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Posts posted by blt212

  1. I'm considering adding Room Sprays to my lineup. I would love to get some feedback on how they sell and in what size container. Also do you use the premade base and just add FO? I found some premade on Aroma Haven's site...other suggestions? I need to add another product like a hole in the head but I'd like to add a non-candle product for warmer months...

    Thanks for the help!

  2. I have to agree with funkymonkey on this one....my computer has all kinds of virus, anti-theft protection. I also shop online using more than 1 credit card from the same computer but the only cc that get's hacked is the one for my business. The difference being the places I shop using my business card are typically candle suppliers, shipping and an occasional unique supplier. I also shop alot on amazon using both cc cards so I can safely say I don't feel the problem is a result of amazon.

  3. Just found out mine was hacked again.....this is the third time in the last year. It's crazy because I shop online with another card and have never gotten hacked using that one however I don't purchase any candle supplies with it. I doubt it's amazon because I shop there all the time with the other card. I agree, I think it has to be one of the suppliers and their cc info getting hacked. It appears this just happened within a week and the suppliers I used during that time are:

    Cajun Candles






    There was also a weird charge on 12/22 from a company called "That Free Thing" for $39.95 and then a credit for the same company a few days later. No idea who this company is or if it could be related to the cc theft. This latest incident involved purchases of books and school supplies so the fraud company thinks it was a student.

    Unfortunately, I think it's going to be very difficult to determine where or how it's happening but so frustrating to have to change cards for recurring bills...

  4. I usually get my 16oz smooth mason jars from Candles and Supplies and the boxes have the mfg info on them as Leone Industries, Model 271. Unfortunately, C&S, doesn't have stock of these anymore and the jar they've replaced it with is narrower and taller so I'm trying to find a supplier of the Leone ones. Before calling them directly, if anyone else orders this jar from a different supplier than C&S, can you let me know which one...

    Much appreciated.

  5. This seems like a silly question but do you find that some jars tend to frost more than others?? This is what I'm finding when comparing the 8oz jelly to the 16oz mason. I can pour the same day, same temps, same FO, same dyes, same wax, cool on the same rack in the same room and get frosting in the jellies and not in the masons. What is up with that? I'm thinking it's because the jellies are cooling too fast because they're smaller.....


  6. Trapp: I need to change my comment on Blue Spruce, haven't tested it.....I got it confused with Bayberry or Scotch Pine. The teflon brain coating that Stella talks about must be coming back.. Guess I'll have to order a sample since we both use the same wax and you're having good luck with it. Testing Christmas Hearth now which has a good throw....

  7. Hi Stella...

    Nope, my fault, I said Excel but it was E200. Just checked my notes and emails and found correspondence with Angie Horton from Elevance on Elite testing. It sucks to get old!! The samples they sent me came in slab form. I actually still have some left....Other notes, indicate the fragrance load is 6-8%...they suggest ripping the wick and repouring to deal with cracks or sink holes. In rereading my notes, I wrote scent throw seemed to be better than C3 and I was able to use a smaller wick than C3 in the same jar. It's all coming back to me now....like I said before I was just turned off on the complete pull away look in the tumblers. I may have to revisit the latest rendition and see how it performs....


    Here's one of the emails from Angie about the wax:

    From: Angie Horton <Angie.Horton@elevance.com>

    To: Brenda Hunter <blt212@yahoo.com>

    Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 3:16:21 PM

    Subject: RE: C-3


    One slab of the E-200 will go out today. The UPS tracking number is 1Z21920E0398931586.

    Yes, when I say complete pull away, I mean shrinkage away from the jar. It will not adhere to the sides of the jar, but it does not pull away enough for it to rattle or fall out (is usually stays adhered on the bottom of the jar). We rarely see wet spots because this wax likes to pull away completely. The biggest issue we see with this wax is when people cool it too fast and it pulls away too quickly, leaving a slight film on the jar. This can easily be mitigated by preheating the jars, heating the wax up to around 180F, raising the ambient temperature a little, not using fans, basically cooling the wax slower (but not too slow!). I can work with you if you see this issue.

    Let me know what you think of our E-200! Thanks.


    Angie Horton

    Elevance Renewable Sciences

    175 E. Crossroads Parkway Suite F

    Bolingbrook, IL 60440


    Office: 630.633.7219

    Mobile: 248.719.9885

  8. I did some testing on a new wax from Elevance called Excel last Spring. Has Excel become E200-Elite?? I had asked Fillmore at that time if they were going to carry it and they were looking into it. Not sure if the product has changed from testing but I found the scent throw to be comparable to C3. However I only tested a half dozen scents. One of the things I didn't like was it had complete pull-away from the jar. This can be great with some jars so you don't get the wet spots but in the case of the Libbey tumbler, it looked odd because of the curve in the bottom of the tumbler. If I recall frosting was supposed to be improved....I did get a little in a deep red Mac Apple candle. Sorry I can't be more help, after I saw the Libbey jars, I kind of put it aside.

  9. Just wanted to provide an update on CS's response. They said the Cinnamon Sticks formula has not changed and the scent issue may be due to the variables in using soy wax. They noted I didn't purchase my wax from them...maybe thinking it was a compatibility issue. I explained I use C3 which they carry. So really didn't get anywhere there. I also asked why Cinnamon Sticks was one of the only fragrances I still receive in glass bottles. I was thinking possibly it was an older supply and might be weaker but they explained, they had problems packaging it in plastic so switched back to glass for that fragrance. In the meantime I'm waiting on my Fillmore order and will report results once I test....

  10. My last order with them didn't turn out too good either.....ordered polyester labels which I get from Online Labels all the time but I only need a few of this particular size. They are arrived very yellowed....they explained that's the way that type is....which isn't true. They did said I could return them but it took 2 emails and 3 phone calls to get to that point....I stick with Online Labels if possible....

  11. I've never worked with tins or gb444 and I'm taking over mfging for another candlemaker because she can't do it anymore. She has given the info below but before I begin testing, if anyone has some input on suggested wicks or sizes for these combos, I'd appreciate it.

    Tin: 4oz

    Wax: GB444

    Wick: htp105

    FO Load: 10%

    Tin: 2oz

    Wax: GB444

    Wick: 2-2.5inch wick??

    FO Load: 10%

    Interlude 12oz

    Wax: GB444

    Wick: HTP1212

    FO Load: 12%


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