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Posts posted by Tess

  1. An analogy for what Robin is saying would be like sucking up liquid through a straw. How much effort it takes depends on the viscosity (thickness) of the liquid, like the difference between milk and a milkshake. If you want to make the effort equal you use a wider straw for the milkshake.

    The size of wick you need depends on more than one thing, but the viscosity of the melt pool is a big one. Wax, additives and FO all affect it.

    That's also the whole reason why you need a much bigger wick for soy than for paraffin. If you work with soy you can see how much thicker a liquid it is than melted paraffin. One of the ways the misconception got around about soy being less sooty and longer burning is that some researchers at Iowa State compared paraffin, beeswax and soy, all with the same wicking material. Of course the paraffin was wildly overwicked and burned way faster and sootier than the other two. They just didn't understand about different wicks and how candles are designed in the real world.

    Murray your so smart!!:cheesy2:

  2. This is what I love about this forum. I am always given a lot of "food for thought." This is why I come back here again and again and again. Before I venture out and try to become a real "business," I need learn ... and then learn again and again and again. I am always grateful for what I glean from this website. Thank you.

    I think I will trademark the name "Candles" and not let Yankmee, and others use it. Or I could trademark "wax" Geesh as generic as some of their terms are I do not see why not.

  3. I would definately take the contract, so you could show her that yours be better. I would tell them that even though HI offers a 50% profit, they are

    1. more expensive

    2. Not handpoured

    3. An inferior product that does not burn properly and is know for recalls, (they recalled on fundraiser candles about 1 month ago)

    Tell them even though you are charging XX% that your candles

    1. ARE hand-pored so people apprecciate it more,

    2. Not as expensive so people will buy more,

    3. highest quality that burns (state your candles characteristics here)

    4. By purchasing from you they save on shipping

    5. By purchasing from you their money stays withing the community, and since you pay taxes, well those taxes go to community funding like schools.

    That is what I would do. A deal is a deal, and you already purchased your supplies.

  4. Well acutally you CAN burn in an airtight container. Air tight means it just prevents air from slipping in and out. There are still some air particles in the air. NOW if it were a small container, the air would eventually be evaporated by the flame and turned into carbon dioxide/monoxcide.

    AND certain EO's are most definately proven to kill airborn bacteria. Some of these are lavender, and eucalyptus. (I have done my research can ya tell).

    Sooooo it is possible that some FO's do too, but maybe not as well as straight EO. It depends on the purity of the FO really. I use Eucalyptus to wipe down surfaces in my bathroom, when I am sick and sometimes burn the oil in a diffuser in my room when I am down with the flu. It must work too, because when I do it, no one else gets sick. HTH:)

  5. I am gonna play around with these. One question though. On wicking the thing, do you aim to get the smoke, or just wick bigger because it is a dense FO. I thought these should burn like a regular candle, but I have read through searching that some like to make their smoke on purpose. Your opinions on how these should burn Thanks!!

  6. Tess the merchant link I dont advise unless you own e commerce software.

    Inventory describe how you want to track inventory.

    Describe how you want your pos to look.

    Describe how you want your raw materials tracked

    Well Basically I will be getting a laptop from a friend. It is a dell a few years old, running on windows ME. I usually do outdoor craft shows and some indoors. electricity is no problem though.

    Now, I want to be able to use this laptop with a POS. I want to use something that will help me check out customers more efficently. I am getting more and more customers, and sometime they have to wait will I check someone else out. I would like to just scan their items, tender their ticket, and hand them a reciept which will save me time.

    I have trouble keeping up with inventory while I sell because I cannot write everything down since I usually have too many customers to stop and jot. I tried counting everything at the end of the day but that is hell especiall when I want to just go home after being sunbeat. So I want my POS to track inventory for me too.

    Something with added bonus would be great, like taking coupons, possibly tracking cutomer info, so maybe I could do a buy 10 get one free thing eventually. And it would like to be able to run sales reports as well, so I can more efficently do my sales taxes and stuff like that. I do 2 diffrent sales tax zones so I would have to be able to change from rate to rate depending on which county I am in.

    I looked up some and they started at over 1000 just for software. I dont really need anything fancy, and used is fine I would think. I found this on ebay, but it does not come with the scanner and stuff, I guess I have to buy that seperately. IT sounds like what I need I think.


    Thanks!! I hope this can help ya help me lol!!:D

  7. I guess really depends on the co. we dont get free boxes from the PO here in the US either. I do order some boxes to use for customer orders, and I just add that into my cost like you said. But I do think the box is a representation of your company. Kinda like a first impression thing. I recycle my boxes too on ocassion, and I do it depending on the customer. I remember noticing a supplier of mine started shipping in their own custom made boxes with their logos and stuff, I was impressed. I did not really make a diffrence in my orders I dont think, but I was like cool!!

    Peaks is cool for omitting the invoice for you to help ya out Linney ;) . I bet customs can be a real PITA

  8. Bizzy I agree with you nonetheless. I understand the recycled box thing, and I do it on occassion, ONLY if the box is clean, sturdy, and has no advertising of any of my suppliers.

    I agree with the invoicing. You should have definately recieved one. That is completely unprofessional. I always get an invoice with my Peak, Linny I am surprised that you dont get a signed invoice from Peak. We all do.

    I think as far as giving them a chance to do good, Well I thought you took that chance by ordering from them. They HAD better make good on the situation. Sometimes oils leak, but a whole box of oils? Have they NEVER shipped FO's before? And even if I had wonderful patience, the list of unprofessionalism goes on and on just on your first order!! That is some really bad luck for them lol. If it were me I would give them the chance to correct the situation, but they had better to a GREAT job of it if they wanted me as a repeat customer. JMO.

  9. Girl I dont know what to tell ya. Victoria MD is getting so bad they cancelled for a few months. We had a total of 25 vendors last time!! I am thinking of not going back, but the only reason I might is becuase I have an established clientel there. IF it werent for that I would not. You have to ask yourself, if it was worth it. If it was then go for it!!!

  10. But not sure what I am looking for. I did a search on the old site and got website software. That is not what I need. I am looking for something that I can use at shows I guess like a point of sale thing, where I can use bar codes, but I also want it to track down an inventory, and do all that good stuff. Basically anything that will make my job easier. I would also need to link my merchant account to it if possible. Does anyone know if something like this exists? Thanks all!!

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