sure it's the same- I would ask your accountant to be sure. But here, I don't have to charge sales tax if the sale is made online or over the phone and shipped out of the state- only if it's shipped in state.

  15. Boohoo! I did check around and found a comparably priced place:


    I called them this morning and was told the case of 12 2lb cans (24 lbs altogether) costs $39.60. Shipping from their shop in Illinois to my house in Oregon would be another $23.74, for a grand total of $63.34. That's also comparable to what I was paying for my 18 oz cans of red devil lye when those were still available last year.

    Thanks so much for posting this!!!!!!! I didn't know about them- they are about 15 - 20 mins from me!! :yay: Woo hoo!

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