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Posts posted by CandleMama6

  1. You can also go into your e-mail settings in the meanwhile and put them on your block/junk list. That should help to ensure that they go straight to your junk mail box.

    But keep an eye on the e-mail they are coming from. I noticed that they will change the e-mail with one letter or number so you keep getting them. I just keep adding them to my block and delete them with the rest of my junk.

  2. Hi All,

    I have been reading a ton about b&b products, lip balms and the like. There has been a lot of reference to soft butters and hard butters.

    How do I know which is which? Can someone help me please!!!! Also, what is considered a light oil vs a heavy oil??

    Thanks for any help that is given.

  3. Just keep adding more beeswax until you find a formula that works. I use seven different oils (inlcuding 3 liquid oils) in my beeswax lip balms and used to have the same problem with them melting in your pocket. I added more beeswax and have come up with a wonderful lip balm formula that stays firm in your pocket and still feels fantastic on your lips.

    Are you willing to share your formula?

  4. That is one of the reasons I do not purchase from suppliers with pay-pal. I use a debit credit card, so basically I use cash. I have read and heard so many horror stories about people filing disputes and then the one they are filing against closes up shop and no more money. I do not put anything on a regular CC but at least with a CC you can file a dispute.

    I would not shut off the option of pay-pal for your customers. Buyers protection should mean that the buyer is completely protected regardless of what the seller does. Sadly it does not happen that way. As for the company that screwed you, I guess you could always look at filing against her in small claims court. In my state, I can sue anyone in the US as long as I did the business in my state. You might want to check into that. At least that way you might be able to get a judgement against her for what she owes plus interest and court fees.


  5. I would think that you might be able to get them from a supplier, but not sure who. I get mine from Freecycle. I also let people in my church know that I use them. You would not believe how quick word spreads and then you have a ton lying around. I have never had to buy any even when I have orders for 100+. I always decorate the tops with fabric and batting. Kinda the quilt looking top. The fabric just depends on what the occassion is.



  6. Do you make these and sell them individually? If so, I would sell them at like a "pack" price. So if you sell them for $0.75 a piece then sell the pack for $4.00. Hope that makes sense.

    They are great though. Absolutely love them!! I especially like the little shapes on the top. What kind of wax are you using for them? also, are they regular muffin size or mini muffin size? And where in the world did you get the pans?

  7. I add 20% soy and it smooths it all out.

    Ok, my brain is gone on vacation for the week-end. When doing a lb of the KY wax, how many oz of KY do you use and how many oz of soy?

    Also, I have the 415, can you use that for the soy?


  8. Nothing personal? I think if it was "nothing personal" you would not have named me for your example. I guess I am the only one that shops outlet malls, and closeouts, and sales, and such too? You cannot tell me if a purse you absolutely adored cost 350.00 and then in a different store you saw the same exact purse discontinued and on sale for 25 bucks you wouldn't buy it? You all just want someone to argue with or gang up on. You may still do it, but I won't be around to read it. If they can delete posts that matter and let baiting trash like this stay, then this is not the board for me.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled show----- I have money to make!!!:P

    Seems like you are taking this very personal. The purpose of this thread was to inform people of the business tactics and misleading practices of this supplier. From what I have read, you are the only one that is happy with them. That is not picking on you, but stating a fact.

    If you are able to use Mr. Missy and incorporate his line into your business then that is great. But don't be nasty to others who cannot or choose not to do so.

    The man is dishonest, misleading and does not know how to do business in my opinion. You don't have to agree with our opinions, but stop acting like you are being picked on!!

  9. My question is what new customer is going to spend that much to try his fragrances. I have ordered orders well over $150, but those have been on suppliers that I know and have used for more than just checking them out.

    This guy is smoking something if he actually thinks that a new customer will spend $150 to test his closeouts!!

  10. <Edited to remove anything about selling venues that distract from the topic>

    I have purchased closeouts before, but I knew up front that they were closeouts. I also trusted the sources of the reviews for these oils. BCN/BCS has had some fantastic closeouts and when I get a good one, I sell it as a special fragrance or selection; but at least I know up front the risk of not getting it again. I also agree that testing is too time consuming and costly to have to repeat when you have to replace an oil.

    I am just glad I had not ordered yet. His way of doing business may be his way, but if I did my business that way, I would lose my customers and be OUT of business.

    Glad I know now but I am so sorry to all those who got screwed!!

    Heh, maybe that was why there were never any descriptions??

  11. Wow!! :shocked2: I was getting ready to order some samples since they have had such great reviews. I agree with you guys. I would rather pay shipping or pay a higher price to have a lower minimum. Very rarely are my orders even close to that.

    Guess they just lost the business of a lot of us little guys. :(

  12. I have been using the nuker with my pyrex for years and have never had any problems at all!! I always let mine sit in the microwave for a few minutes before I remove it though.

    I would be concerned about using plastic though. Seems like the scent would get into the plastic. :confused:

    Guess I will have to keep an extra close eye now!!

  13. Well, it looks like more thing I am going to have to add to my "try list". Seems like coloring it would not be too hard since you mix the color with the oil first....at least I do when I make Aroma Beads.

    I would think that adding the color after would be horrible!!

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