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Posts posted by CandleMama6

  1. That is one of the properties of soy wax. When you pour, you need to wait until the wax has cooled to a slushy stage. If you are pouring too hot, then you get tops that look somewhat like cauliflower.

    I heat my wax to 180 and then add my fragrance and color if any. Let it cool til it looks like a slushy then pour. You will get some frosting on the top, but that is normal and if it bothers you terribly then you can smooth it out with a heat gun.

    Once you have worked with your wax for a while, then you will know the correct consistency that you will need to pour at. Just takes lots of patience and practice.

    This board is a wonderful place for getting help and so far, I have yet to have a question go unanswered.

    Good luck and I hope this helps a little.


  2. I just put mine in the cello bags and don't have any problem. I wonder if maybe they are being stored someplace where they get too hot??? I can't see you use too much color, but maybe that could be the culprit too.

    How long do they sit in the bags usually before they are sold? Mine sell pretty quick so maybe that's why.

    I'm sorry I couldn't have been more help.


  3. Hi,

    I would think that the chips would not work. You would have to melt them and it seems like that would clog the beads and make it so they would not absorb properly.

    If all else fails, buy a color wheel so you can mix the colors they carry to create new colors. I also do a lot of color variances in mine. I have a Pear fo that I do two batches of beads with each batch having a different shade of green and maybe some clear beads. Then after the oils and colors have absorbed, I mix them together. It gives them a really cool look.



  4. I'm with you Kitchenfairy. I like to be able to track my shipments. How does the scent hold compared to BCN? Can you tell yet?

    Thank so much for posting your results. I need some of these and they are so much cheaper for me to get from aromabeadsonline than BCN.


  5. Hi,

    I started out with color and had horrible frosting and sometimes burn issues. So I decided to go dye free and LOVE IT!! Not one person has commented on the change negatively and like it has been mentioned in this thread by others, people can now get a cinnamon candle for a blue room if they choose. I do accent each scent with a ribbon that corresponds in color with the fragrance. That way you do still have a splash of color on the jar and people seem to really like that they can remove the ribbon if they choose.

    I personally love the colors but from a candle makers point of view, they are a pain in the butt. I have grown to like the natural colors but as you have been warned......keep really good track of scents when pouring multiple scents. Nothing worse than mixing labels up.

    I do maked colored candles on occasion for special orders and I charge an extra fee to do that. Since you should re-test when you add a new element, I charge for the time it will take me to test that scent. Then I just keep notes for future reference.

    I do color all my melts though. Since they are not wicked there is not a burn issue and they seem to sell a whole lot better when they have color to them.

    Michelle :yay:

  6. I have never heard of them either, sorry. But, I was looking at what they had and their prices seem a little high to me on the things I normally buy. Look at what they have and the prices, then look at other supplirs that people on the board have talked about and compare.

    That way you would know where they stand cost wise. As for service and such, you may have to just jump in and give them a try if you are really wanting to order from them.



  7. Hey Kitchen,

    That would be great. Have you used any other suppliers beads before? I hear that there are some out there are not a good quality at all.

    Thanks for your willingness to share your outcome.


  8. I did not know that chipping was cheaper online. I will have to check into that.

    So sorry to hear about hubbys legs. I hope that all goes well and he is back on his feet in no time.


  9. I can't see it either and I am jealous!! :angry2:

    I am going to mess around with it and see if I can get the picture to come up.


    Can't get the picture to load for anything. Would you e-mail me a copy??? I have been wanting to try these but am clueless on how to do them.

  10. Hey Michele,

    I just got an updated price list in the mail today of all things; actually they sent me two for some dumb reason. lol :shocked2: They sell for $3 up to $25 depending on the style. I could scan and e-mail the price list to you, but I don't think it would do you any good without the catalog to see exactly what is what.

    There are also some that require an order of 12 instead of 6.


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