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Everything posted by Vio

  1. I'll try anything once 8-Gran-Ones and the scent is really a nice one. It just screams "soap me". LOL Well I joined a few soaping forums and it appears the tutorial is actually on one of the ones I just joined. A soaper named Olivia posted a tutorial there. Called the Whisk forum. Mentions of it in this thread. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68657 I have to try it with another recipe and fo though. One that doesn't move fast like Ocean did.
  2. Ok here's the cuts of Ocean. The ocean blue does look kind of cool and I'm not that upset about the other color not quite making it because it looks kind of like sand to me. I think it was a little tangerine heavy with the mica. LOL Still cool but that ash whatever it is is annoying me. The sides look powdery in pictures, but it's really from cutting it. I cut too early and it like smoodged the sides as it cut. I was lucky to be able to use two colors with this one seeing as it set up fast with the fo. Next time I'll be more prepared to really concentrate on getting better pouring to make poured areas less thick. It was very 3-d looking when I poured it. The strips I poured in, were sitting and now laying, if you know what I mean. This one below picture, on the left top, is the one I wet and washed hands with and the powdery thing came off a bit. I didn't really fuss to get it all off though.
  3. LOL I love the architecture and the colors do look bright! Very cool!
  4. I think he did a great job! Very nice swirlage there! Grats to him!!! And to you for having such a great husband who enjoys doing this too!
  5. Thank you! Well the ocean batch, looks ashy I think. It's in the middle. I ran out of plastic wrap like an hour before when I went to wrap some cookies I baked. I knew that was going to be bad. Instead, I used some freezer paper to cover it. It's dotty in the middle area and that area just tastes terrible. You touch tongue to any other places and no taste at all really. It's a tart taste. Not sizzly really like I'd expect with lye. More like a citrus tartness or something. Very strange. I might have to cut it off. It's nice and hard today, and I cut a sliver off to test and it's a creamy light foam. This batch was 40% lard, both of them. The rolled ones I actually got to roll just today. They're still like lard like but like harder clay like too. Was easy to roll. I could even sculpt it if I wanted to. Now, to figure out if it's going to harden though! LOL Strange. I might just let the roll bake a bit at 170 to see what it does. Barbara I used the select shade color charts as a semi guide and also the color wheel as well. The purple one I made up to be an alpine violet, which is like an amythyst color. Purple, blue and green. Then the green cookie sheet is supposed to be like ss irish beauty. Blue green and yellow. Then the ocean, I went to "tkb Ocean" on google video and used their mix for the ocean blue they demonstrate which is blue, green and tangerine. The lighter shade though, right now is like a sand color. I kept it too light I think and it didn't take, but it's still nice. I have to take some pictures of it cut. I cut it a bit too soon I think. But it's not messy looking still. I still have to work on the patience thing with this. This recipe takes longer with the water being extra, to really set up and it was a first for me, not doing a water discount. I don't like it. LOL But the ocean does smell nice though. Will take pictures soon to post. Oh and I used black mica to darken the ones I wanted darker. All together like 1 tsp for each portion color, of all combined colors. Have to figure out now how to deal with this roll and get it to harden up. It was 33% fixed lye and it's just boggling me why it's still so plyable. Has to be the 1/4 inch layers prevented it from hardening or something. Didn't get hot at all really being spread so thin. But still cool. I could make shapes with this recipe easily. It's like play dough.
  6. OMG Louise is at it again!!! This woman makes my stomach hurt she gets me laughing so hard!!!
  7. Wow don't know how I missed this one!!! Beautiful swirls!!!
  8. I like that name too. Avacodo blossom sounds fitting from the scents too. Beautiful soap!! I have a special place in my heart for anything colored that shade green. It's the color I've been using in the bathroom in one way or another for, forever. Beautiful!
  9. Thank you! I wonder, since it's part lime, the fo (violet lime), if the citric acid is slowing up the sap? That batch was 33% fixed lye. I mixed the sucker well too with whisk. This is strange. It's molded enough to flip, but it's still oily like. I might have to bake it a bit. And yes the two layers are stuck together. I thought I might have to use alcohol, but since it's still oily like in a way, I just didn't think I needed it. We'll see. Interesting little experiment. Was expecting ocean to give me more trouble than the layers one!
  10. Beautiful soaps for firsts!!! I really love the poppy seed one most of all but the other two are beautiful as well!!!
