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Posts posted by blt212

  1. Just in case someone else is leaving their respirator on a shelf like I was...be aware that it is probably being contaminated and won't protect you. I just came from a paint store and bought a new respirator because the air flow in mine seems constricted even though the cartridges were pretty new. The clerk explained that the respirator needs to be stored in a air proof bag to keep from absorbing odors while not in use.

    It seems like common sense now but I never thought of it. Two years ago, I got bronchitis and said I would be good about wearing a respirator. Well I came down with bronchitis again and I'm thinking it's candlemaking related.

    So everyone please be careful!

  2. Thanks will check out addtl info. I never had to change the wicking when using the lid. It's really more of a decorative thing for me than anything to do with soot. I don't get sooting whether it's used or not as long as customers don't let the wick get really long....I think they're cute and cast a nice shadow in dim lit rooms.

  3. Anyone know where these can be purchased? I used to get them at Candles and Supplies but now they only carry larger ones. These fit the 8oz or 16oz Mason or Jelly Jars....

    I would even consider having a custom ones made with my logo stamped out but I don't know what or if any companies would do that....

    Feedback appreciated.



  4. I have been emailing the Candlemaker's Store to let them know that I'm having a problem with 2 or 3 wickstickers lifting after wicking 30 jars or so. I clean the jars, wipe the bottom with alcohol using a qtip, make sure it's dry, apply the wick with a wicksetter. At this point, they are stuck good. I can lift the jar by the wick. Then I go about mixing wax dye, etc....anywhere from 10-30 minutues can go by. I then go back and check them and find that a few have lifted up. So I remove, and start again. At that point, the sticker is stuck really good to the metal wick tab but doesn't feel that sticky on the other side that came loose. They've said they haven't had any other complaints....hard to believe I could be the only one. I also keep a dehumidifer going so I don't think that's the issue. I store the unused stickers in a ziplock bag...

    Once the candle has set, I check the bottoms to make sure they are stuck down....I know alot of you use silicone...I hate to go that route with the setup time but may have to....

    Appreciate any input or feedback on issues you may have seen with them...

    Thank you

  5. Have to agree with NaturallyTru....I had a similar situation but now I let them know upfront that it's possible and they are not returnable. You can't control the temperatures in stores. If they are concerned then tell them to order them undyed. I find the smaller jars are more susceptible so I recommend undyed with those. I also explain about not adding additives and/or paraffin and also compare soy wax to chocolate and the way it can get a white film due to temp variations. HTH

  6. Hi Juanita

    It's a Direct Heat Melter and Coogar was great while ordering. I actually haven't called them yet because I want to try a few more things first. I just repoured all candle tonight using one of the turkey fryers with a new box of wax and everything setup great, no frosting. Prior I heated up the Coogar a bit higher and poured and still got the weird starbursts. I've decided I'm going to shut it down, let the wax harden and remelt and retry. If it still happens, I'm going to remove the wax to make sure it's not some kind of residue left in the tank from when it was made. So crazy that I got the melter to eliminate uneven heating with the turkey fryer and it's saving my butt right now....

    Vicky is you're out there, please jump in, I know you love the Coogars and I'm probably missing the obvious. I also love that the wax is ready but not with the frost.

  7. Well I bit the bullet and bought a Coogar 160lb and I'm adjusting to pouring with it. My question is for those using Coogars, Did you find you had to increase your melt temps to correlate more with the Turkey Fryers. (Prior heated to 200F) I was keeping the Coogar on 185F....I use C3 and it seemed like it cools so quickly during the FO, pouring process which I think is causing frost to show up in the finished candle when I didn't have it before. Also the frost is different, more like little dispersed snowflakes from about halfway up the jar to the top. So I know it's a temperature thing.

    I'm doing a Turkey Fryer/Coogar Comparison Today and I had to put the Coogar on 215F to get the pour to come out at 199F. If I shoot the temp with my laser in the Cooger tank it says it's 215F but I think it's reading the bottom metal more than the wax temp.

    Also, what temp do you leave the Coogar on when you're not using it?

    Thanks so much in helping with me with my "growing pains"


  8. Anyone else notice Peak's FO pricing has been going up and up. I just placed an order for 4 lbs of 4 scents and with shipping (25% less special) the average price per ounce is $1.50. Candlescience seems so much more reasonable on the majority of their fragrances. Too bad, I really like the ones I order from Peak :wink2:

  9. Thanks everyone for the info....the more I research, the more I think it's more of a pain than it's going to be worth. Anyway, check out this link. They sell essential oils sprays that are just water and essential oils. They do say you have to shake them. I would think these would need a preservative but I guess not. They also have recipies on how to mix.


  10. Well I thought I was all set with CMS spray base but I'm getting some push back from customers who went a very natural mix.

    Anyone have a recipe for the distilled water version with essential oils including the percentage of essential. I found a couple of mfg's and they don't list any preservatives, just distilled water so now I'm completely baffled about making these.

    Thank you,

  11. I'm researching room sprays and have settled on the CMS base and FO but while looking on Yankee's site for pricing comparison's, I see their room spray indicates it's also "odor eliminating". Is this just a matter of mixing an odor elim FO along with the desired FO scent. Sounds like the two would work against each other in the same spray

    Thanks for the help.

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