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Posts posted by Tess

  1. Okay I got them unmolded, and I hate to tease ya'll but DANG they look pretty good. I think I am pretty good on the swirls. The color was suppossed to be orange with red swirls, but the orange came out like peach. I really need to get some quality colorings though. All I had were red and yellow! Okay so no pics as of yet, DH swiped my camera before he went to work so I'll have to wait till he gets home tonight!!

    No A or D so once again I got lucky. One question though, when i was cleaning up my mess, I noticed there were no bubbles from the soap. Is it too early to tell if it will lather well?? TIA--Tess

  2. Thanks for the info!! That was very helpful, since I did not know about the paperwork with suppliers.

    I have thought about getting someone to sell my stuff wholesale also.

    I am worried about losing clientel, simply because I sell at a local "market days" and they are buying because they are there. Although I do think some would buy online, not everyone has internet acess, or may want to go through the inconvienence of ordering. They buy my stuff because it is right there, they can choose scents and smell new ones, and If I am not there they buy from someone who is. Even loyal customers of my competitors there buy from me instead when they are not there. I just don't want to even give the oppurtunity to my competitors. I hope I make sense lol!!

    I like the idea of a wholesaler though, I may have to look more into that at this months market days.

  3. Hi all. Well I have gotten some good news, but in a way bad news from DH. Now I have been pondering over this for a whole day, and have thought about my options, but I thought I could throw this out there to see if anyone else maybe able to come up with ideas that I may not see. Heres the dillema:

    DH got a decent raise yesterday, and was told a big huge promotion is in the future if he wanted it. This promotion would more than double our salary now. BUT we would have to re-locate. Right now I have a really good local clientel at a craft show here. I make about 300-400 dollars from 9-4. To me this is good, and I don't want to let this go. If we move, I have start all over again clientel wise.

    Now the good side is, We will be able to afford a nice home, a huge workshop for me, and even an SUV which will help me with the buisness, and toting things around. Not to mention I will be closer to my local suppliers for Jars and Wax.

    So now that I have broken the board with the bandwith of my long story, I have come down to an idea. I am thinking of having someone take over my craft show here, so I do not have to lose my clientel, while I make a another clientel or "branch out". I am thinking my best bet would be to have this person on consignment, where they would make 45% of the show earnings. Which is just under my wholesale for me. Basically I provide here with enough stock and a full set-up at the show, and all she would have to do is set-up, sell and break-down. So in order to do this do I have to become LLC? Would she be an employee or is there a special consignment or percentage thingy?:confused:

    I am open to all suggestions so please help me see the light lol!! Thanks a bunch to all who were able to read through all of this!! :D

  4. I finally made my 2nd batch of CP!! I used Fruit Slices (Peak) and so far no acceleration. It did get just a little clumpy on the bottome of the pot, but I just tossed it in with the rest, that should be okay right? I did Orange, with Red swirls, I cannot wait to see how it comes out. This is the hard part, waiting!! I just put it to bed, I should check on it in say 3 days right?? TIA--Tess

  5. I would not buy HP if I were you. Sure they are great and work fine when they are new, but I have NEVER had one that lasted past the warranty. I have had 3 in a row, and each one broke some ir-replaceable part right after the 1 year mark. They wanted me to send it to them to fix the problems. I think not. I would suggest an Epson, or a Canon. I am looking for a new 4-in-1 laser printer myself.

  6. You can use the flower pot as a mold. Make sure to use release as you would with ANY mold. Also be wary of the "cheap" dollar store glasses. They are not all the same size, and some have prominent lips, making it impoosible to take the votive out. I use the Crisa brand from Hobby Lobby, but they just marked the prices up by 100%, so good luck!!--Tess

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