  11. Hope they feel better soon. Oh yeah kids are never too sick to torture each other it seems!
  12. Thanks! The colors are really much different in true color. The darned camera was doing something weird last night and it cast a green hue over everything. Even my counter looks green and I have no idea what those strange pinkish spots are either. They're not in my soap! LOL Well the one is set up nicely. The swirl one. The two layered one though, I was finally able to peel the paper off the top to take a look at it like an hour ago. It's still gooey. I guess the recipe and the water I used is setting up slower than what I was used to with the first two, but it's ok. I'm learning some patience with this. LOL The cookie sheet layers together are stuck nicely from what I can see. I had to wait till just the right time when there was no slide, to flip the other on top to let them set together for the rest of the day. Very strange though. No real hardening going on. Well it's much harder, but it's like slimy clay kinda thing and still oily and not soapy. Worse comes to worse, I guess I can turn the heat on in the oven to get it to gel a bit? I mixed very well, but poured light/medium trace so I could get a nice level thin slab, so maybe next time will wait till it traces a bit more. Could be that fo too, might be preventing it from going further. I haven't insulated it at all. It's just been in the pan, in the oven with the oven off so maybe that's keeping it from getting warm enough to sap faster. Interesting seeing the bahavior though. Will cut tomorrow with this one. Don't want to chance the inside of the ocean one is still wet and will get all funky edges if I cut it.
  13. Well I have had a nasty cold and just got part of my smell back, so I wanted to try some more soap. Still a little cloudy, but not so much I can't deal with lye, so I gave it a shot. First is CandleScience's Violet Lime. This is an experiment I realized I didn't think out enough. I didn't want to ask anyone really, because then if I did it all myself, I would be really proud I figured it out. Wick'N'Wax inspired me to want to make a jelly roll type soap. I had it all figured out I thought. I lined and properly measured out to have two equal portions, separately colored in my cookie sheets. Poured it and it spread nicely. I left it in the off oven all night and it was set up enough to flip the one layer onto the other. Now, I have to hope I can catch it at the hard enough to peel stage, to peel and roll it. And the part I hadn't thought of? What to do with a roll of soap after it was rolled!!! I know I need to sit it in something that's round and has a round lid as well. I think I need to get some pvc tube or something for this one. But I'm going to try it anyway and see how it goes. It's an experiment and for me, experiments and the unknown is fun! LOL Here's the two layers. Pictures didn't come out too good for some reason. Someone touched something on the settings or the light was bad or something last night. Hope it wasn't work of soap fairies. I had home made chocolate chip cookies not far away for them to go to that, instead of my soap. LOL Next is my Olivia's coat hanger swirl method. I was so tired at that point. I just hope it isn't all mushed color inside. LOL I think I did it right. Scented Peak's Ocean which is an outrageous scent and also a known seizer. I had to try it and it worked well thanks to tips from E and Scented. Thank you again to both of you! The colors are all off from the pictures not coming out good. I used the tkb Pop! micas for the coloring. That stuff is a blast to play with. It was fun mixing up the colors. The jelly roll colors are a mixed green and a mixed purple, and the ocean is supposed to be ocean blue and a lighter ocean blue with less blue in it, which really looks almost greenish. I have to adjust the camera for the cuts pictures. I'm open to any advice on the jelly roll. If worse comes to worse with that, I'll just make layered blocks of soap. It won't be a total loss if it doesn't go well. I'm just hoping it peels well from the freezer paper. I think I should have smeared some mineral oil on the paper. Oh well, next time, now I know. The oils were all grocery store. Mostly lard with OO, coconut 76, and castor in them.
  14. Thank you! I really loved the smell of that fo, so it was worth it for me to try it.
  15. I did it!!!! http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showpost.php?p=636271&postcount=8 :whoohoo: *getdown*
  16. Well I'm happy to report there were no seizures in my ocean tonight!! Thank you E and Scented! I did as you said E, and only did regular water and also did as you said Scented and whipped it good. When I added the lye it did have a little bit of a strange texture look to it but I beat it into submission. I'd say it's a mover, but it didn't rice or seize on me!!!! Took a while to trace enough to swirl too. I could have used my squeeze bottle with it. I was ready though, in case it moved too fast. I think if you're not ready, yes it could be a mess if you aren't sure it's one to approach with caution. Less water, like 33% fixed, I could see there would have been a problem. Thank you!!! I HAVE CONQUERED PEAK'S OCEAN!!!!!! *roar*
  17. Yeah brain fart for me. LOL OMG I did it. Took picts in slab and will up them tomorrow. So tired. It's 4:30 here with the daylight saving time thing. I'm gonna regret this later on!
  18. I had my husband looking for wire to do it with and when he couldn't find any, he went out for a second and came to me with 4 in his hand. I love that man! I asked him where he got it and he said, "I've got connections".
  19. My oils are cooling now. My second batch of the night. And with an hour less sleep too. Boy am I gonna regret this later on when I get up to make the promised pancakes and sausage for the family!!! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
  20. Yeah and I am going to attempt some minor swirlage. Just laugh at me because I need to experience this. I'm determined! It will be a badge or something. I will get to be able to say "yes that seized on me badly". If it goes good though, I can say I conquered it. I love a challenge.
  21. Yay!!!! I the munchkins are fast asleep!!! I see some soap in my future!!!
  22. Love that swirl!!! Very nice!!!
  23. I'd tell you what I say but it's a secret! LOL Seriously I don't experience yet since my products are still in early testing. My husband asks me but he never remembers what I say anyway!
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