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Everything posted by singleyellowrose

  1. Mine is oil soluble. I added it to the warmed oils and stick blend it well.. before I add my lye solution. No more white spots.
  2. So do you want me to set you up with auto bill pay directly from my checking account now?
  3. I have soaped the following so far: Ancient Incense Bay & Citrus Citrus & Herbal Thyme Earthen Oak Enchanted Spice Guinevere's Attraction Merlin's Forest Patchouli Raspberry Spirit of Avalon Thieves I did soap Sun & Earth... but I MADE the mistake of taking a high liquid discount. I did pitch that batch. I have yet to put any in wax though. Tell me what throws well in wax. I use a ParaSoy blend.
  4. If you like Pumpkin Pie, buy it! It's my best seller from September to March. At this rate, I may as well just tell her I want 1# of whatever she gets in and bill me for it! Although, I think I would like a sniffy sample of the Dark Knight before I buy without smelling it first.
  5. Oh Abbie.. you are a bad bad woman! They both sound good... but I may actually skip the manly one. I don't sell much to guys as it is and I already have a couple that they like. As for the Citrus & Herbal Thyme... Now mind you, I DON'T rebatch. I pitch!:laugh2:and chalk it up to a failure. However, for some reason I decided to attempt a rebatch on this one. I followed the directions for rebatching from Southern Soapers.. and by golly .... IT WORKED!!! Looks ALOT better than it did in its previous life and it's SMOOTH!!! So, since this worked, I will not be re making it for awhile.
  6. Oh Abbie.... Ya know I wanna know ALL ABOUT Harvest Moon and Autumn Embers so.......SPILL IT!
  7. Citrus & Herbal Thyme. But like I said, my oils may have been a bit warmer than normal. Also, my recipe traces fairly fast. I am still on my first SB that I got 6 years ago! I will try it again this weekend with cooler oils and Full water. Will post my results here.
  8. :waiting:Abbie... I have now ordered ALL of her oils! Are you happy yet?:neener: Actually, I am TOTALLY loving her oils. I still have a few to soap. Only had one seize on me so far, but I think I was a lil warm on the oils. Will try it again with cooler oils and Full water.
  9. White Sage is absolutely awesome in soap. SHe sent a sample with my last order. You'd love it!
  10. ETA: Got me new scale... melting oils for some major weekend MW soaping!
  11. I wouldn't order anywhere BUT OWK. I ordered a KD7000 this morning and it has already shipped!
  12. The one that died is the one I started out with over 8 years ago!. Dang good scale! I had a KD600 but they don't make that kind anymore. Right now I am looking at a KD8000.
  13. Dang it! Now I have to find me a new one. What's your choice for soaping and B&B mainly?
  14. Woohoo:yay: and I can officially say I got em all! I will post pics later of the Guinevere's Attraction, Ancient Incense, Merlin's Forest and Enchanted Spice. Can't soap anymore tonite.. gotta FINALLY go pick up my car!
  15. I am going to try to soap Saffron & Spice Ancient Incense Celestial Sea Enchanted Spice Sun & Earth Patchouli Raspberry Merlin's Forest Guinevere's Attraction Earthen Oak Thieve this weekend. My oils are melted and waiting. I don't think I will be needing more SLSa yet! I will have to place an order at the Herbarie soon though. I did order ALL the remaining ones from the list so I will soon have them all. Not sure which ones I will be putting in the bubbly stuff yet. Will know when I get to making it.
  16. I just got my first order in today:yay: All i can say is OMG! There is not one of them I don't like. If they work well in all my applications and do well for me (which I think they will) I am a lifetime customer of hers! Shipping is lightning fast. I am melting oils now to get these babies into soap. Then they go into tarts, lotion, scrubs, and bubbly stuff for Abbie! Abbie, Any preference for the bubbly stuff? I will have em all shortly!l:rolleyes2
  17. Well I think you REALLY need to order... It will make you feel SO MUCH better and not left out! Actually, I am still working on the bubbly stuff, but you will get a couple of tester items here shortly... most likely scented with MW FOs.
  18. ABBIE!!!!!! I just placed another order Now ... I have every one of her FOs....
  19. Christy! YOU HAVE GOT TO TRY THEM... I poured a Saffron & Spice Parasoy tart last nite. And out of curiosity, I popped it in the melter this evening when I got home from work. Almost 24 hours. It smells awesome. I love it. I just made the Bay & Citrus in soap. I am loving this scent as well.
  20. OH BLESS YOU WOMAN!!! But I'm STILL blaming Scented!
  21. Not yet... getting my sample order ready though.
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